Part 41

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"You're the reason she's dead!" I storm to him and shove him hard, "I could have got to her!" I shove him again and he steps back. "I could have saved her!" My fingers ball up and with my rage and I punch him.

His head moves in the direction of my punch before he shoves me off him but I just rush back to him, "You did this!" I punch him in the guts where his windpipes will shift. "You helped him!"

I start diving at him with full blow fits and he starts fighting me back with the determination to stop me. "Maddison snap out of it." He catches both my wrist and I knee him.

"How could you?!" I take his face and thrust it into my knee taking him back, he drops clutching his nose and I climb him. "This is why I hate you!" I literally starts to claw my way through his skin to get to his heart.

I'm dragged from behind. I kick and scream my way out and end up knocking my attacker off balance form behind me, I turn to see it's Luke. His left hand is occupied by a syringe and I take in jabbing into his throat. "How's that?!"

I move back to Azriel and kick his head, I watch his body roll on his side and then I turn him. I dig my nails back into his skin and pry my human hands deeper. "Let me show you what my heart feels like." His blood splashed in my face and I'm throw off. By him.

"Maddison!" He roars when my back hits the stone walls, pain radiates down my spine and I hit the floor face first. I groan trying to get back up. I'm picked up by the throat and smashed back onto the wall. "I should squeeze your pretty throat."

"Do it." I smile up at him and my legs start to levitate in air, I'm choking and gasping for air as he lifts me to level him. I wrap both my hands around his arm that choking me. My head heats up and I feel all the blood being trapped in one place.

My eyes water and I have to blink the tears out before feeling a stab in my throat, I lock eyes with Azriel and his grip starts to loosens. "Pussy." I choke out as he lets go of me and I drop.

Instead of taking me out, he took the privilege of drugging me. Fucking pussy.

My head is too heavy to lift but I can start to get feeling back in fingers and toes. I move both once I have all the senses in them. "I think she's waking up." Someone says.

My arms are chained up and I can feel the rest of me finally waking up. My shoulder ache and so do my knees for some reason. It's painful to do so but I lift my head looking both left and right at my chains. I scoff.

"Maddie?" I don't even attempt to look up at my name. Instead my eyes go at a sluggish pace scanning the five faces in front of me. Luke, Carter, the doctor, Emma and then Azriel. I give him a broken smile.

"You could have at least put me on my knees," I hang my head "I know how much Azriel likes that." I chuckle to myself.

"Maddie do you know why you're up there?" That has to be the doctor's voice. "Maddison?"

"Yes I can hear you, clearly I'm not deaf. I don't know why I'm up here either, enlighten me doc." My neck starts throbbing, how deep did he stab me?

"In addition to the impact of trauma on the development of psychosis and PTSD, there is evidence that traumatic experiences influence the content of psychotic symptoms."

"What the fuck is that supposed to mean?"

"You've gone insane." She states.

"Already?" I shift my head yet again. My hands warp around the chains on my wrist and I try pulling myself up. "Why does my head feel so heavy?"

"It'll wear off." I get told. I cling onto the chains putting some weight off my wrist before I fall silent against. "What do you remember before you woke up here?"

I remember feeling an uncontrollable type of anger and I was literally on the point of trying to take Azriels heart out, with my bare hands. I was in a room where there was a casket, my sisters casket.

"Maddison..." that voice I haven't heard yet, I look up at that sound. At first I think Azriel said it but then it comes again from my left and I divert my eyes to the wall. Addison stands there casually in the clothes she died in.

My eyes look back at me. "You shouldn't be so callous." Her voice was always higher then mine and I miss hearing it. "So you finally snapped." She tilts her head to a side. "You were bound to snap."

"Maddie?" I look back over at the doctor, "You see something we don't?" I blink at her before looking up at my chains.

"Could have at least chained me to the ground." I tug on the chains.

"Bringing back memories?" I'm really starting to hate her voice.

"I'm just not the kinky type." I tug harder and pebbles trickle down on the ground. "Take them off." I pull harder "Take them off!"

"We can't do that." I'm pulling desperately at her words "Alpha she needs to—" before the doctor can finish I see Azriel towering over me and is at my wrists unlocking them.

I drop in his arms, he catches me and just by the warmth of his arms I can remember why he use to drive me crazy. Now though, I don't feel anything. Not when I'm this close to him, not when his eyes pin mine.

He moves us back and my arms are getting chain again, this time to the ground. These chains I don't fight, these chains are bearable.

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