Part 13

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As he stands she backs up shielding her sister behind her, this seems to spark my boss' interest as he stops "Well who's that?"

"I'm not ready to fight you Patrick, this isn't fair."

"What?" My boss scoff cruelly "Who said anything about playing fair? Did I say that? You don't stand a chance against me, you never did." He steps forward.

"No." She shakes her head taking a bold step forward "You're not going to get your way."

"What are you going to do? Stop me?" Another step. For once Maddison is not using her head, she's not being smart about the situation, we clearly caught her off guard.

"I'm the one you want, take me."

"You bore me." He stands in front of her "I want her."

"No." She draws a dagger, different to the once she stabbed me with. "This is your last warning before I fulfil my promises of killing you."

"You're in my way." He grabs her lifting her like she's paper and tosses her across the room.

"No!" Another cry but this time form her sister, I watch Maddison bounce off the wall falling face first and catching herself with her hands. Her sister rushes to her only to get dragged back by my boss. "That's no fun." He tells her.

With a low groan Maddison gets to her feet and staggers trying to reach her sister again, I step in grabbing her and pull her to her feet. She fights to get out my grip "Get off of me! Fuck! Leave her alone! Patrick don't! Stop! Please!"

I don't understand her cries until I turn to see her sister lying half naked and completely helpless. Did Maddison just witness her sister get assaulted?

Her fists get desperate as she continues to fight me off, "Now she's completely useless."

I slam Maddison against the wall so I too can see what's happening. Her sister is shaking trying to hold herself together just to get dragged to her feet. "Ahhh!" My eyes turn back to a screaming Maddison, she's clawing at her neck that I have a strong grip on.

"Addi! Addi look at me! I'm gonna get you out of here, I'm gonna get us out of here!"

"A broken promise?" My boss moves to us but stops when Maddison's strength starts to rise and I have to work to keep her controlled. He chuckles "Addi?" He repeats "Short for Addison I assume?"

"God I'm going to kill you!" She screams.

"You've pissed me off Maddie, I don't think she's going to make it through this-"

"No wait! Take me! Use me! I'm right here! Please Patrick!"

"Please," another voice begs, her sister. Maddison goes back to beating at me, her strength causes me to release her for a second and she tries to grab at my boss by I manage to contain her once again. She drops.

"Take me!" She begs "Patrick I'm on my knees."

"Get her up." I do as I'm told dragging her up on her feet. She's panicked, I have to turn my back against the scene to keep her form escaping.

"Please," her eyes divert to me "let me get to her. That's my sister, she's my sister! Please! Please let me!" Her voice breaks and a sob escaped her lips, her cheeks wet with hot tears and I'm tempted to let her go.

"Take me!" She reaches out "No wait! No-Addison! No wait! Don't! That's my sister!" Her wave of force is back and I'm fighting to keep her stable, where does she get it?

Something drops and I turn to see what, a body, Addison's body. I turn back to Maddison. The colour drains form her face and she's gone completely mute for a second, she shivers, she blinks. "Oops." An amused voice says "My hand slipped."

A light gasp finally escapes her lips. "Let her go." I do as instructed and she drops to her knees. They help her crawl to her sister and she turns her over, without thinking twice she pulls her shirt over her head and presses it against her sisters stomach.

Immense wolf claw hole are left making the bleeding out process a whole lot faster "I'm sorry.." the words are broken but are still said, Addison's voice is still lighter "..I shouldn't have dragged you into this."

"Shut up." Maddison shakes her head sniffing "No no no no no no." her hands stain with the blood of her twin, she's trying so hard to keep her sister from bleeding out but it's no use.

Her sister blinks slowly at her, her eyes start to fill with tears looking up at Maddison. Her eyes divert to the ceiling as she blinks tears out. Their silence is deafening and I can't help but shuffle.

And I thought the footage was bad, seeing Maddison this broken can't compare. I can't see her eyes and I can't bare myself to listen to her heartbeat afraid that if I do, I'll hear the faint beating of her sisters.

"Boss?" I question, his eyes look up at me. "Are we just going to stand around?" At that he grabs Maddison away form behind and she lets herself get dragged, she's lifted then pinned on the wall.

"Let's negotiate." His voice sounds a little too amused, I watch how Maddison's eyes can't even lift off her sister's body. "Now it's fair, the playing field of levelled...merely." Maddison's lips part just to close.

With the first strike she shoves my boss back a step then she doesn't stop or wait for him to stand, she starts beating at him. His men shuffle forward and I turn to them "Let them be." worried eyes scan me but they don't question me.

"Maddie calm dow-"

I turn to see her furiously beating at my boss, not matter how many time she gets kick or shoved off she keeps going back. I watch a blonde move to grab her off of him and I step grabbing him myself and smash him against the wall "Didn't I tell you to stand down?" I throw him across the room listening to his impact.

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