Part 21

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I take it blondie's not pleased with me as she tugs me back to the pond "I get it you're on a suicide mission, but some of us want to live the remainder of our days." She drags us down and starts scrubbing.

I took take a dress and dip it in the pond, my eyes divert to my watcher who's now in a far distance, the other two seem to be huddled together, talking. I turn back to Blondie. "How come I don't know you're name?"

"You don't?" She frowns then her face relaxes "Ah, that's right, you're not in the kitchen." She grabs the bar of sob adding more foam "I'm Emma." I part my lip to tell her mine but she beats me too it "Maddie, I know."

"Emma, I need you to do me a favour." She looks up at my words "I need scissors," her face goes pale "to cut my stitches." I look around lowering my voice "I need to take them out, stitches are only temporary."

"Go to the pack doctor then." She shakes her head.

"No I can't." I mirror her "If I do Azriel will see me. I can't be around him."

"You know whispering doesn't help, they have wolf hearing."

"It's a mundane reflex." I pause "Please, I'm not allowed in the kitchen so I can't get them myself." I watch her eyes scan our surroundings "You'll be in my good graces, trust me that's an advantage. I also need them to be sharp, I can't cut stitches with safety scissors."

"I can't help you." She drops her eyes back to the pond "Sorry."

Fuck! How- that wasn't the plan! She was supposed to agree so I could get rid of those girls that jumped me earlier, I'd admit, killing my own kind I haven't done in a while but how hard can it be?

I'm tired of being obedient, I only have to play that card if it benefits me, I'm not getting anything in return. Either way, I need to go back up, I want to hear the deal, it has to be better then this. I can't clean anymore!

We finish up pretty fast as a pair and soon enough it's twelve, this time I eat. It's nothing big, it's just bread cheese a few strawberries and some water, it's better then nothing. I can't be collapsing.

For the afternoon I'm supposed to be stacking hay but I don't, I take myself to my room and lie the fuck down. Everything hurts and my hands have given out form scrubbing so damn much.

I sit on my bunk then push myself back, I use my toes to take my shoes off from the heels before lying down. Maybe if I sleep in the day I can stay awake in the night so no one gets disturbed, that way I won't get jumped, again.

My eyes are already heavy when I blink so when I close them to sleep I have no problem, I wish my head wouldn't spin though.

Maybe seeing Azriel wouldn't be so bad, my mind seem to think so since I see him in my dreams. I wish it wasn't the same dream I've been having over and over and over again. He's holding me back as I'm trying to fight my way to my sister. "Let me go!" I remember screaming.

I begged and begged but he didn't listen, he didn't let me go until her body was on the ground. I rushed to her, to help, but I was too late. She was bleeding out and fast, I couldn't do anything, and the first thing she did was apologize.

Her blood is everywhere and I'm screaming again, my body is shaking and I can't help it. I shoot up gasping for air.

"Maddie?!" I turn to my name, Emma is standing by my side. Her eyes are wide, three other eyes beam down at me, my watchers. I try clamming the rising of my chest but my breathing just speeds up, Emma moves pushing my legs down.

Oh. Shit! Was I flashing them?! Oh my gosh!

"She's fine." She turns to my watches "She has night terrors and by the looks of it she can't escape them, not even if she sleeping during the day."

"She screams like this every night?" One asks, but it's not the one the cornered me earlier.

"Yes. Ever since she's got here."

"Very well." He finally says after a beat of silence, they share a look before moving to the door "Come with us Emma."

"Yes sir." She stands ready to follow them out "You need to change your bandages before your wound gets infected," her eyes shift to the top draw which isn't my draw, I follow her gaze then stare back at her. Her lips press into a line before she goes, leaving me.

As soon as the door closes I move to her draw, she once told me to stay away from her stuff, why would she put the bandages in here? With both hands I pull it open and start shuffling around, I must have read into it wrong. There's no bandages here.

That's what I thought until deep down on the left bottom are scissors, I take them out. They're bigger then my hand and dangerously sharp. She got them for me! She actually got them for me.

Unannounced the door opens and I'm quick to stash it back into the draw. A she wolf maid walks in and scans the room before finally setting her eyes on me "Where's Emma?" Her tone is demanding, why do they all have to be so challenging? "I'm taking to you!"

"She was taken by the wolf men that watch me." My response is fast. Her eyes drop to my feet then rise to my head. Bitch.

"Get back outside, you're not done with the hay." I shut the draw at her words then move to put my shoes on, she's still there watching me. I step towards the door and she leads the way out dropping me off outside.

It's dark and the sun is already down. "Isn't it too dark?" I turn to her.

"Figure it out." She shoos me forwards with her hand and I'm moving towards the stables. How long did I sleep? Apparently too long.

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