Part 8

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Sniffing her out is much easier, she's the most recent scent lingering around. I follow it and find her trying to crawl through a vent, I grab her legs dragging her out "Not so fast." I chuckle.

She charges at me, beating her elbow in my side and kicking my everywhere possible. One strike and she blinking for a better view, I pick her up sticking her to the wall as she claws at me digging her nails in my flesh.

"Come on," I tease her "fight back." She head buts sending me a step back but when I look at her it seems she's done more damage to herself then I. "Maddison," I knee her in the stomach and she almost skins but I hold her up "don't be pathetic."

She whines trying to take in some air, her eyes are still dreamy, her lips still pink, but she look different, the fatigue must be getting to her. I notice her shirt is a turtleneck as a ring sings in the air and her weary eyes look down to her pocket, I follow her gaze and take it upon myself to pick up "Maddison's a little busy."

"I am?" Her elegant voice rings in my left ear she once shot off, I'm in awe, she right in front of me. "Do you know how disrespectful it is to hit a woman? But what can I say, I guess chivalry is dead."

The girl I'm looking at gives me a grin, she has her smile, a smile that I've only seen through the footage but she has it. "What's wrong?" She continues "Cat got your tongue?"

"Where are you?" I finally ask.

"Right here." A shot is fired form above going into my shoulder, it takes me a step back but I'm quick to take out my own gun pointing to her doppelgänger, no not doppelgänger, twin.

"Come talk to me Maddison." I glock my gun back ready to decorate the walls with her sisters brains. I watch how her hair isn't half up and half down but fully flowing past her shoulder, she moves out of sight.

I try follow her with my eyes but when she moves around a corner I lose her until she reappears dragging a body, the body looks limp and is clearly a weight that takes a lot for her to drag. She drops its shirt collar and kicks it over. Cater.

"I wonder how much damage a silver bullet will do to both of you." She hold a gun on to his head, my gun. I turn to her sister and spin the gun in hand pointing the butt in her face instead, then I knock her out with one swing.

She drops and I watch Maddison watch her, her lips part before she presses them back together then she does the same to Carter, it's not necessary, I bet she already knocked him out before. Her gun turns in my direction but her eyes go to her sister.

"You like my gun?" I question her, she still has my gun in her hands and I point my own in her face.

"I think it will be interesting if your own weapon kills you." She stops in front of me, both of us have guns in our face but who will be the first to pull the trigger.

"That would be interesting." I agree "I knew you weren't a runner, I just never knew you were a trickster either."

"There's a lot of things you don't know about me." She swings at me but I move just missing it and catch her swinging arm. I turn her using her body against her and press her back against my chest.

Her scent overwhelms me but I don't give it a chance to distract me "This is the fight I've been looking for-" she throws her head back right into my nose knocking me off balance and then swings her gun successfully into my jaw. I stagger back.

Blood swims in my mouth, I spit it out. "Do I amuse you?!" She moves to me, my grin only grows.

"You're satisfying me." I meet her half way and catch her next swing before grabbing her by the throat, she cries out, her scream radiates bouncing off the walls, reminding me off the footage. I grip tighter willing her to fight back and she starts to beat at my capitulum.

With enough force she makes them bend then pulls be closer just to head butt me, her force does something to me making my head jerk up. I try blinking away the blinding light but eat a punch right in the stomach. "Am I still satisfying you?!" Another punch to my rib. I tense then grab the fabric of her shirt and throw her.

Her back smashes against the wall as she falls face first, she tries to squirm to her feet but struggles "Yes Maddison, you are still satisfying me."

"Fuck you!" She barks getting to her feet.

"Do it yourself you coward." She's not happy with me comment or my grin, but she just can't help the small string tugging the side of her lip. She shakes her head moving to me. We both still have our guns in hand, no one's pulled the trigger yet.

She flips hair out her face effortlessly fascinating me "God you are stunning." I tell her missing the fact that she's replace the hand that had a gun with a dagger.

"You werewolves need to die."

"Bet that would make your life a little easier."

"It would." She nods then swings the dagger at me, her swing was low catching me off guard "God I'd love to get rid you abominations. You're just waste!" She swings low again and I catch her wrist. "You take as you please! All you desire is power and blood."

"Some of us." I correct her twisting her wrist, she grimaces in pain then elbows me right in the jaw forcing me to let go.

"Correct me if I'm wrong," she takes the opportunity to dive the dagger in me, it cuts right through my flesh "but you're here to kill me no?" She pushes the dagger deeper brining me to my knees. She drops to level my eye.

"I'm going to have to rain check you on that." She leans into my neck leaving one single kiss there, it excites my wolf, it excites me.

"Your quite the seductress." I tell her.

"It's a talent." She stands then kicks the dagger in me, for reasons I can't comprehend I can't move. My waist, where she stabbed me, is immobilized. Her eyes scan me and we watch each other, her with the upper hand, me on my knees.

"By the way," she moves to her sister and all I can do is watch "the dagger is dipped with wolfsbane." Explains why I can't move "I'll give you a day. It only seems fair." She picks her sister throwing her over her shoulder. One last glance at me she smiles then she's gone.

My gun is still in my hand yet I let her go. I let her go.

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