Words of Encouragement and Sham Trial

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Zola wakes up to a beautiful sky and sees the sunrising, he gets. dressed and goes to the closest priest and asks them if he can watch the sun set on a balcony. Once he was given permission he watches the sunset once again, then as he watches a figure appears sitting on the balcony next to Zola. When he turns to look at the figure it is an old Walker man with an eye patch dressed in the lowest priest robes. Zola knew in sit it was Helgon in his vessel as he watches the sunset with his then,

Helgon ( Your mind seem to have something on it, is there some thing I can do for you oh lost. soul?)

Zola ( I don't know if I should tell you my thoughts for I dint know how you will react oh god of judgement? Are you sure you wish to hear it?)

Helgon ( Yes I want to hear your troubles grandfather, I don't want you to hold on to thoughts that will only harm you if you keep them in.)

Zola (uuuhhh, fine I'll console this into you and only you no other for the time being. I felt nothing after taking the life of Trono and that bothers me so I didn't think that I would feel no change killing one of my own grandchildren. It makes me think have I just become a emotionless one who holds no remorse or regret from my own actions.)

Helgon ( So you believe that you hold no emotion for the living beings on your world? I don't think that that is the cause?)

Zola ( What do you mean?)

Helgon ( I think it has more to do with the vessel you choose to be in for this quest your are on. Because I've seen your actions to situations that needed firm results and you were empathic to them. Such as when sentencing Raiva to imprisonment. Most of the other gods would have sentences her to be destroyed for ever. Or when Kiviku was depressed from the battle afterwards it was you who went down to give him strong words of advice to get him motivated once again.)

Zola ( True I did those things but why now have I seem so disconnected to my self or even my own way of thinking now?)

Helgon ( I think its the vessel you are in right now, you're Zola right now not Zeke Zola ha no connection to Trono but him being a maniac. Zola is a Dread wanderer who is on a journey to understand the way of the gods and spread their faith. While Zeke is the highest good of the world and its creator who cares for all life on it to the point almost the individual. So once you return to the god realm I believe you will fell right again.)

Zola ( You believe its Zola's person not regretting killing Trono that I am feeling right now? Thank you Helgon for your listing ear and warm words once I finish this long quest I will have you rewarded for this.)

Helgon ( I need no reward grandfather all I wish is for you to go to the city of justice and help the heroes find the corrupted judge that is truly a monster. That is all I wish for grandfather.)

Zola ( Then that will new my next destination and Thank you Helgon if I need to talk again I hope you will be free once again. )

Helgon nods and then in a second he is now gone and Zola stands their looking at the sun rise once again but this time more resolute and not as mixed inside. Later in the day Zola is now in a private room with the captain of the Knights and the Bishop being questioned on his connection to the walker he killed. The bishop is on his side defending him from biased questions or statements that will incriminate him. Knowing Zola did not cause any of the situations but actually solved the problem at hand. After several hours of questioning he is detained in a cell while the bishop is angrily demanding the captain to release him and apologize for this insult to the churches guest.

The captain says that he must be detained until the investigation is and then hands the Bishop and letter with a seal and the Bishop glares at the letter and says this will only cause the city problems if they go down such a reckless route. He turns to Zola and says to not admit to anything and that to know the church is always on his side and then leaves saying he will be back. Once he was gone the Captain than whistles and then leaves the cells, then a half Gigalon  half Seeker in the same cell as looks over to Zola and starts to look him up and down.

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