Becoming a father and Journeys End

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Zeke pops up at the notification and then scrambles to open his interface and quickly makes a Vessel to go down to Lige in this moment. He appears right in the next room and burst in to the room to see Lige holding something wrap in a white blanket. In the same room is Aruno and Viota in vessels as well who helped in the birthing process.  She sees Zeke in his vessel and looks at him with a gentle smile and light tears in her eyes, she looks exhausted and a bit out of it. But when Zeke comes closer she shows him the child but his surprise when he looks, his eyes go wide not  at the site of the child but at the side of three of them.

Lige is holding Three babies in her arms daringly and calmly looking at Zekes reaction as the babies seem  to be in different state one cries, one looks at Zeke and the other stays quiet. Lige speaks,

Lige ( Come near and hold your children my love let them feel your warmth so they can know of it.)

Zeke looks at Lige a bit nervously and scared as he is then handed one child at a time, Teheran all there where in his arms he felt the small beings in his arms and he has a sudden urge to protect them as a large amount of power comes out of Zeke without him realizing it and it enters the three children and then stops. The two other goddess in the room looks at the scene and are breathless for Zeke has finally blessed some one since the creation of the world. All three babies then seemed calmer in his embrace and then he looks at Lige and asks,

Zeke ( What are their genders Lige?)

Lige ( They are all boys looks like by wishes for a son came true threefold. They still don't have names yet my love why don't you name all three of our sons and the next kid we have is all mine to name.)

Zeke Looks at his wife and then back to their sons and looks over the three children and starts to think of worthy names for the boys. As he looks at three of them he tries to think of the right fit for them then he seems to have made a decision 

Zeke ( For the quite one he is the biggest so your name will Jirka , for the one looking round and seems aware he shall be called Viam, and the last one who is crying loudly he seems determined so you are gonna be called Dusza.)

Once they were named the children all seem to understand their names as they look at  Zeke and smile or laugh they are then handed back to Lige. Then space and time freezes around them and then in the room all the gods appear surrounding the bed in fixed forms as they stare at the babies in Luges arms all smiling or staying congratulations. Then the three great gods mange to silence the rest and then Eternina looks at the two great gods and speak,

Eternina ( Oh Great gods of our world we the gods have come to congratulate you two on the birth of your first born but are now to congratulates you on all three of your sons. We have all come together to present three gifts to the children. So please accept our grateful wills for your children to grow to greatness.)

Infintino ( The first gift from us is a blanket for the children to use in the cold nights so they will never be cold again.)

Obitel ( The second gift from us is a never ending book of stories that can be read to the children to teach they lesson they need to learn.)

Eternina ( The last gift from us is a pendant that will protect them from all harm and act as a shield from evil and harm. To adjust in the situation we can split the pendant in three so all of the children can be protected by us. )

Then after the three presents are handed over from the gods Gnome appears behind them holding a sphere and speaks, 

Gnoma ( Oh great ones we the spirit kings wish to bestow a gift ass well if we may be allowed too. So may we?)

Zeke ( Yes you may present the gift from the kings it is more than welcomed.)

Gnoma ( Thank you great one we present to your children a prince of all spirit kings so they can always have a friend stay beside them. A loyal retainer to have at their sides when they most need it a shoulder to lean on when they will believe they have no other to lean on. An eternal friend that will get to know who they really are.)

Then the orb floats over the the bed then fades to reveal a small child floating with pale skin and clear wings seeming to still be asleep.

Gnoma ( Now wake up Mint prince of kings you must awake to see your new friends and lords.)

The small spirit opens its eyes and then looks around as its iris's change color rapidly it then sees the gods surrounding the bed and shivers in fear at the site but then turns at the sound of the children. Mint flies over slowly to the babies and then looks at them Mint then looks up at Lige and seems to be waiting for permission as she nods at mint. Mint gets closer and and touches one of boys and shows a smile at them as he stays quiet in the room.

All the gods look at the children some more and congratulates the two once again before returning to the god realm. Zeke, Lige, then babies and Mint are the only one lefts as space is still pause and Lige speaks,

Lige ( You can't stay down here for ever y dear and with Zola dead I think it would be best for you to watch from the heavens. For your divine power alone will cause problems to the city and world.)

Zeke ( I know Lige I know, I just want to make sure you and the children will be safe the other gods will make sure no one in the church will try anything and Mint will be with them as well. I hope they grow up happy and close with each other and love one another and watch out for each other.)

Lige ( I will make sure they grow up to be fine adults my dear and with such fine gifts for them they will be fine plus I know you will be looking out for them. Also I'm here so if any fool wishes to do something to them they will have a big problem at hand with me knowing only you are stronger.)

Zeke ( You are right I will watch from above to make sure but will forward the world slowly so on their birthday I will try to visit them in their dreams and talk when they are ready. But now rest up and don't be afraid to call me I will come.)

Zeke looks at her and the children the returns to his throne room and sits down and opens a screen to watch Lige hold the children and sing them a song. Zeke forwards the world on a yearly basis and watches as his children grown from little beings to babies and all seem healthy and happy. He stops on their birthday to gaze and watch as they grow before their first birthday he gets a notification from the interface.

[ The Heroes of the gods have slain the King of monsters with him slain the world now has no true threat to it anymore.]

[ Heroes Royford and Flina have died from their injuries from the battle with the Monster king.]

[  The Heroes legacy and journey will be told for eons and be praised for their deeds for the world. The first generation of Heroes is now over and the world is awaiting the next.]

[ Son of the Monster King has been captured by Hero Dinaya and will be raised in the tower of all magic being established in the Federation.]

Zeke finds this this interesting and then turns to see the child of the Monster King and sees a small cat in a room with her sleeping on a large pillow.  It has a small head band on and seems to be cat like but closer look at him he has an ability to control monster and beasts mentally. He seems to be able to speak into people mind as he is a mutated species as he talks theory of magic with Dinaya and that he does not wish to be like his father. 

Zeke can see how he is telling the truth and seems to like to be taken care of instead of raising an army to try and kill all life. He is then named by Dinaya she calls him Lux thinking it's a cute name for him as he reluctantly accepts the name since he can't think of anything better. Zeke asks Sequoia to keep an eye on the small cat thinking he might I have found the god of monsters. He then returns to watching his children grow and the other Heroes go about their lives after the end of their quest and death of their friends.

Thereus is a traveling bard once again but sings songs and say tales of their fights and the battles they had the most hardship on. Hanlio returned to her home and her aunt and uncle as she is then selected to rule over the country as the gauntlets found her worthy of doing so.  Walsia goes deep into a forest to live the rest of her life in seclusion away from the world as she wish to grieves the death of her lost friends in the final battle. Arti the last of the heroes returns to the city of justice as he has a feeling to return upon his return he searches around for several years until the 6th year since the final battle her then approached by three boys who seem different then others. Arti looks at the boys and he thinks he is seeing an illusion as they look just like Zola and the biggest of the three speaks to him,

Jirka ( Are you the heroes from the songs the bards sing?)

Well you died and are now GOD.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ