Part 10

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"She'll be here looking for her lover, you can't miss her she has red hair and pale skin." I show Luke and Carter the picture I was given of this Claudia. They nod and we move to enter the club.

The men guarding the entrance seem to recognize use and let us right past them with no word. Tonight I was given yet another rouge that managed to escape, but this time I have direct orders to shoot to kill.

The bar is filled with bodies everywhere, all of which are occupied, talking, dancing, drinking, laughing. I move to an open booth and take a seat, this view lets me see somewhat all of the bar.

"Can I get you gentlemen anything?" A waitress comes, her dark hair stops at her shoulders as her blue piercing eyes scan us. "You guys are new here right? That means if you order more then five shots you get free beers."

"We'll take five shots then." Luke orders, the way her looks at her is full of lust but I don't bid against him.

"I thought you would," she scribbles something down "five shots it is. Your next round if you wish, you'll get your free beers."

"Alright then,"

"I'll be right back." She smiles at Luke. He watches her go. Cater and I share a same look.

"Don't lose focus." I tell him, I lean back and scan for a redhead. Our drink comes to us quite rapidly and I down the two shots I'm given.

"Rock, paper, scissor, shoot!" I look over at my betas, Luke has his hands in a fist whereas Carter has his hand palm out "I get the shot!" He drags the small cup to him and jerks his head back to take it. They can be so immature sometimes.

"So alpha," Luke's voice has a sing song tone to it "is Isabel your new favourite?" I don't answer "Words getting around that she might be your mate..." I still have no answer " makes sense since we haven't heard you say a word about our Luna."

"Luke." Carter warns.

"I'm just saying," Luke shrugs.

"I'll let you know when I find my mate." I tell him looking out into the dancing crowd, bodies press again bodies and I can't imagine myself in that mess. Most dancing girls are human and the majority of dancing males are wolves.

"Would you like your beers now?" Our waitress is back, I nod and she disappears coming back in the same speed she left giving us our drinks. With my beer in hand I take a sip letting the music drown out my betas talking and letting my eyes scan.

I spot a light blue dress on a girl with brown skin, what the actual fuck? My wolf isn't impressed seeing yet again Maddison throwing herself at the men around her, werewolf men. Didn't she just hate us?

Her hips sway to the music keeping them up beat and the male behind her sticks himself onto her backside. My jaw clenches. The wolf behind her runs his hands on her hips pulling her closer and she wines on him.

Her head is throw back as her hand disappears into his hair, she's smiling, enjoying herself. The dress she wears hugs her body showing off her curves and she has a chocker on that's thick enough to cover her traumatized scars.

She pulled by another wolf wanting her and she willingly follows staring up into his eyes. How am I even sure this is Maddison I'm looking at? How do I know this isn't her twin? How do I know this isn't one of her tricks?

Something gets whispered in her ear and she turns to the previous guy she was dancing and grabs his hand as well as the wolf in front of her, following her out she leads them away. I let out a breath before waiting for her to distance herself in the crowd.

I stand. "You found her?" A voice asks but I'm too busy following Maddison with my eyes to identify them.

"No. Keep your eyes open." I leave making my chase subtle. I push through the crowd following as she leads them out the back, the more they move out the more I realize how the wolves are almost staggering behind her in a tipsy manner.

I slow my pace when I see her pull them into a hall, it takes a little more to drag them now but she still manages. I move in the shadows hiding behind a corner and decide to listen in instead. "Maddie," a voice calls, her tone is higher then Maddison's natural voice.

"Two more." Maddison says and two shots are fired. The gun definitely has a silencer on it but the bodies drop instantly. A door swings open and heels starts to drags across the floor. Two heatbeats are left before the door stops swinging open and shut.

"I can't wait to fucking go home," Her voice brings a smile to my face "how many left?"

"That's on the list? Three. But I have each device in place, give me the word and I'll blow this place." The voice goes into a hush, "This place is filthy crawling with beasts, they out weigh the humans here. We'll be getting rid of a whole lot of waste."

"Give me fifteen minutes." It sounds like a conformation and the heels start to move my way, she can't be going back. I move higher and then a corner knowing she's come down this way.

"Do I get a dance?" My voice startles her, I believe she can't see me when she squints to her a better view.

"Of course," I watch the dim light highlight here cheekbones "come here."

I raise my hand to her and she seems to see that, with two fingers in beckon her. "You come here." Whether she wants to dance with the devil or not her face show a no sign of the unidentifiable man in the shadows "I won't bite. Unless you want me to."

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