Part 47

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I swear this bitch paralyzed my right arm! I don't know what she injected me with but it hurts like a bitch. I look up to Luke leading me else where and take my chance to take in the opportunity.

I wonder if they have numerous amounts of maids cleaning these halls up and down. They're so white I can see myself in the reflection, I wonder what they would look like sainted red.

Luke stops and I nearly walk right into him, I'm more alert this time as he opens a door and we step in. The room is pitch black until the censored lights come on as we step in.

The gym itself is coloured black going against its outside, the walls, the falls, the furniture, all black. There's not much around almost like it's all been cleared out. I look back over at Luke who's took his jacket off showing is ripped biceps.

"What are you doing?" I look up at him and he goes to a corner grabbing two wooden sticks.

"This is apparently supposed to make your memories come back to you, unfortunately alpha is too busy to spar with you and Carter is still very much against you, which leaves me." He gives me a cheeky smile.

He moves closer and the sticks in hand become more visible, they're very lard wooden swords, he throws one at me and I catch it wincing. "I don't know how to wield a sword." I shake my right arm out before taking the sword in hand.

I follow him in the centre of the room "I find that hard to believe," he spins his sword effortlessly "especially as that was your weapon of choice when we found you." He turns and thrusts his sword at me, I dodge it.

"Ironic isn't it?" I step back and take the sword with both hands, is he just going to keep attacking me? I dodge his next attack and he shakes his head at me "I seriously don't know what I'm doing."

"Well don't dodge." He swings at me again and I stop it mid air with my word, I use the strength form my left arm to throw his weapon up in the air and take his open stomach as an opportunity and poke him.

"You're dead." I watch him look down then back up at me, I shove him with the sword and he jerks back "Now you're dead."

"Remind you of anything?" He wants to know and I shake my head. "Let's go again." He puts his wooden stick up and I reposition myself. This time around his swings are a little more violent and I do all I can to dodge but never swing at him.

"Don't tell me this is how you took a whole pack down." He tires tripping me up but I aim higher this time but stop right at the side of his neck.

"Beheaded." I pull away repositioning myself and we go again. His force takes me by surprised and I have to actually start trying, I thought we were just sparring.

"Ow!" He smacks my wrist with the wood.

"You just lost a hand." He smirks and I glare at him putting my 'lost hand' behind my back. He raises and eyebrow but don't contradict me. This time I take offence using my legs as much as I can, he's backing down in defence but is still trying to attack me and take control.

Our swords beat at each other until I lock them in and he tries to shove me off but I knee him "Ugh." he bends and I step back freeing out swords, I make the gesture as if I'm going to just slit his throat open but lift his head in stead.

"Dead." I whispers and take a few steps back as he stands.

"So you're no good unless you're anger." He uses the sword to help him up and then he's standing "Remember anything?"

"Nope." I raise my sword as he does the same. We go again and again and again until we are panting and my lungs hurt from lack of air. Luke still doesn't give up and keeps coming at me. "I can't breath." I pant but he doesn't seem to be listening.

He just keeps trying to get to me. I dodge, duck, slide, spin, roll, anything to put distance between us be he's still coming. He hits me countless times and I'm scream "Ow!" and "Ah!" over and over again.

He takes my sword, more like smacks it out my hand, leaving me defenceless and my shoulders are rising and falling trying to maintain my stand. I watch how his shoulders are going up and down like mine.

He struts to me and I dodge his wooden swing but don't see the next and I stagger forward almost falling to my knees. Where the hell is my sword gone? I look around for it and see how far away it is from me.

It's behind Luke and my eyes rise to meet his eyes, he's waiting for me to get it together and his silence makes my ears ring. He sees me and I see him, we stand and watch each other for a second.

He takes a step forward and something about the way he does it makes me step back, he takes and other and pivot making him turn with me. I hold up my hand in a "Wait." motion as we keep going around in a circle.

"What do you do when you have no weapon?!" A voice asks, I look up at Luke but his lips haven't moved. Where did that voice come from? "Focus Maddie!" I blink and colours start to bleed together. "Maddie?!"

"I'm tired." It's definitely my voice but I didn't say the words. I move and I see myself standing defenceless and panting, just like Luke left me. I try looking up at the person speaking to me but I only get a blur before I feel my shoulder being shook.

"Maddie?" I look up to Luke, he searches my eyes for a second then steps back.

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