Adventurers Guild

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Infintino is now sitting in front of a female Jury soul who has past away from age she was the manager of the Soul domains organization of trials, which made her set up multiple trials at once. She ran the department until it was her time to pass and spend her time in paradise. Infintino Then speaks to the soul about his task and would like her to help him develop the plan and put it into action on the surface. The soul happily agrees to his request not to just serve the gods but to work again and feel meaning into her time.

After some time passes and they now have a set up and plan he is now looking for the people too make the plan into a reality. On the surface Infintino sees a older man Gigalon who seems to have settled in a city of  Halna a trade city that is surrounded by forest of monsters. The man is named Gresug and use to be a armored guard for a private merchant and been at the city ever since. Gresug has an honorable mind set and holds peoples words and actions in high regard until they show him he should not.

Gresug was out in the forest with his sword and shield and was slaying a monster close to his size. When he was done slaying the monster he starts to skin it when all of a sudden he gets an intense aching pain in his head and falls to the ground and tries to calm the pain. When the pain subsided he started to have a thought and a clear image comes to mind and he finishes skinning the monster and returns to his home and starts to write some on some paper.

The next day Gresug exits his house and starts to make his way over to his friend Xen who is a Walker woman who was his partner in the guard. When he arrives at her home he goes to the back yard and sits they're until she come back out to speak,

Gresug ( Xen I have a proposition for you and I believe its something good.)

Xen ( What is it you old coot and proposition what scheme are you trying to get me into trouble with?)

Gresug ( Scheme? Have I ever pulled you into any thing illegal, and who are you calling an old coot we grew up together. Your just as old as I am and its a genius idea but I need your help in making it.)

Xen ( Then what is this so called genius idea that you made bother me so early in the morning?)

Gresug  ( Its almost noon and I want to form a guild that will make money off of the monster materials sold to the merchants. But to get the corpses we will request people who register with us and buy only from them after they take the request and have a set price so they know what their making before hand. But if anyone who tries to sell to use without being a member we will reject it unless they registered.)

Xen ( So how is that gonna bring us money art sounds like we will be losing money Gresug? Did you hit your head on a rock or something should I call a doctor for you? )

Gresug ( If you don't want to meet the gods soon I would suggest that you stop talking and listen to me until I finishing telling you everything.)

Gresug tells Xen more stuff and details of the plan he had and she slowly starts to really consider his idea as viable. he then shows her all the notes he did and how he could possible gain the city lords help in the matter and how it will benefit trade and make them money just in the long run. 

Several weeks later they are now in a meeting room waiting for the city lord who is a magister male named Clife. They have all the documentation they needed  and was waiting  to see if they will get the support of the lord to make the organization.  When the lord walks in and sits down at the head of the table and looks at the two. They discuss the plan to the lord and how it will benefit the city and it can decrease monster attacks and density around the city. Xen then mentions all finical aspects of the idea and how the investment will be more then what he can dream of.

Clife looks over the documents several times and starts to sit their silently and then looks at the two and then agrees to their idea and starts to make up a contract with the two. He made sure that the organization they made will be backed by his house so no rivals will arise and they can take control of the economy and corner the market so he wouldn't have to fight for it. When they finish the contract the two left and make a date to meet up on details on it later. When they left the lords house he looks out the window watching them.

Clife then recalls the details of the night before of when he went to sleep that night I was standing in a room that seems to me made of the night sky. As he looks around he sees a large being standing in front of him towering many feet over the lords own mansion. The beings dark eyes look down at him and he is scared a bit but he introduces himself to the lord as the God of Space and darkness. Hearing this he understood who he was and he bow, he is then ordered to help the two and their idea and that the gods want this to happen and it will not be stopped.

As Clife looks out the window and finishes recalling his night and is proud he did as the god told knowing he did as told. Infintino watches as the three beings started to follow his plan by almost a tee. He forwards the world and sees the Adventures guild start to grow  and became a staple of the city and slowly started to branch out too other cites the lord had a good connection with. 

Back on the surface Gresug and Xen who are now older but still working and are in a large office sitting at desks opposite to each other. Both writing in a tower of documents and making progress through it. Xen the stops and looks at the Gresug and begins to speak to him,

Xen ( Well old man how do you feel knowing that your idea has succeed and has grow to another city and maybe even more?)

Gresug ( I feel happy that my time didn't go to waste and how this has grown but hate this large amount of paper work if I had thought this was gonna be the case I would have gave it up right away.)

Xen ( Says the Guild Master of Adventures and man who is respected by his every young person who wants to gain his favor or follow in his footsteps.)

Gresug ( Im no goal for these young ones, I just and old man who killed monsters most of his life and thought that I can make it easier.)

Xen ( Yeah but now your are what these adventures wish to be a strong person who can slay any monster in their way and come back home and tell the stories.)

The two talk more about the ups and downs and how they introduces the ranking system so they won't send a rookie out to their death. They would go on to mention upstarts who thought they were the cats meow and those who worked hard and gain respect and those who tried to muscle their way in and take control, and how they would get beat up by the hard working ones. they would talk into the middle of the night thinking of how it can. grow and how they will Mae sure it stays the best way it can.

Time would pass and Infintino would watch as more of them would pop up and how they would all be managed by the first and how a merchants guild would pop up later and make a special deal with them. This event would lead to setting the two guilds in stone and it would almost be impossible to take down. They would become a separate power that can effect  cities and success advances and defenses. 

When Infintino plays the world to normal day by day speed he sees a notification on his screen and reads it over.

[ Demi-god Sequoia has passed away]

Reading this he summons Zivel and tells him to do as he wishes with her test and that he needs to remember that he can only have one child at a time on the surfaces if he breaks this rule Infintino himself will deal with him personally Zivel understands and turns to smoke and is gone. Infintino then reverses time a bit and watches Sequoias last moments and Zivels test he will give to his child.

Well you died and are now GOD.Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt