Part 1

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To think the extreme smell of sex that wonders in the air would out weigh everything else but it doesn't. What hangs heavy in the misty air is the scent of blood, pure drawn blood, that's probably still warm.

I'm escorted down a hall way of closed doors, to only imagine what's going on behind them, the screams only intensify my curiosity. "This way Alpha." One of the men in black says before opening a door to me.

I stride into the spacious room moving towards the sole desk "Back so soon?" Patrick, my boss, calls out.

"You pay me well, and I don't mind snapping a few more rouge necks."

"Azriel," he follows my name with three additional tuts, "this one is no rouge. No wolf either." he slides a brown envelope to me and I catch it, "Take a look for yourself."

I rip the top open in one motion then pull the loose sheets of paper out, with the sheets a small square photo is provided. The girl is mind blowing-ly stunning. She has tight curls with deep brown eyes, her skin is a sugar brown going against my own completion, pale.

"Why do you want her dead?" I question moving past the picture.

"I don't want her dead, I want her alive. She's escaped my hold and in doing so, poisoned some of me men." He explains.

"You captured a witch?" That's no good news to anyone.

"She's a hunter." I look up at the words "A skilled assassin, killing machine made to exterminate us werewolves."

"So why'd you want her alive?"

"She's fun." Is all he says. She poisoned him, my wolf says, and he wants the cure. I know. I tell him, there's not much use for a hunter but keeping them for fun? I don't think so. "Here are some clips of her here. Bring her back to me, and make it fast."

"Yes sir." I take the additional CD he slid over to me and drop it in the envelope. Taking my leave I get escorted out and then get into my car, instead of going home, I leave the envelope and strut into the bar.

There I find my two favourite betas waiting for me "Alpha!" Luke shouts as I approach "Glad you could make it."

"Let get a round of shots!" Carter, the delta wolf  orders as I take the empty seat between them. "To you!" He raises his miniature cup my way and Luke does the same. It's unnatural for me to get drunk but when it comes to them I don't mind.

"You know this doesn't do anything to us right?" I tell them before tilting my head back and downing the burning thing.

"This will," Carter pulls out a navy blue flask and refills our shot glasses with the same white liquid.

"Your witchy girlfriend give you that?" Luke teases but I just throw it back. It doesn't even have a taste and I'm left wondering if I even swallowed anything. I take another shot as a chaser. "So what's the new assignment? Another rouge?"

"No. This is no wolf, she's a hunter." I reply.

"She?" Luke repeats "Finally!" He's right, we don't get very much laddies we have to hunt down. "Is she hot?" I just meet his eyes as an answer.

"How long has she been gone?" Carter wants to know downing another human shot.

"My guess is a few days, Boss I too proud to admit defeat of my guess is that she got out and he went looking for her himself. When he couldn't find her, he threw her to me."

"Doesn't that mean we aren't going to that ball tonight?" Luke asks.

"No we are." I nod. This ball is traditional for all the alphas, it won't seem right if I don't go. It's unusual for my boss to give me an assignment right before he hosts a ball so this target must be important, I didn't even glance at the girls name, I should have.

Going back to my car I start to feel the effect of that one shot Carter gave me, it makes me feel a little light but with the shake of my head it seems to go. I get in and start to drive, going back isn't a problem even though I should have just stayed.

The house is raging with music, it's either that or my senses are at and all time high. I reach behind me grabbing a tuxedo shirt and top half and change into that before getting out, Luke and Carter exist the same car and follow behind me as we enter.

The halls are empty and vibrant but the room where the party is held is grand, there's a stage where the boss is sitting in a booth surrounded by two of his men and multiple women throwing themselves at him, both human and wolf.

Even though the music is roaring the party doesn't really start until the mist in the air changes, my wolf picks up the scent like it's perfume. My eyes start around the room looking for the aura the scent is coming from until I stop at the entrance.

There she is, the body of the girl in the picture, in the flesh.

It can't be that easy, why would she just show back up? What is she doing here?

I watch her move, eyes follow her but no one stops her and when she reaches the bosses booth his eyes sparkle at the sight of her. I start to move to them subtly approaching to get a better hearing of their convocation.

"Leave us." My boss demands and everyone that was present moves swiftly, the hunter smiles in appreciation as she slide in next to him. "What a pleasant surprise."

"The pleasures all mine." She sounds just as she looks, elegant. Her dress hugs each of her body leaving no room for the imagination, she's in black and her curls are pushed back into a high bun. Around her neck is a metal collar, it's stiff and clearly not there by choice.

"To what do I owe this visit?" I watch boss lean forward to her "Usually, my pray doesn't come to me." His eyes scan her body "And they're usually not so stunning."

She's silent for a second as they watch each other, her eyes are deep like the bottom of the ocean, you could see your own reflection form her eyes. She raises a finger and taps the bulk of metal around her throat. "I think it suits you," He too raises a finger to tap it.

"I'm not the bitch here, I shouldn't have a leash." This makes him smile, a cruel flat smile. The one finger he had on the metal turns into a full hand spreading, he must have quite the grip since she gasps a little but doesn't break eye contact.

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