Tournament of Gods (Part 3)

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The fifth match of the tournament  is now under way and Viota starts to introduce the match participants,

Viota ( I would like to introduce of you a being who has a very gruesome history to the world a being that death her self has blessed. A being who is called the reaper of slaughter and one of the few beings killed by his own weapon, a being who has been said to be a rival to the god of combat himself, now welcome to the arena Doa !!!)

Then from one of the sides of the arena  Doa walks out of an entrance with a giant deranged smile on his plate green face and red eyes laughing manically. He carries in both hands two hand held scythes that have crude edges. He stops at the edge of his side and waits for his opponent to enter. 

Viota ( Now for the next being too be introduced to the match a being who is know for his skill handling many knifes and edges. A being who's positivity is only rivaled by that of happiness its self. A being who has only two equals in this world and the skill to cook for the entire world and still have left overs for yes ladies and gentlemen I introduce to you the God of Cooking himself Obitel!!!)

The a hardy laugh can be heard filling the Crowd , then a nice smell come from the stands own food area above and the large god is walking out one of them caring two large knifes in his hands one a saw tooth one and and one butcher knife. He then jumps from his spot and lands on his side of the field now face Doa with a smile of his own.  He then gives another hardy laugh and slaps his  stomach merrily. 

Viota then makes sure the match is ready and then motions her arm down to begin Doa charges the large god as if he was just a target. When do a is in reach he then gets sent flying by the large god deflecting his attack with unrivaled power. Doa catches himself and  then watches the god once again. He then watches the god stand there keeping his eyes him and even tightens his hands around his knifes staring. 

Then he rushes again at Obitel this time not as reckless  a before and the twos dual weapons clash several times over. Doa is then slowly pushed back by the large god he quickly makes space once again and then talks to him,

Doa ( For a big guy you sure have great skills in handing the blade.)

Obitel ( A ha ha ha, why thank you reaper not everyday do you get a compliment from a being as skilled as you.)

Doa ( Now old man show me what other skills you can use with those blades god of cooking.)

Obitel ( Now be careful with your portion theirs reaper you may have bitten off more then you can chew.)

The Obitel is now in front of him delivering a vertical slash down on him as he barely dodges out of the way feel a lite cut on his cheek. Doa quickly hooks his scythe around the blade of the saw tooth knife and flips over the god dis arming him quick and then grabbing the knife and throwing it into the closest wall. Obitel uses his powerful arm and manages to grab Doa by the leg and then throws him away but then feel a Sharpe pain in his back and sees a scythe sticking out of his shoulder. Doa slams down but quickly rolls away and gets into his lowered stance.

Obitel rips the scythe out of his shoulder and then looks at the blade and then wields it himself and then charges. Doa quickly dodges the attacks the best he can but gets more cuts and bleeding more and more. He the gets on the inside of Obitel's defense and then slashes the gods stomach horizontally causing Obitel to Back away very fast and far. Obitel grabs his stomach and then kneels on the ground masking the pain.

Obitel then puts his hand up and then gives up the match saying he is better off in the kitchen than on the battlefield. They end the match with Doa's victory and Obitel walks off the field after he gives a hardy laugh to Doa and slaps his shoulder saying to stop by the kitchen and he would gladly make a hardy meal for the powerful reaper.

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