Next gen and Sailing

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Back in Zekes world his son Dusza is out of his temple in a local town that is just getting to of winter. He and his aid are going around to inspect damages and hear the words of the people he became in charge of. As they do the inspection Dusza then hears a melody from the corner of the town square and decides to investigate the melody. When he arrives at the source he senses a female Piber singing a beautiful song with a lute seeming to be enraptured with her melody. After she finishes her song she notices her audience and seems to be scrambling to her feet and speaks,


Dusza ( Its okay young one I have a question for you who taught you to sing so well and play your lute? Also I would like to know your name?)

Etla ( Im Etla and I learned how to do these on my own I'm an orphan and have been living in this town. I am considered a nuisance in the town because all I do is play my lute and sing and barely make a living.)

Dusza ( Hmmm a nuisance? you are talented your melody really drew me in and wanted to listen to it more and more. Hey why don't you come to my compound and live their playing your beautiful music?)

Etla ( Your compound? thank you mr. but I was taught at least to not fall for the tricks of strangers.)

Dusza ( Oh Stranger am I you grew up in this town basically by your self so it makes sense you don't know who I am now? Im the lord of  this land and Grand Master of the Temple my name is Dusza nice to meet you.)

Hearing these words Etla's eyes go as wide as dinner plates and starts to speak fast and rapidly apologizing to him for her disrespect.  But he just laughs it off and seems interested in this young Piber, then he puts his hand on he shoulder gentle trying to calm her down but then he enters a dark space by force and feels a massive amount of power. He then feels as if he is being stared down at by a very powerful being as he shudders.

Dusza then forces himself to look up at the power, when he looks up he sees a large three eyed woman inspecting him with interest then makes gentle eyes as Dusza is kicked out of the space. He stumbles back and catches himself as he breaths heavy and tries to regain his train of thought. He then  looks to the nervous looking Etla as she seems to be more confused by the interaction.

Dusza ( Wow sorry had a hot flash their for a moment happens from time to time by my offer still stands to live in my compound. So wanna live with us Etla?)

Etla ( If you don't mind my music too much then I shall go' if I can still play my music ?)

Dusza ( That is fine so lets get you packed up and ill send some disciples to aid you in the move and we will have a room ready for you when you arrive.)

Etla seems to be finicky and thanks him several times over as he laughs and seems to be interested in this girl. But he thinks to himself as what the large three eyed woman n can be and decides to look into what he can remember about the woman look. Unknown to him he has recruited one of this generations Hero who has already awakened her powers but does not know it just yet. As this goes on in north in a sea near the Central Continent on a small ship Jirka is sitting on the deck of the ship looking out at the sea and clouds. Around him are the Nekoi's he has befriended seem to be enjoying themselves.

They are playing some of their native interments and eating some food they cooked as Tact approaches Jirka with a large cut of meat and a mug of juice for him.

Tact ( Jirka na I'm glad you took my invitation to join my crew to this central Continent you spoke of before na.)

Jirka ( Well it was the only way for me to get off that island after slaughtering all those weird monsters plus my ship was destroyed.  So my options were very selective but anyway thank you for taking me.)

Tact ( NYA HA HA HA you are the first other race we have met on this journey after leaving are home land na.  Plus we don't have a way to navigate to this land you spoke about na, and you are very powerful compared to even the scaled and Yet-tah.)

Jirka ( I do not know those two races but I take its a honor until I meet those races I won't know their true strengths just yet.)

Tact ( I have to ask about somethings Jirka you said we are heading to the a city called Fuka right na?)

Jirka ( Yes its a large coastal town on the central continent know for in integration and adventuring hub, its said to have a large Adventures guid their rivaling only the first one created. Thats the one who issued my request and where I go and collect my reward.)

Tact ( OHHHHHHHH that sounds so interesting na. But you said that we must stay with you when we arrive correct na?)

Jirka ( Thats correct for if any one is stupid they will have a problem with me and every one if anyone who knows my look will be smart not do a thing. Plus I will get you a sort of protection from the guild master who owes me a favor.)

Tact ( Why thank you na. But remember we are no weaklings and can beat many different beast na.)

Jirka ( Ive seen your strength and you do have it but still better safe then sorry for I wouldn't want my new captain and crew to be in any dangers.)

Tact and Jirka talk some more as the rest join in and ask many questions about the city Fuka they are going too and about the trade and items they have never seen. Jirka explains to them the best of his abilities and how money and such works and they need money to actually stay places and buy things. Which is a whole new concept to them.

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