Part 45

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It's quiet for a while and then a door opens and I find myself looking over at the door, it's Luke that walks in. Who was I expecting? I shut my eyes again.

"Maddie," I hear besides me "can you tell me about the whole you getting captured thing?"

"It's pretty self explanatory," I wait a beat, "I got captured." I say in return.

"Yes but questions like why'd it take you so long to escape and how you got into a situation like that in the first place, how you escaped, what happened, how long you where there, they all stay unanswered."

"I'm not really feeling in the mood to have a kumbaya moment."

"Oh please!"

"You tell me about your past." My words seem to shut her up, "Exactly," I point out, "let's keep this type of conversations for appropriate times." I guess it pretty obvious that speaking about it isn't that easy for me. I can just about bring myself to think about it.

The months were endless and I couldn't even keep myself conscious from all the blood I was losing. It was hell. A hell I couldn't escape, a hell that trapped me mentally.

To think I escaped such hell just to be tortured mentally? At least it's not as bad here. I'm still given the same two blue pills at twelve when I have to eat with Azriel. I'm still sleeping on the couch, still in a maids uniform, still getting fed.

This routine continues for a few more days and it's starting to rub off on me, I find myself starting to want to eat with Azriel. It's the only thing I look forward too. He's the only one I feel like I can talk to.

When he asks me "How are you feeling?" I want to reply with something witty and controversial but I don't, I give him a simple "Better." and leave it at that. He does most of the talking, of course, and to my surprise he hadn't talked about the bond.

He hasn't touched me, hasn't kiss me, hasn't fucked me in days, he hasn't done anything with me. It's an agonizing experience, it's painful to live through because of the way he's constantly looking at me.

The way his eyes scan my body, the way he takes in my lips while licking his own, the seconds that last too long when we fall silent. It's killing me that he's not trying, yes I'll reject him but I'm so used to him taking it anyways that I miss it.

So when we're sitting and he hits me with the "I think you're stable enough to join me in my next hunt." my heart does a flip. Finally! I'll be out! I can finally leave this room once again.

Like the first time I'm given a simple outfit, jean and a shirt with runnable shoes. This time around he comes to pick me up himself, we take the elevator down and then I'm in his car. I haven't been in his car for a while.

I settle on the leather remembering how much fabric so simple can hold so much memories. He's already starting the car with no word and I buckle myself in. I wonder why Luke or Carter didn't tag along.

Does this have to be just the two of us? I don't really trust my judgment when I'm alone with him and to prove that my mouth speaks without consent form my mind "Do you hate me?"

He glances over fixing his eyes on me for a second before going back to the road, he lets out a heavy sigh but doesn't answer me. "It's that bad huh?" I make him chuckle but still no word.

No word for a good minute until, "You feel it too don't you?" his words silence me. What exactly am I supposed to feel? The desire to be touched by him? The nagging pain of his missing touch?

"Feel what?" I play it off swallowing hard.

"Today isn't that hard," he ignores my question "we just sit and observe form a far." Ah, the longest part about hunting. You always have to catch your prey at their most vulnerable so you have to know them. I nod.

His gaze goes out his window and he takes a turn into a parking lot and parks. I never expected him to whip out a camera form behind us but he does, I watch how his hands play around with it clicking and turning on the camera.

It's about the size of my head but looks so petite in his hands, so vulnerable, so crushable. He rises it to his eyes and shut the other peering through the lens and out into something, he puts it down going back to adjusting.

He just needs to bump me on the shoulder, that's all the contact I need- what is wrong with me? Since when did I get so desperate? For his touch? I shouldn't feel like this but yet it do. I want him to do more then just bump me of the shoulder.

Why won't he just fucking touch me?! I'm basically screaming to myself and I watch his eyes effortlessly look up at me, the blackness of his pupil takes over of the blue that was once visible in his eyes "What?" I question him.

He gives me no answer and the way he's looking at me isn't putting me at ease. "Am is supposed to be doing something?" I try again but he still doesn't respond, "What is it with you lately?" I shrug leaning back into my seat. "And I'm diagnosed with insanity." I mumble looking out my window.

I'm telling you right now, this man, he'll be the end of me. My chin is grab strongly and I'm quick to retaliate "You can't just garb me like-" he pulls me in not letting me finish and his faces hovers over mine. His eyes silence me. Why is he so close? Why am I so close?

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