Part 3

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Her car brings me in front of two hotels facing each other, she exists her car and walks to the one on the left. That one holds a high status but the right overpowers that, I doesn't even make sense to why there's two hotels besides each other.

She acknowledges the receptionist with a nod of the head then moves towards the elevator pressing the bottom calling it, I exist my car getting a better view of the towering hotel. I try to focus on the elevator to determine what floor she's on but the outside noise is drowning.

Instead I wait on hopes she took a window room, I scan and scan and scan until a light switches on, window room, fifth floor, right side. I walk into the richer hotels and take the stairs up, I hurry a little un buttoning my tux half and then get to the floor.

I swing the door open and strut to the end of the corridor, I eye the door then knock on it, no answer, I knock again but get the same response. Then I grip the handle forcing the doorknob off, the door splits open for me.

It's dark. No ones here. How fortunate.

I step in closing the door behind me then make my way to the shaded curtains, I spread them revealing the hunter. She hunched over the skin throwing up.

I'm a little confused to why, she didn't eat or drink anything although she did kiss my boss and that's a good enough reason. Another thing is she's at the skin and not directly over the toilet, what's her goal? Does she really want to block the drains?

I watch her spit the last of the acid out and then she starts fishing in the vomit, the amount of repugnance that washes over me is unbelievable, what is she possibly looking for now? Who does this?

For a second she looks out her window in an uncomfortable manner, she does not want to be swimming in her barf either, then she lifts her hand and things start to make sense. A key.

She clearly went days with the mental around her neck and when she heard about the party she set a goal to retrieve the key, which makes sense to why she was so obedient when my boss requested she move closer, he practically handed the key over to her.

Meaning she probably swallowed it down for safety and then switched to make her escape. It's smart but dangerous. What if my boss locked her right up the second she arrived? What would she have done then? She too was handing herself over to him.

She starts scooping, each handful of barf down the toilet then she's rinsing the key before she walks out leaving the light open. Her heels kick off as she does a model walk towards her bed, form below she pulls a suitcase out.

It's impossible for her to have escaped with that which differs the questions, where'd she get it? Who's supplying her?

She moves to the bottom of the case and grabs something in a form of a bag, it's small enough that she carries it in her mouth and she reaches behind her and I watch her dress falls. My eyes shift to the door behind me.

I take two step forward before looking back over at her, has she no dignity? She's just going to walk around half naked with the curtains still open? Plus the lace she wears hide nothing at all, nothing.

I should leave, I have what I want, I have her location. But yet, I don't want to leave, I want to watch her, even if she strips naked I'll still watch her. She doesn't get naked, she just walks back into the bathroom.

I find myself looking away yet again. Her body has a soothing texture to it, she looks exceptional. She's a temptress, a body of gold just staring at herself in the mirror.

Go get her. My wolf tells me, why would I want to do that? No response. My eyes go back to her and she's already moved on, she pressing herself against the sink as she move to take the rock mental off.

The second the pressure is off of her neck starts bleed, the blood paints her collarbone fast and she leans forward hovering over the skin so it catches the blood.

The process is slow, watching her gently pulls the metal off her neck but the second it drops in the skin I can see why it was so hard. Around the collar are red nails sticking out of them like thorns, more blood drops. Eight nails matching the eight holes in her neck.

I watch her jaw drop probably to let out a sob as she blinks hard. Boss did this to her, so her threat wasn't empty. She's also losing a lot of blood, I don't think she thought this through.

She was so eager to take it off she didn't think about the bleeding. Her body sways and after a couple of blinks she collapses. She's going to bleed out. My feet start to move before my mind does, I'm moving in a hurry, she's going to bleed out.

I rush down the stairs before storming out, I cross then I'm in the building taking the stairs. I memorized her floor and the location taking my guess as I ripe the doorknob off but this time I don't check to see if anyone is there, because this time I know someone is here.

And if I don't hurry, she'll bleed out. I strut in going straight for the bathroom, there she is, still bleeding out. The blood is flowing uncontrollably and the puddle is only getting bigger but the second.

I take my tux off warping it around her then pick her up, she's running out of time. The scent of her blood wafters in my nose making move a little faster. She's in my arms staining my shirt red.

She's going to bleed out.

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