Hero's end

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Zeke looks at the small girl who is incharge of him and is a bit angry still at what happened, even though she could have told him ahead of time. instead his sons lost their talents and mothers vessel. Also hurting sequoia and enraging Zivel to the point of attack Oba's assistant Terry who Zeke destroyed himself. But now she has come with another new assistant this time a woman Zeke felt he recognized but hasn't seen before.

Dia ( Why hello their newbie we have spoken a lot but never met before I'm Dia your supervisor and helpful senpi. )

Zeke looks at her with dead eyes when she said the last word knowing she has been watching too much anime from earth. As her following actions having her in a ditzy pose with her tongue sticking out. Forcing it making him cringe on the inside for the first time in awhile since he became a god.

Oba ( Dia stop with the this foolishness and summon Arti already its the day of the deal and I wish to get it over. Also Zeke I read a report about Terry and your gods having a fight and would like to apologize for his rude actions as his and your boss as an apology Did will give you up to 10 items from the shop of your choosing under a certain cost for each. Also Zeke I want you to know these events I have done will happen again in the future for a different reason but the first time has to be like this all the worlds before you have had the same treatment.)

Zeke ( I understand and will in the future as well, so are you gonna let Arti say goodbye to them before he goes?)

Oba ( Yes I will.)

Zeke ( Thank you.)

On the surface in Arti's room he is sitting on his bed holding what seems to be a drawing. It was so bad but It seem to be of him and the boys when they were smaller he then looks at three pendants in his hand that for a circle if put together.  With a pint in the middle with three branches on each piece. He signs knowing this is goodbye and then goes to the three waiting brothers in the garden of the tower. When he arrives all three where standing their looking at him all grow and different from when he first met them. He walks up to them and stares at them each face to face opens his arms and pulls all three into a giant bear hug as he embraces them with the gentle warmth he gave them when their mother died . 

All three receive the hug and hug him back with tears flowing down their face as they hug Arti with all their strength trying not to lose the last parent they really had. Dusza trying to make him stay while Viam speaks rapidly trying to convince him as well. while Jirka tries to utter a single word but to no avail. After several minutes he lets go of them and then looks at them under the moonlight of the night sky he then takes out the pendant and says.

Arti ( Boys this pendant will be the last gift I give to you for now we must part ways but that does not mean we shall for get the time we spent together as a family. This pendent is to show the unity you three have to stay strong in the face of uncertainty. It will only be as one when you three are as one but even if one piece is missing the other two can not hold together no matter what you try. This is the last thing I want you three to know always remember her you have each other and can rely on them for help and support no matter what.)

He then hands them out to the three of them and then he surges his magic through the ices and then told them to put it together and says so they can always feel he is near by.  Then a portal opens up and Dia steps out of it and looks at Arti and nods as he looks back and understands. He then starts to walk to the portal and stops right in front of it keeps his back to them as his shoulder shakes as he tries with all his strength to hold in his tears so he can look strong for them not wanting them to see him cry. Then he feels the three of them hug his back saying they will always be with him as he with them. he wipes away his tears tuerned his head back around and says with a smile,

Arti ( Goodbye my sons remember I love you three with all my heart.)

He then walks into the portal and Dia follows as it seems to fade away into the nights darkness as all three of the boys cry into the night. Zeke watches the scene and then sees Arti walk into the throne room with a resolution on his face and turns to see the giant Gods looking at him then all around him are the all the gods of the world seeming to have come to send him off with all the respect they could. all lined up in rank as he sees Zeke and the being he made a deal with at the end of the line as he walks and they all seem to raise their weapons of choice as he walks under them standing tall as he stops to look at Glacera who nods his head at him and Arti understanding the meaning nods back and walks once again.

He reaches the end of the gods and looks at Oba and says he his ready as she nods back and welcomes him with the portal to her realm. He looks at Zeke and says,

Arti ( Goodbye old friend may you make this world even more great.)

Zeke ( Goodbye Arti.)

Then he walks into the portal with shoulder broad and head up high he then disappears. Oba tells Zeke in a couple of hours his options will be given to him. He understands and then she leaves and Dia says bye then the portal disappears again as Zeke sits on his throne and the other gods stay quiet and look to him awaiting to see what will happen. Zeke just opens the screen and watches his sons grieve in the garden as he tries to think of what will happen in the future now.

Well you died and are now GOD.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon