Part 12

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Regaining consciousness I wake in my car, my head feels as if I bounce it multiple times on fresh concrete ground which is probably what happened. "Oh fuck." My eyes finally respond to me as I open them.

It takes a few blinks to focus but I finally get my vision too. I've already healed most of my injuries. Looking around I see that my car has been moved a few streets away from the bar and...I'm in the passenger seat. I turn, my betas are in the back piled on each other.

The smell of gravel, dirt and durst travel in my nose, I could never sniff out my rescuer with so many scents. To add to that, I have blood, my betas scents and Maddison's scent still stuck onto me.

I crack my neck, knuckles, back, toes, before shifting over to the driver seat. I get us back and order that my betas seek treatment before going off into my room. I didn't expect it but Maddison's replacement is here.

Her back is to me so I just move heading into the shower. I start to wash off all the dirt I was buried under off of me, it runs down my body making the water turn brown to red to a light pink then to the clear water is supposed to be.

Someone had the nerve to save me, the decency to pull not only me but my betas out. I consider Maddison for a second, maybe she found the kindness in her hatred filled heart but then I remember her and her sister are the reasons why there were bombs in the first place.

I throw my head back letting the water splash my face, either way I'm here today thanks to the anonymous hero.

According to my boss the bomb was no accident, I mean anyone would have guess that, Maddison and her sister have been busy blowing up my boss' most busiest bars around. One after another they're getting rid of large numbers with minimal effort.

Now thanks to her I have to sit through yet another long phone call to my boss "There is no way after days you have yet to hold a gun to her head." He complains "Your pace is disappointing." I don't answer.

"For now, I'm taking matters into my own hands. I'll be taking over since you are not getting anywhere- Azriel I thought you were the best at what you do, what is happening? She's a mortal." Of course I haven't told him.

I haven't told him how the first night we met I saved her life, how she shot my ear, the deal I made with her, our fight, the tracker on her car, the way she danced for me, how I was there at one of her bomb attacks. Of course he doesn't know.

"I need to get her back, today, she's been out of my care for too long." He sighs through the phone "You'll get an address to where she's staying, meet us there in a few hours."

"Yes sir." I nod and then hear him hang up. My eyes go back to my sitting betas, at least they're up now. Luke has a drink in his hands taking a few sips each second and Carter fiddles with a pen in hand throwing it in the air occasionally.

"I want Isabel to have her own room, move her out my wing, if I need her I'll go get her."

"Understood." Luke sips his cup again. "Mind you sir, we still have our own rouges to deal with."

"My packs two thousand and plus, find someone to do it. Besides, we have something rather interesting to attend." I stand.

In just mere hours, I'll be seeing the girl that tried to blow me up in pieces just last night, I just love how our story is going.

I fill the hours checking up on the rest of my pack. I check in with the wolves I put in charge of finance, marketing and trade. Just checking if we have any new mortal members joining the kitchen that I should know about.

The underground level is filled will the mortal maids I buy or I'm handed over, I assure them three uniforms and two meals a day but I don't take care of them. I have people for that. I have bigger problems then my mortals.

When the time comes, I leave driving myself to the location that was provided. I have no idea what my boss' plan is, I just hope he has one. Trusting Maddison would be the wrong choice.

She's too smart, too sly, too tricky. She can't be trusted.

Unlike the other hotel, this one is nowhere near the city or another hotel. It's both rich and classic surprising me gosh why she would pick such a flashy place, come to think of it, a flashy hotel isn't the first place you look for someone who's on the run.

We move to the fifth floor then stop at a door, with a shove my boss opens it. I follow in after him and a few guys come in after me. The place is quiet, I scan it thoroughly looking at the neat surrounding. Before I could even listen in for a heartbeat a door opens.

It's gets all our attention as a simple ball rolls out. My eyes shift form it to the door back to it and then a high ringing echos around the room. The echo brings me to my knees, the frequency is going to make my brains explode, my ears burn as I try with all my might to suppress my scream.

"Boss!" I hear someone cry out. My eyes divert up watching two shadows cross the room to the windows.

"This is unexpected." Maddison says, she's shouting but it's like a whisper because of the overpowering ringing. Against my will, I stand and move towards the ball crushing it. It stops.

My head still spins, my ears still burn and when I look down at my hands I discover my ears are bleeding too.

"Maddie!" My boss growls, this isn't good.

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