Part 6

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I give her joggers and a clean shirt with some shoes meant for my Luna but fits her perfectly, well technically she is my Luna. She just doesn't know it yet. Humans can't feel the connection until we kiss.

Just like promised we drive to the hotel we no drama and no word. I stop, stealing a glance over at her, her neck is staring to swell and bruise badly but she doesn't even seem to realize. "Maddie." She says looking over at me "No body calls my Maddison. It's just Maddie."

"May the best hunter win...Maddison." I smirk at her eyes roll and then she leaves my car. I watch her walk to the front watching the cars buzz by, she looks left, then right, then back at me.

From the left side of my tux that she's still wearing she draws a gun, with no hesitation she shoots two times at me but the bullets just fly off the window. Bulletproof. "You gave me a day." She remind me.

I did give her a day, so I can't retaliate. I shake my head watching her through the glass, and it starts, the chase. This is going to be satisfying. She moves and the countdown ticks.

I saved her life, stitched her up, made her a deal and she still tried to kill me. I didn't capture or try to kill her yet she blew my ear off then stole my gun. I watch her leave, I wonder how she knew my name? I wonder how she even knew with one look it was me who identified as Azriel.

As promised I leave giving her the day I bargained with, I pull back into my packs parking lot and make my way to the entrance. The dawn has started to crack through the surface of the sky but usually at this time most of my pack are out running.

I take my shirt off putting it to my still bleeding ear before stepping in. The halls are empty and so is the kitchen but the second floor is roaming with young women, I move up to the men's floor then another set of stairs to my floor.

It's silent like the entrance ground and I'm not surprised, no one's supposed to be on my floor if I'm absent. This floor consists of my bedroom, bathroom, closet room, office, all different rooms to fill the floor.

I move to my double doors opening the room to my bedroom, I drop my shirt on the ground walking in to see two female wolves on my bed, they've probably been there since yesterday. The blonde stands rushing to me "Alpha what happened?! Are you okay?"

"Leave us." I tell her, her head swivels back to the wolf on the bed. She's got the same brown complexion as Maddison, she's got the curls and the lips but other then that, they look nothing more a like.

"Yes alpha." She nods leaving as she was told. I move to Maddison's replacement, she moves to me meeting me half way something Maddison wouldn't do, it's fine, she's not her. She has her lips, I reach out dragging her bottom lip with my thumb, she does.

Ruining this girls insides seem a little too easy for me, I send her out as soon as I'm done with her. I need to go get the real thing, I need Maddison. I can almost imagine holding her bleeding body in my arms again but that's not how I want to remember her.

I move to my bathroom ignoring how blindingly white everything is, I position myself in front of my mirror looking into it. I got blood everywhere form being too reckless with Maddison's replacement. I don't mind it, I just shift my head into wolf form.

It's hard to keep control as the string to shift the rest of my body gets tugged by my wolf, but I don't give in. Juggling between wolf and human I have my wolf ears back then shift back to mortal form, both ears are back.

I still can't believe she actually shot me.

Keeping my promise to not hunt her a day is harder then it sounds. I can't check my phone to track her whereabouts, I can't follow her, not even form a far, I did give her a day.

As I sit in breakfast, I eat alone with my computer watching all the tapes of her captivity. I watch how she escaped with the talent of seduction and speed killing eight werewolves in her path, leaving three injured and four poisoned, including my boss.

She's fast on her feet, quick to react, smart and just for the fun of it she uses her beauty as a weapon. So I have to look out for her quick traps she might leave, like the switcheroo she once pulled escaping for the second time.

Mortal maids travel to and from my room replacing sheets and I watch them do so, they all wear identical maid dresses. The black and white fabric stops at their thighs with knee high socks go down to their black flats. Each one has a bun of hair at the back of their heads unless their hair is ear short.

The next servant to walk in comes directly to me with a tray "Would you like more coffee alpha?" She asks me and I give her a simple nod, she moves closer to me and I take in a whiff of her. She has a scent of nature to her, like she bathed in a water full of green life.

I watch her pour me more coffee and then she steps back waiting for me to dismiss her, her eyes scan mine before they drop to the floor. Maddison was right, I smell her nerves work up as her heartbeat races.

I pick my cup up watching her. Her blonde hair is pulled back and she her freckles are splashed all over her face "Come sit." I tell her and her head jerks up, her eyes are wide as she freezes.

I push my seat back and motion to me leg, her heartbeat speeds up and her body alternates from fear to excitement. She moves to me and her fellow friends watch her.

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