Part 43

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"You need to take this," he puts a plastic shot glass in front of me. We're back in his living room and we have food prepared for us "it'll keep you sane." He pushes to me and I look down in it.

Two blue pills sit at the bottom of the glass, my eyes look up at him and I remember the feeling of me digging into his skin with my bare hands. I reach out for the glass and down it like a shot before washing it down with my water.

"Eat." He nods to my plate and I put my glass down. I turn to my plate and take the cover off myself this time, willingly I pick my spoon up. I dip the spoon into the bowl and stir before leaning in to take a spoonful.

It's a well seasoned chicken soup and burns my tongue a little. I feel Azriel's gaze on me but then I start to hear the clacking of his fork when it meets his plate. "I should give you a tour of this place when you're better."

I glance over at him as he keeps chewing before he swallows "Maybe even take you back as my huntress." He picks bread up the bites into it before ripping it away form his mouth.

"What makes you say that?" I want to know.

"You're pretty good at wh-"

"That I'll get better." I cut him off shaking my head "What makes you so sure I'm okay right now?"

"You're not okay." He taps his bread on his plate "You escaped me and then slaughtered a pack, you used to scream like you're getting tortured but it's just night terrors, you stopped eating, you lost your mind and I mean that quite literally.

"You also witnessed your sister get assaulted then murdered." He continues "I had to retain you making you relive the same nightmare Patrick put you through, the sex...I feel like I overworked you, you're capable to sleep for days like it's a nap, then you cried your eyes dry for two hours.

"You are nowhere near okay." He takes his glass drinking the chilled clear liquid. I drop my eyes looking at my finished bowl. He's right, I'm nowhere near okay. "I trust you won't try to kill me again," he pauses and I still don't meet his eyes "at least not yet."

"I think you should kill me." I say, my eyes stuck on my lap. His silence is unsettling but I feel he out of everyone should understand why I'm asking. If my only option to stay sane are blue pills then I rather join my sister.

"I would," I look up at his sudden words "but I'd like to try something first." I part my lips to ask what but I think my face says it all. "Everyone out." Simple two words and the room starts to empty, and fast.

"Oh like right now?" I blink up at him, he stands to me and shifts my chair facing him before be turns to grab his and sit right in front of me. He moves in close, so close our breathing starts to match. I swallow.

His head tilts splitting gravity then his cheeks stretch into a smile "Do I make you nervous?" He wants to know and I blink at him as a response, how could I forget that he can hear my heart beating at my rib cage.

"A little." I admit and he backs away a little. I can finally breathe.

"I want us to fall in love."

"I'm sorry, what?" I cringe at his words. He wants what?

"It's not unachievable."

"I just-I can't-"

He sighs. Leans back. And watches me. I'm left trying to calculate what he just said to me, he wants us to fall in love? "How the fuck- is this some kind of joke?" I fucking told him we couldn't fall in love and here he is asking the totally opposite.

"You might as well kill me now." I tell him "I'm not going to fall in love with you, I hate you remember?"

"You're not going to wake up tomorrow and love me Maddison. That's not how it works." His voice is low and he leans back forward to me. "It takes time."

"I can't fall in love wi-" his body weight take me back as his lips press against mine, his lips are soft but I can feel how determined he is to convince me. My hands make their way to his shoulders and I push him back. "Azriel..."

I hang my head not wanting to see him right now, what is he playing at? He runs his hand up my arms and warps my hands around his neck, I'm moving with him when he picks me up swiftly.

My eyes are glued to his and I cling to him, I listen to plates smash before I'm placed on the table that's now cleared. His arm warp around my waist as his other arm spreads my legs for him.

This isn't fair, I literally just finished crying. "Azriel.." I push him away but he jeans leans into me putting our lips together. It's hard to stay focused when his lips control my whole body.

His kisses move to my neck and I let out a shaky breath "Azriel...I can't..." his hands move up my dress then he pulls away form me. His eyes are that deep red again. He disappears dropping and I feel him kiss my inner thigh.

"You're rightfully mine." I hear him say before his breathing moves higher and higher. I throw my head back with a moan at his tongue work. How could I forget this sensation?

His head is under my dress and I have no choice but to take it. I'm shaking my head and trying to swallow down my moans. I see his head rise up taking my dress with it and then he's back to towering over me.

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