Part 26

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I feel myself turn and steady hands guid me back, I pull my eyes apart seeing Emma. She's smiling "You didn't scream awake."

"I didn't?" I lean on my hands sitting up, not a good idea since my head starts pounding.

"Nope!" She shakes her head helping me sit up.

"Why do I feel so...drowsy?" She doesn't have an answer for me, instead she hands me a cup and I watch the steam escape it, must be tea. I sit up before taking it. My hands are immediately snug around the cup.

"You started your period last night-"

"I what?!" I jump up seeing a red patch of blood just sitting there "Oh my gosh-"

"Don't worry about it." She cuts me off and I see the bucket next to her "You use that to clean yourself up." I look down but see no blood "We're given panties and tampons when we have our periods, it's the only time that we're not going commando."

"You have fifteen minutes." I shoot up at the voice, Luke. Why is he always here?! Thank goodness he's leaving and he shuts the door behind him.

"Hurry." Emma goes into her bucket and takes out a scrub where I was sat. I move to the bucket she instructed me to go to and bend to pick up the visible cloth there, only when do I wipe myself do I see the blood. Great!

I wipe myself down seeing the water stain red before I put the tampon in and slip the underneath on. How come I don't remember getting my period last night? I must have been deeply asleep, especially if I didn't scream awake.

"You're supposed to change into that." She turns just to point at the table not far from us, I follow her finger to see clothes on there and a covered plate.

"Am I suppose to eat too?" She hums and yes to me and I move to the table. I pick the shirt up, it's long sleeved and pink, I can also tell it's cropped. Under it is a black lacy barlette but I'm not given the matching panties. And the jeans are just plain black.

"Hurry." I hear behind me and starts to undress myself.

"Do you have a spare cloth?" I question and she holds one out, I take it. I'm quick to rush through Azriel's room and into his wide open bathroom, I just move to the skin not lingering and wet the cloth. I go back to the living room and wash my armpits with one side and my face with the other.

Then I dress myself. The clothes fit me suspicious well but I just move to the covered plate. I lift it to reveal three pieces of toast. I take my first bitting down into it, is smothered with what taste like margarine.

Emma stands and only when she moves out the way do I see that the stain is gone. "Here." I offer her some toast, her eyes divert to the door before rushing to me with a smile, she takes one devouring it so she's not caught.

I let her eat the second and I just down my tea before Luke wonders back in, he position's himself by the door looking out at the both of us. Emma's quick to move pouring both dirty waters into on bucket.

I move to her "You're not supposed to help." I look up at Luke.

"Since when do you tell me what I'm supposed to do?" I keep going picking up the empty bucket, form the now full bucket I grab a cloth to press the water out before dropping it in the dry then I do the second one.

"Thank you." Emma nods taking everything with her short little hands then leaves. I watch her go. Great, now I'm alone. With him. We watch each other and then I take it upon myself to start the conversation.

"The other guy, the one that's always around you and Azriel, why does he never talk?"

Luke's lips curl into a smirk "He's not a big fan of you, especially after you kicked his ass." I try remembering but I've taken a lot of werewolves down in my time "The first time you and Azriel fought, you took one of his men as leverage did you not?"

"Oh." The guy that was watching me, I did take him down that day and now it makes a whole lot of sense. "Ohhh." I take my ribbon out and run my hands through my hair since I don't have a comb, then I tie it back like it was.

"Hm," he lifts his head up a little "I wonder what makes you so special...has alpha fucked you yet?"

"What kind of question is that?" I glare at him, "You're such an ass!" I grab my empty tea cup and throw it at him. It smashes right by his head but he doesn't flinch, well that's no good.

"I can see why he keeps you around though," he peels off the wall "your a lot of fun." I flinch at the word fun...

Azriel said that to me in the shadows "That's no fun." and Patrick repeated the same thing to Addison when he was- I can't even begin to think about it.

"But your practically out your mind and your emotions are chaotic which makes you unpredictable."

"Trauma tends to do that."

"You should-" the door opens on him. At the sight of Azriel he doesn't continue, I wonder why, what was he gonna say?

"You're ready, good. Let's go." He took one long glance at me then said those words and he out the room.

"Where are you taking me?" I follow behind him, he doesn't give me an answer but he does drag me by my wrist violently. "What is wrong with you?!" I try pull free and he's still dragging me.

I turn back to see Luke behind us, I don't know why I look because he's not going to go against his alpha. Azriel grip tightens and then pulling nearly makes me trip over my own two feet.

"Azriel for goodness sake you're hurting me!" I beat at his hand with my free one, he lets me go. I nurse my hands massaging my wrist.

"Keep up then." His tone is so cold. What the fuck did I do?

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