Otherworld Visitors (1)

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Lige then starts to scroll through the streams to find one more thing to watch before they have to get beck to their world a yellow screen pops up surprising the two as a loud siren noise makes the two pop up a bit scared as this has never happened. Zeke is confused and then tries to remember what a yellow warning screen means, then as he tries to remember he touches the screen and then shows a random location on the Eastern Continent as a strange portal emerges from no where and is moving like zigzags across the space it occupies. 

Seeing this Zeke remembers his initial walk through when creating the world, yellow meant that their is a soon to be foreign object or etc to enter his world without permission. Seeing this Zeke starts to panic as he doesn't know what this will entail and wants to avoid trouble but then receives a message from a random god. Zeke looks at it and opens the message 

{ Hey their rookie sorry about the last minute message lol. but ill cut it short names Marla great goddess of Hearth. Basically its like a copy of earth yeah I took that route but anyways three being from my world seem to have broken through dimension hopping. It was a total accident tbh they got really lucky, but any way back on track once again. So they seem to be coming too. your world cause my interface showed your worlds names and your world number, so please don't destroy them as they have business to do in my world so, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE JUST LET THEM B?!!>!?!?! To make it worth your while ill send you a surprise gift from my world so please do this favor for a random stranger ???? :{ ]

Zeke read the message and starts to imagine a teenage girl who messed up and is trying to fix their mistake. He then sighs and sent back a reply to Marla,

[  Dear Marla,

Don't worry about the three ill make sure they won't die in my world and try to get them back to your world where they belong. 

P.s. Can you send me their info so I can make sure they adjust properly, also is their a way for me to send them back to you ASAP?]

Zeke sends the rheas reply back and then explains the situation to Lige who is a bit worried and she calms down and then says,

Lige ( Hm three other worlders this can be interesting they can possible change our world in any direction determination g their mindsets and abilities?)

Zeke ( True but Marla said that they are from a copy of Earth and I assume they should be human as that makes sense right?)

Just as he says that a new message pops up from Marla and he opens it and the look on his face changes as he reads the info he just received from Marla. His jaw hangs low and is very confused to what he is read besides for her message,

[ So their is a way for them to come back to my world but the one who can do that is currently in your realm as one of the three but he's a vey sweet one. So have fun with them they probably can hold their own, as they are pretty tough. So ill leave you be and await their return your gift will be sent after they return, once again and thankiessssssssss :">]

Lige giggles kathe message thinking about the goddess while Zeke just grabs his face thinking this person is a great good just like him. He then looks back to the info she sent to him and he is still amazed by what he reads and then shows like,

[ Name:(Red, Bellchester ) Species: (Human) Class: ( Enlightened Swordsman)]

[ Name: ( Cody,{ Negatives} Wintzel ) Species: ( Mutant Human) Class: ( Dimension Walker )]

[ Name: ( Arnold, Comet) Species: ( Meteroian) Class: ( Speedster )]

Zeke looks away and wonders what the hell is the world they are living in to have such classes let alone races like that. Then on the screen three beings fallout fo the portal, Zeke looks at it Wirth Lige and the two watch to see what will happen and how they will being in his world.

A weird portal opens up in a plains and three beings fall out of it, two on the ground and the last on his feet looking around at their new environment,

Red ( Negatives, Arnold where are we ? what world is this? )

Negatives ( ow thanks for asking if were okay and I can't tell you I'm not Warry so we just have to look for something to help us.)

Red ( hmm I wish Warry was here then we can get some type of info but oh well, Arnold can you survey the area and see if you find anything that can help us.)

Arnold ( On it guys be back soon.)

In a moment Arnold dashes off out of site at a speed un measurable by a normal being. The other two seem normal as they look around themselves to try and get situated. Then after five minutes Arnold comes back and updates them,

Arnold ( I found a dirt road about a two miles north of here so possible we can find some type of life.)

Red ( Hm then let's make way towards that road, But before that Negatives when do you think you can open that portal up again so we can go home?)

Negatives then puts his arms out and seems to be untacking some energy. and then stops and looks back at Red and Arnold. 

Negatives ( Theirs barely any negative cells in this area so I can't ope it until I get enough energy to do soo. So probably around three months minimum. Or unless we find an area with a cluster of Negative cells. )

Red ( Great well lets find f

god and shelter we need to still eat until we can get back so lead the way Arnold at a normal pace please.)

Arnold ( Alright follow me boys!!)

The three other worlds then start to make their way to the road, unknown to them they were to create a panic in the area.

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