Part 24

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"Right when I thought you were settling, you kill a maid...with scissors. Then you make it out, but not far enough." He steps forward coming off the wall. "You never fail to surprise me."

"I didn't mean to kill her, she was in my way." Is my answer.

"Come sit with me." he moves to the door, looking back he sees I haven't moved. "Come on." He sounds as inviting as Addison did in my dream, I step forward.

Back in the spacious living room the table is set, of course it's set, it's almost as if every time I'm here there's food on the table. I watch him sit and he waits for me to move to him, I take my seat. I keep my hands on my lap.

"You hungry?" He lifts the cover off the plate in front of me. It's lasagna, cheese is oozing out of it as well as tomato sauce. I can feel my insides burn with famine but then I spot the dried blood on my uniform. Oh that's a lot of blood. "Blood looks good on you."

I meet his eyes "It's not really my go-to style." I look back down at the plated food "How do I know it's not poisoned?" At that he moves his chair towards me and the distance we had quickly disappears. He's taking my fork before I know what's happening.

"You gotta stop thinking everything is poisoned." He picks a piece off and raises it to his lips, his jaw moves in time with his mouth. I watch his lips. They too look inviting. He leans back towards me cutting another piece but raising it to my mouth.

It's in the air for a while then I part my lips, he feeds me. I can't concentrate on the mouthwatering taste because I'm too busy trying to figure out why this feels so familiar. I chew then swallow. He cuts another "I can feed myself."

"You can also turn anything into a weapon." He brings the fork to my lips, I take it.

"I want to hear it." I say after swallowing "Your deal."

"Tell me about your night terrors," he puts more lasagna in my mouth. That's completely off subject. "What do you see? What makes you scream like that?"

"It's different all the time but I always see her and Patrick, there's always blood and pain. I can't escape it." I don't tell him the dream I have of him, he doesn't need to know that. I take his silence and glance up at him "Why am I alive? Are to going to kill me?"

"I don't know yet." He brings the fork to his mouth cleaning it, I check my plate, I've finished. He leans back in his seat "I want you to join me on a hunt," I squint in confusion "it's not much of a deal now that you've killed one of my maids."

"She was-"

"In your way? I know. But now you're obligated with no terms on your side, my way goes and stays." His tone leaves no room for negotiation "First you need to go back to a healthy weight." I roll my eyes. "You'll eat three times a day and sleep here."

"What is wrong with you?!" I stand pushing my chair behind me to fall.

"I don't understand." He simply says.

"I almost killed you, twice! Then I killed your boss, then I almost killed your beta, on numerous occasions! I killed one of your fucking maids and you're here making sure I get three meals a day?!"

He chuckles at me and I grab my fork that's laying on my empty plate and go to stab him, he's much faster or I'm just predictable because he stops me, with one hand. He grabs my free arm too and I'm stumbling back until I'm thrusted against a wall.

"I am not the enemy here," he's so close we're practically breathing the same air "I don't personally hate you or trust you for that matter but you are too valu-"

"God you are insane!"

"Only for you." His eyes burn to the back of my head. I'm hot. My heart won't stop beating against my rib cage. He's too close. I start to struggle. "What's wrong Maddison? Am I too close?"

I make a feeble sound and he inches closer, he's too close. I can't think straight. I look away. "Look at us," I shut my eyes "you're so close I could just kiss you and you can do nothing of it." His scent...I've smelt something close to that before.

I think back as he leans into me, my eyes spring open. "Please," I whisper "don't kiss me." His lips hover over mine. Don't. Please don't.

"Why not?"

"I-" I shut my eyes. this I remember why I recognize his scent. My eyes open once again and I blink up at him, if he turns me around, talks in my ear, he's practically the man I danced for in the shadows. He can't- I wouldn't- but he was there that night. No.

"It'll be your punishment."

"What kind of punishment is a kiss?" He can't be the man I danced for in the shadows, if he is I've officially lost all my dignity, "Let me fucking go Azriel!" His eyebrow rises and it's takes a second for him to moves back to give me space.

I swallow hard as he lets go of my wrists, "Make yourself at home." He starts to move towards the door, with a last glance he's gone. I let out a shaky breath. What the actual fuck?

Before I can encounter what's going on Luke walks back in with Emma, they stand watching me for a second. Luke's lips curl into what looks like an amused smile before he shakes his head walking to the window.

Did he hear all of that? He couldn't have- is he even allowed to ears drop on their alpha's conversations? I rub my wrist, he couldn't have.

"Let's get you out of those clothes." Emma walks to me and I nod.

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