Cider and Seven Heroes

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Zeke watches as Tiamo starts to play a game with Celesti and helping her in situations from being attacked by many who have learned something was going on. Whispering in her ear or even signaling her in the mirror and leaving messages that can only be seen in the mirror. Zeke saw that Tiamo was starting to like the girl and was happy to see him mature to liking some one but knows if Tiamo wants true love he will have to test her when the time has come not wanting his grandchild be hurt from false love.

He then turns his view over to Obitel who has gone to the surface in the body of a Seeker male that looks exactly like him, and was dressed nicely holding the flowers and bear as he stands in front of a average house in surrounded by a field of plants and a large barn behind it. When the door opens in front of him a female Seeker in farming outfit who has long brown hair and seems a bit older and a bit tired her skin was a very light brown and her horns are small. Her name is Cider and she is a farmer who has no family left after epidemic she has not been married or even a boyfriend having to keep her parents wish alive for the farm to flourish and feed people who wants good crops.

Obitel met her by chance when he was journeying all over the world to find new types of food and crops to experiment with in cooking. He found her selling her crops in a stall near the gate of a town called Greystone a town with abundance of trade and farms. She was selling veggies that seem like corn but was curves like a cane and was light purple. He asked her the name of the crop and she told him Calrn and she told him the benefits of the crop and its taste he buys all her stock and asks if she will have dinner with him and looked at him with disgust saying she doesn't like people who only buy things to impress others.

Obitel liked her mind set and then asked around about her and is told she is the last of her clan and has a serious passion for farming. He also learned that many men tried to buy her whole stock to get her on a date but when she rejected them they would stomp on her crops and insult them calling them rotten or tasteless. He feels like he messed up and asks for her address and makes way to her house knocking on her door and when she answers she gives him an annoyed look but he bows his head and apologizes for his actions. 

He then tells her that he is a wondering chief and was looking for new types of crops to make new diss with them. He then asks her if he can show her how he can make up to by cooking her a meal with her own ingredients. She stares at him for awhile then agrees to his idea and lets him in her house and he is shown where the kitchen is and he starts to take out the produce he bought for the day and a big chuck of meat he bought from a butcher. She sits at the table in her home and watches the man start to prep the items. He roasts the calrn and adds a series of pieces he carries on him while seeming to make a pot of stew with the meat and veggies. 

Cider smells the food he is cooking and her stomach growls loudly and Obitel turns to her with a smile and laughs saying she seems hungry. She looks away a bit mad and blushes when he was done cooking he carried the food over to the table and set it up and told her to dig in. She thanks the goods above and then starts to eat the stew he made and her taste buds are cheering in glee at the taste of it and she unknowingly smiles eating more and more of the stew at a fast pace. She then takes the roasted calrn and takes a bite and her mouth grows into a larger smile as she never expected for a her crops to taste so amazing. 

When she discovered what she was doing and turns to Obitel she makes another embarrassed face and says that it was amazing and she apologizes for her actions. He laughs it off and say its water under the bridge and then tells her if it was okay to have more meals in the future together  if she wants too. She looks at the man and tells him she would like to have another meal with him again and the two start to talk about some stories they wish to share. The night passes and Obitel and Cider would spend more meals together over the course of several years and it would develop into a relationship.

Obitel would eventually settle down in the town and manages to open a restaurant in the town selling dishes from Ciders crops. The scene now returns to him standing at her door and awaiting  for her to open the door when she did she sees him standing there and hands her the gifts he has for her. Receiving the gifts from him a smile appears on her face and she hugs and kisses him on the cheek and invites him in. They have a wonderful night of food and drinks and then snuggle on her couch to a roaring fire and enjoy one another. Zeke turns he watch away from the two and is glad Obitel seems to have found the right one for him, he sends Obitel a message saying to tell her on her death bed that he's a god.

Zeke turns his sites back to the five heroes and their journey thorough the monster infested lands slamming any of them that get in their way or attack defenseless villages and towns. Then he turns his sites to the two other heroes that will soon cross paths with the rest of the group, The Bard Thereus is walking down a path with the Spearmen Flina as he plays his loot and hum an melody of them fighting a group of Werlynx that attacked them when they first met and how they are sent on a mission by the gods to help kill the king of monsters. Flina is a calm but can turn serious when need to type keeping eye around them as they travel to a town that is said to be raided by a group of monsters in armor called Helux. 

The monsters are four legged cat like beings with sharp eyes and wield spears and are as large as a grown walker. They monsters are said to be lead by a large one of them that seems yo be wearing golden armor and has a glowing red mane from its head to tail. They named it Helux Commander and its seems to be the boss of them and is telling the others what to do. After several days of travel they hear sounds of battle as up ahead over a hill and rush to see the commotion. 

When they arrive they see a group of five being attacked by many Helux , they see the group is having a hard time in defending against them. The two agree to help them and the charges in stabbing one of them with her spear while another two are stabbed in the neck by small daggers from Thereus. With the surprise attack the other Helux are distracted and they are overwhelmed by the five they attacked. After several minutes if battle it was over and all the monsters were dead, when they were dead the five turn to look at the two and and then introduce themselves to heir saviors.

The two parties say their names to each other but as they do all seven are brought to the same space as before and see the giant Goddess there again showing a smile and explaining the situation to them all. They are told these are two other heroes that will help them fill in their ranks and aid them in battle by covering their short comings. After the explanation and keeping every one of them in the loop they are gifted several items that will help them in the future. With that done the seven make way together to the town the Helux are raiding .

Before they arrive to the town the seven of them make camp and they all talk about their journeys and quest. they mention their battles and events that help build their trust in each there and how the battles went. They bond over the bond fire stories and a meal of rations they had. They see to make progress in familiarizing with each other but as they do a large bright light come from the direction of the down and all seven know it means emergency. They douse the fire pick up their gear and rush off to the battled that will be know Battle of Dusk and Dawn.

Well you died and are now GOD.Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin