Part 16

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"What do you know about Addi?" I question.

"You mentioned-"

"No I said used her nickname, what did they tell you?" The doctors gone quite and I scan her. Something very dense washes over me making it hard for me to stay up.

"I know she's dead." The words themselves weigh me down, my eyes lift to Azriel. I don't know why but I feel a tug towards him and my legs move against me stepping in his direction. I'm not even half way there but I have to stop.

"Um," I look back at the doctor then back over at Azriel "I don't feel too g-" I drop before I can even finish my sentence. I sense safe arms around me as I'm cradled like a child before I'm place down once again.

Waking up the second time is harder then I could have imagined, I don't wake up screaming but I wake up with a banging migraine. "Drink this." A voice demands placing something into my shaky hands, could they have at least waited until I've opened my eyes?

I never realized I was thirsty until I had this cup in my hand, don't take it, it might be poisoned, I try warning myself. "You'll faint again if you don't drink it." I look up at the voice, my bodyguard.

"Why are you urging me to drink it?" I question putting it down, I then shift my body away form him.

"You don't seem to understand how much trouble I get into when you play these stupid games." I flinch at the word 'game', he notices and picks the cup up. "For once, put that mouth you use to talk back to some good use."

He leans towards me and I watch him carefully, his ear short hair is slick copper, how his shoulders are broad and defined, how massive his hands are and how they swallow the cup he's holding. His eyes are a hazel brown. "Cooperate." He leans in some more "For once."

"You drink it first." I tell him and his eyes darken for a moment before swallowing a few gulps down. We wait a few beats and he hasn't collapsed, he raises an eyebrow shuffling back to me. I let him get close and he presses the cup to my lips.

Immediately I taste that it's not water but orange juice and tilt my head up to take some more, he works with me angling the cup upwards for me. I take it upon myself to take the cup form him brushing our hands together before he pulls away. I finish it wiping my mouth.

"You are something else." He shakes his head and I roll my eyes. He backs up and I go to tuck myself back into my sheets. My back is to the wall so I get a good scan of the room, I believe I'm still in the doctor's room but she's no longer here.

For once I let myself think about Addison and my chest doesn't hurt, I take in a breath and it doesn't feel like I got an knife stuck in my chest. She bled out in my arms and in the mist of this moment I can't even feel remorse.

"Do you feel tired?" I hear a voice question and I take time for my eyes to lift to meet theirs.

"Not one bit." My words feel blurred together.

"Let's get you up." My bodyguard grabs my arm with care and lifts my body up, I giggle feeling the sensation in slow motion "God you are so much easier to deal with like this." I lean all my weight onto him but it doesn't seem to faze him.

I can't even drag myself as my knees give out every chance they get. My head hangs and I can't even feel the pang of agony that should be springing up my neck. "Almost there-" my eyes close "Maddie don't fall asleep." I'm nudged.

"I'm up!" I lift my head letting out another giggle, to obey his order I hum to myself trying to stay awake. A door opens and I'm dragged in.

"I think the dose was a little too much for her condition."

"I'm in a condition?" I lift my head "How come I wasn't told th- Azriel!" I'm so glad he's here. I'm moving towards him and the table he's in front of "Hey there," I'm dropped on his lap and rest my head on his shoulder, I'm so glad he's here.

"Thank you, that'll be all." I hear him say, he smells good. I left my head resting my chin on his shoulder instead, I take in his scent, oh he smells so good. He smells like grass but make it sexy. My eyes shut feeling drowsy.

"Maddison." I feel him push my back from my shoulders, my head is too damn heavy to carry by myself. He must recognize that cupping one side of my face to tilt my head up. "Maddison open your eyes."

"Okay," I smile, I open them just as he asked. I blink a few times taking in his beauty, didn't he try to kill me? I can't even begin to imagine that right now, I'm just glad he's here. "I'm so glad to see you."

"That's just the drug talking." His arm moves around me but quickly changes resting on my back. He grabs my thigh and lifts it's over to one side.

"You drugged me?" I should be torn but I'm sitting on his lap, he pulls me in closer then leans over pulling a tray. I move my stiff hands resting them on his shoulders "Azriel, do you like me like this?"

"No." I watch him pick something with a fork and then it comes to view in front of me, the pancakes I refused days ago. "I want the Maddison with fire, I can't get her until you eat."

"I'm happy like this." He raises the fork to my lips.

"That's the point." He tells me and I watch how fixated his eyes are to my lips "Eat." his words are softer then usual and I open up gladly taking in the small piece.

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