Part 52

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Im shaking. I don't know why but I am. What is he talking about? Me a wolf? I'd literally kill myself if I were a wolf. What the fuck is he on about.

Then he turns to open the door and two middle-aged people walk in with Luke behind them. The woman is darker then I am, her hair is tied into a low bun with tight 4c curls bouncing out. The man has a buzz cut and a clean shave.

I watch how they're pushed in and they both fall to their knees six feet away form me, I look up at Azriel and watch his eyes go form me to them. "Tell her," he speaks to the visitors "tell her what you told me."

"Luna." I freeze at the title. No one should know I'm his mate, why are they calling me that? The woman picks her head up and her dark eyes watch me "We have come in service of you."

"What service?" I look up at Azirel "I didn't send these people."

"The king's twins are to rule now." My jaw drops "Luna Maddison, you have grown into the queen we need. We need you and Luna Addison now more then ever."

"Wait," I'm stepping forward "you can tell us apart?" I'm shaking my head "No one can tell us apart."

"We can. We're your family—" I hold up my hand and she stops. I'm about to start panicking.

"This isn't funny Azriel." I take a step back, I'm shaking my head and stepping back some more. "This isn't fucking funny." I rub my eyes, I need to wake up. Maybe I'm still on the couch sleeping and this all just a dream.

This can't be happening! My name is called out once and then a second time and I look up. He's alone this time, when did he dismiss the guests? "I don't anything—I- I swear to you I don't know any—"

"I can see that." He's taking a few steps to me. "The night of the rouge attack, it wasn't random. They were here to collect their queens, they were here for you and your sister. It makes sense now," he's getting closer.

"Why you can't remember. It makes sense because it wasn't you in control. It was your wolf—"

"Shut up!" I scream. "Don't say that! I'm not like you! I'm human!"

"It's okay," he towering over me "there's a reason to all this." His arms are around me and he's pulling me in. "Let's figure it out," I'm frozen "Together."

I'm very much overwhelmed. I can't think straight. Breath. I need to breathing. No. Now I'm breathing too much. Too hard. "Maddison," my eyes are glued shut but I can still hear his voice. "Maddison? Look at me."

"I can't do this right now," I'm whispering to myself "I've done too much. I've taken too much lives— wolf lives." I shake my head and finally, I finally open my eyes to him "I can't be anyone's Luna. I'm not adequate, I can't I can't I can't I can't." I'm bound to lose brain cells the way I'm shaking my head.

"You're going to fast." I sink to my knees at his words. This is his fault! He brought this upon me! I'm not a wolf! I've never been, I'm human, a mortal!

He's gone down with me and is cupping my face with both hands. Why am I crying?! I shouldn't be crying. "You're thinking to much into it. I run a pack let me—"

"Shut up Azriel!" I push him away "God for one second! Just shut up!" I'm trying to think, I need to think! I'm not a wolf! I could never run a pack! Addison is the type of leader they want, she's the type of leader they need— a force takes me back.

His lips on mine are harsh and desperate, so desperate. My eyes open form the impact but he just pushes at me back until I'm reaching behind me for balance. He stops, pulls away, looks at me, then comes back in.

I take in his lips this time, warping my arms around his neck to pull him closer as he pushes me down on the floor. His lips are hot and silence my panicking self. He's distracting me, keeping me sane.

I can't think about the is right now. I want him, I need him. "Fuck me Azriel." I breath as my hands work their way down to his waistband, I kiss him harder.

"Right here?" His body rolls on mine making it harder for me to successfully invite his friend to the party, he kisses me harder.

"Right now." I run my hands up his shirt, nodding. The bliss, oh how the drug of sex takes me back up to could nine. My body shakes and I'm hyperventilating but I don't mind, anything to help me forget, to help distract me.

When it's over, I'm back into a tangled mess and I'm looking for comfort. I'm looking for comfort and I find it, in him. In Azriel. He's right here next to me. He's clam and put together which is the opposite of me right now.

I need this aura. After everything I've been through, after everything he's put my though I'm still choosing him. I'm choosing his arms and his manor, his love and his support. I want to blame it on the mate bond.

I want to scream and whoever is up there and is willing to listen, I want to grab their attention and tell them how stupid they are. How they lack common sense to put Azriel and I together, how I know they hate me! I know the higher ups hate me!

If they didn't I wouldn't be here! I wouldn't be here! I shouldn't be!

I'm holding on to my last thread and ironically it's a big bulk of werewolf flesh. It's warm and soothing. It can be cruel and toxic but for right now, this thread is all I got. And I'm holding on. Real tight.

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