Ravia's Rebel and Kiviku's Home

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In the Soul Domain Kulema is at her desk in her office working on a mountain of paper work and as she progresses through it her door slams open. The one who opened it was a teenage girl with short blonde hair and black slick pants. She then reaches the desk and slams her hands on the desk angrily glaring at Kulema, and starts to yell at her,

??? ( Why did you tell my friends to not associate with me any more?!?!)

Kulema ( I told them to stay away because they were just making fun of you behind your back but you never believe me. They are also are in Punishment  because of the evil they committed and you keep going their actions. Now my child why did you decided to storm my office again.)

The girl is Raiva the daughter of Kulema and Doa daughter of a goddess and a monster and was raised in the Soul Domain. Not ever having the freedom to go to the surface or make living friends. She has become rebellious to her mother and is angered by it, She was freedom but the only one who can do so is away and she has never met once the Great god. 

Kulema does not look at the her child during that quick comment and counties work and lets her daughter do what she wants but has no right to let her go to the surface with out ekes approval. She cares for her daughter but is a workaholic  only able to receive reports on her actions from the jury and reapers. Raiva walks away from her mother angered as always and makes her way to her room to blow off steam.

When she arrives to her door she sees her dad  standing there waiting for her and she sighs and he approaches her. He rubs his head worried for his daughters. She is happy her dad was worried for her and tried to comfort her and she hugs him back. She tells him that she is fine and goes into her room and looks at her dad. In her room she reads the books she gather about the villains evil of the surface and then starts to think of her mom and started to get very angry.

Then she sneaks out her room and goes to the jury's area and picks up one of their devices to travel between the realms and then makes her way to the surface. When she arrives at the surface she is near the city of Yulla a city of sin that worships Kulema and her followers and was know for its mining. She sense her mothers divine aura around the city and it reminds her of her mother enraging her more and more. Her legs start to become large black tentacles and  take over her body an enlarges to a size unrivaled even by the strongest beast. She starts to rampage towards the city and her eyes turn deep red. A guard at the cities wall sees the monster charging towards the city and calls the alarms and the city goes into full panic mode as they try to make a defense and evacuate as well.

Back in the realm of gods Eternina and Infintino  get an emergeny alert and race to the large screen in the throne room to see the problem. When they arrive they see the screen and a large black monster rampaging towards a city and it seems to be out of nowhere. They pause the world and call forth every god to the throne room now no excuses. When they all arrived rushed and confused the see the screen and are wordless on what they are looking at. The two bosses are demanding for answers.

The gods start to discuss what is happening and how to solve this problem, when they were trying to find a solution Doa comes running into the throne room and reaches Kulema and starts to make frantic noises to her. Seeing this she starts to listen to him and her eyes go wide and her face becomes very pale as she now faces towards the two in charge. She tells her bosses that she believes that monster is her daughter Raiva and is rampaging out of control knowing her emotions tend to over take her.

Hearing this The two look at her in anger and start to reprimand her on how she handles her child and that her neglect has lead to this emotional tantrum that will kill hundreds and maybe even thousands. After they finish they now have to find away to stop this rampage with out going to the surface since they can't as long as Zeke is gone. They start to brain storm on how to handle it but keep leading to dead ends but then Zivel speaks up and says he has an idea.

Back on the surface 30 years before Raiva appears a Gigalon Woman is giving brith to a child in a room by a doctor. As the child is born it is boy but the child has glowing eyes that seems like magma and he is double the sizes to any other baby born. The mother holds her child and starts to smile at him and holds him sweetly, she members the one night stand from the bar she had with a male Gigalon who got her heart beating. The Childs eyes cause her to be curious on how the baby got it and then names him Kiviku.

Kiviku grows up a healthy and loved child who makes friends a bunch, his eyes made him be teased by the neighborhood kids and was a bit embarrassed by them asking his mom to make him a pair of dense glasses that will block out his eyes. He gets a pair that he would ware and it would become his staple look and everyone would assume it was apart of him. He would grow to a young adult and start to work in the mines in the mountains, when he would work he would need no tools he would use mana in his body and manual right ore out of the mine.

He would slowly learn how to control Earth magic and Fire magic with his mothers help and when he became a grown adult he was almost a master of the magics and has now grown double the size of the average Gigalon. He was known for his relaxed manner and kind heart helping everyone who asked him too. He never wore shoes saying they get in the way of his control with magic and never took off his glasses unless he was angry. 

Kiviku felt when ever he was using earth or fire magic it was simple and felt natural he would touch blazing fires and felt nothing it would not hurt him at all. He even was in a cave in and held it up so the others could escape and saved the other miners lives. Kiviku has never left the city he was born in and even buried his mother in the mountains she would take him on hike. He loves the city and will protect the best he can, but one day he was training in the mountains and feels a large quake and roar from near the cities location and gets on edge.

When he tries to run towards the city his body stops and he is now in a dark room and is a bit shocked. Then he felt something behind him and turns around to see a man made up of elements and with pure white eyes. He keeps his guard up to the figure but feels that he can not beat this being even if he tries his hardest. The figure begins to speak to Kiviku,

??? ( Hello Kiviku I would like to asks you do do something for me.)

Kiviku ( What do you want and why did stop me in from rushing towards the city.)

??? ( my request involves the city its about to be destroyed by a demi god who is in a rage, and I need you too stop it.)

Kiviku ( What do you mean destroyed! and did you say Demi God? why is a demi god rampaging, and why do you believe I can stop one?)

??? ( Because you are a demi god as well and only you can stop the other demi god.)

Kiviku looks at the man and starts to feel some type of anger but keeps his cool and knows that they city is endanger and has to save it but now sees this strange man telling him he is a Demi god. He has a bunch of questions but puts them aside and then asks to be let go so he can save his home. The room disappears and Kiviku at top speed runs towards the city as his body is filled with fire mana and his skin starts to have glowing cracks all over his body. Zivel watches from the throne room after talking to his son and causes complicated feels to sink in his heart having to do that to his child.

All thew gods now watch as two Demi gods start to make way at each other and is expecting one to slay the other. Kulema watches the screen and her heart is beating fast knowing that the plan is to slay her and punish her soul once killed by Kiviku. Kulema makes a complicated face and turns away from the screen so she doesn't have to watch the fight that no one can interrupt. Eternina looks at Kulema and comforts her with the other goddess and Tiamo  trying to make the gods understand their decision on Raiva's death. They tuen back to the screen where just as Raiva is coming down to attack the city she is knocked away by Kiviku who is no larger then before and seemed to have grow to a size a bit smaller than Raiva. Ravia roars at him trying to regain her stance and glares at the him ready to fight.

Well you died and are now GOD.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن