Part 49

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I look at the perfectly done bed, it looks different form the first time I saw it. The bed frame has changed, the size has increased and the pillows have minimized. Did he change the bed?

I move to it and sit down. The bed has definitely been changed, nothing about it feels strange like it did the time he wanted to fuck me on it, for some reason I don't think about the wolf and she doesn't faze me.

At the end of the day, I'm the only one that can satisfy him. I imagine him going at it with the wolf for him to moan my name instead of hers, she is the replacement anyways. All this time, that's what he's been doing, replacing me.

I mean now I'm here, he can have me. Wait is this me accepting it? Accepting him? Accepting us?

The door opens and he steps out, he has a towel around his waist and one in his hand drying his hair. Okay the scratches doesn't look as bloody and awful as it did before but it's still don't look great.

He moves past me and I watch him go around the bed to the other side, he opens a door I didn't even know existed and disappears inside it. Where the hell did he just go?! I wait for him to come back out but he seems to be taking his sweet time.

So what I do is go back into the bathroom and raid each draw looking for some petroleum jelly and bandages. Once I've found them I close everything and go back into his room, he's still not out.

I contemplate going after him and find my legs working together and towards the door he disappeared into, but just as I'm half way there he steps out. He has a towel over his head making him look holy, he's bottom half is dressed in grey joggers and his barefoot.

For a second I'm mesmerized. I've fucked this guy twice already yet I've never seen him like this. I've never seen his body so exposed and bare, how his skin looks so tender and flawless. His dark hair hangs on his forehead as the towel on top of his head presses them down.

His eyes look a pale blue in this lighting and his jaw is so diagonally defined, his cheeks are a flush pink form the heat of his shower and his lips, oh his lips. They look so inviting. I need to stop so I drop my gaze to his wound.

"I umm." I'm still stuck on his beauty and vulnerability "I know you said you'd heal but," I looks down at my hands. The jelly and bandages look a little too much like flowers and I feel very stupid. What am I doing?

I hear him move but keep my eyes on my hands, I feel him stop in front of me and I lift my head to meet his eyes. They burn into mine and I'm so focused I don't see his hand rise to my face to cup my left side.

I blink away form him then move to put the bandages in his pocket, I open the lid of the jelly and take some with my finger before moving to rub it on him. I'm moving slowly a little too slowly afraid I might hurt the man towering over me.

The warmth of his hand isn't what's distracting me, it's his other hand that's now running up my spine. He's running up and down the zip of my dress like he wants to take take it off while I'm here just trying to put Vaseline on him.

Touching him is another thing. I'm trying not to go ad low as the wound is letting me yet I'm trying to keep my eyes above his waist. My heart is going against me threatening to beat through my chest and there's no doubt he can hear it.

I drop the tub and go back into his pocket for the bandages, I take the packet apart and then hold the start of the bandage to the top of his wound "Hold this." I press the small fabric down and he does. I have to step forward a little so it can warp around him.

He lets go once I've secured it and I keep warping calculating whether or not I'll have enough to bandage him. I make it work in silence and then come to an end and tuck the last of the fabric to secure it.

I run my hands past where he was hurt. "Such a mundane thing to do." I look up at his words and see how close we really are.

"Well, I am human." I tell him and he nods like he didn't know it before. Time passes and we take too long, too long to look at each other, too long taking in each other's details, too long breathing in the same air.

"Stay." His eyes plead but his voice is low "Sleep with me."

It takes me a second to reply "As in lay next to you?"

"What are you trying to say?"

"No that's no what I me—" him chuckling cuts me off.

"Yes. As in lay next to me." He blinks down at me waiting for an answer and then I nod. I'm still nodding when he's moving to the lights and I start to peal the sheets off it's corners "You might want to change, you'll get pretty hot sleeping next to me."

"What am I supposed to change into?" I question looking down at my maid uniform. He walks to me, passes me, goes into the door he went into before then comes out with a shirt. That must be his closet since he keeps going in without clothes and coming out with them.

He hands it to me from behind at takes it upon himself to unzip me, his hands run up my back sending a wave of shivers through my body. I push myself to start moving and I take it upon myself to undress me and put the shirt on.

He was going to torture me with his teasing hands.

Chasing my mateOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz