Worlds Progress and Slumber

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Zeke looks to his two oldest gods and nods to them as they get ready to report the status of the owrld and the surface mostly,

Eternina ( Great Father on the surface several years have pass since the " Death " of Arti and the three young lords have seem to have a fight and have all gone their own ways as of the moment.)

Infintino ( Jirka has gone to the south of the eastern continent looking for more power to use as he seems to want to get stronger. Viam has stayed on the Central Continent to study further under Celesti and even look into politics. Finally Duzsa has gone to the Northern Continent to train his spirtiual connection to the gods as it is the place Arti's ancestors are from. )

Zeke thinks to himself and knows they have to go through their own lives until a certain point so he can help them more. He then asked them to have Mint report regularly on them as he is busy with the rest of the world and will let them grow unwatched for a period of time. 

Eternina ( The Dreads of the Western Continents have have now slowly intergraded in the central Continent and a bit in the eastern. The also have slowly abandoned the Church of the Sun for the Central Church of ours thanks to Celesti's behind the scene efforts.)

Infintino ( The Spirit Kings have asked for a request from you as they wish to allow contracts between spirits and mortals that have affinity for them as they feel it can help develop the world better. )

Zeke ( The allow them too do so but they must monitor it themselves of anything happens.)

Eternina ( Of Course great Father, also the matters with the Heroes and Monsters we have disscussed and the Next Generation of Heroes should only happened when the last are all gone is that okay with you?)

Zeke ( Yes that is fine plus we will make sure there is an enemy for them to fight when they all reach the right age. Also make sure they are discovered only when they can hold their own ground to any fool who tries to claim them with out their consent. )

Infintino ( I have Infused the Minster Lord Bloodline to Lux as he is the kings son and his offspring will be the next monster king and so on who carries the blood. Also we will make sure they do not get hunted out to keep it up.)

Eternina ( Speaking of Lux he and Celesti are to be the Next gods to be tested to our ranks but we discussed and have to ask when do we stop making more gods and also have the pantheon set.)

Zeke ( You are right about that if we don't stop creating gods then it will be to many we do have a lot as is and i just promoted Doa top one no less. Then how is this we shall stop after we make the three new races a god each and the boys after that no more for a long while as it will be just enough to make things more then interesting. )

The two gods nod at his words as he opens his interface and counts the list of gods he already has. He then counts a fair number of them including the future ones come to 30 gods with out him counted and can see when the Grand council is fully formed but as he does he reads a notification saying Zivel has had a Daughter with a dread woman and Zeke slaps his head in frustration and tells his two upper gods to go about there duties and he will make it 32 now.

Infintino ( Also i think after the gods form and we are all collected together i think we should withdraw and take a step back allowing the mortals to deal with their maters how they wish as it will give us time to do as we please.)

Eternina ( We could also limit Divine intervention in many matters as it will let the world grow in a different route letting the Holy, Deadly, and Heavenly beings sway the world a bit. That can help develop it more towards what we want.)

Zeke ( You two are right and will hand this to the proper personal and  that will be all for today i want to rest for the time being have Lige come wake me when the Grand Council is finished.)

Zeke then stands and waves to his two gods as he walks up a fight of stairs made from air and goes to his private room and lays down to sleep after so long. He gets comfy under his blankets and falls into a deep sleep as his gods sense this and seem to have different reactions. Back on the surface the world shakes as they don't understand why but the stronger beings understand something is off but not wrong.

thew scene now shows Jirka walking down a dusty road by himself covered in the blanket his mother gave to him and his brothers as he decided to take it. He is now walking to search for more power as he believes its the reason Arti had to leave as he felt weak and needs to be truly strong.He walks to the mountains of many temples to train to obtain said power, he then stops and in front of him is Mint the spirit he knows well.

Mint ( My Lord i ask you please return to your brothers and make peace with them as its all just a fight over egos. )

With his mind Jirka response to Mints words,

Jirka ( No i will not now leave me be for i search for power.)

Mint ( My lord please.)

Jirka ( I said no.)

He walks past the spirit and seems to be resolute in his journey and seems angry over the mention of his brothers. Mint on the other hand seems to be the most conflicted as he is ment to protect all three of them and has failed the only time it really mattered. He goes between the three trying to convince them to come together once again but none of them give him the light of day. He is then told by them to be with Dusza as to protect him since he is the only one who can't see but Mint says he will help all three.

Mint is in a sub space and starts to shine as he splits himself into three bodies each having to elements each and look at each other. They all share one mind of the prince but seem to be a bit different based on the Elements the carry. The first goes with Jirka he has a the Elements Earth and Darkness, the second goes with Viam with Water and Fire, while the last is Wind and Light and he goes to Dusza, they all nod and turn away to their respected lord to serve until the come back together. 

Dusza is now on a carriage with a the pendent around his neck his mother gave him but was broken in her death. He took it as he parted ways with his brothers and is now heading to the north so he can make search for a way to connect to this strange power he has sensed in his body. He travels with Mint in a Seeker form as his aide so he wont be targeted so easily as Mint's magic can make any expert walk away with their head down. He seems to be enjoying the time speaking to anyone and learning ew ways to worship. 

While back at the Tower Viam is reading with a large stack of books around him while having the book from his mom in his lap as he never lets it go. Dinaya looks into the room to check on him since the fight with his brothers and is worried that Arti's death has already effected them and they got into a really bad fist fight making Jirka beat the two down and Dusza leaving with Jirka stormed off to do as he wished. She then decides to help Viam study his research but is surprised by the topic of establishing a country as Viam believes his knowledge can help get Arti back. 

The world would soon be shaken by the rise of The World Monk, The Wise Emperor, and The Willing Pariah, All the while why Zeke is sleeping.

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