Part 22

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Emma isn't back in our room when I'm done, don't tell me she's still with the men! What could they possibly want with her?

I go back to her draw to see the scissors are still there, okay good. But maybe I should wait a bit, what if Emma comes back to see I'm not even in here, what if she comes back to see my stitches are still in. So there's only one option, now or never.

The scissors are too big to hide so I have to be pretty quick in the halls, I don't even know what room the girls are in so that doesn't help. I start with the first door to my right and step in. Emma was right, our room space does occupy four girls.

I keep my feet light and tower over the first girl I see, we have the same skin tone but she looks darker due to the dim lighting. I leave her, the girls that jumped be looked nothing like her. I start to check the other three. Nothing. They're not in here.

As soon as I step out I enter another room and start looking for the girls. I know that one was a redhead, and the others were just brunettes. Three rooms in and I still have nothing.

If they're so far away then why did they jump me? I can't be that loud. "What are you doing?" I wiz around to the voice, my eyes are heavy with shock as the same maid form earlier stands a few feet away form me.

"I'm going to the bathroom." I fold both arms behind my back, her eyes are dark and half her body is shadowed "Are we not allowed?" She doesn't respond to me "I finished the hay, I just wanted to use the bathroom before I go to bed."

"You're going the wrong way." She steps forward out the shadows.

"I am?" A nervous laugh escapes me "I didn't realize. I guess I'm still new here, I don't know my way around properly." She still takes another step towards me, I freeze not knowing what to do. Hold up. I'm a werewolf hunter, the fuck do I mean I don't know what to do?

Form behind I take my scissors out and step forward ready to slash her throat open, her eyes widen but I move to her anyways. I haven't had a good hunt in a good minute.

I ate today, taking her down shouldn't be that hard. I hold my weapon up then rush to her. I'm a fighter remember? I was raised to take her kind down. This place is starting to soften me, I can't let that happen.

I swing a punch at her but that's not enough to keep her down, I kick her knee in but that's still not enough. She throws herself at me taking me back and punches me in the stomach, I grown feeling the same pain from earlier.

I head-but her and her head tilts back exposing her neck, there's my window! I open the scissors and use the sharpest side to gash her throat open, blood splatters in my face and she's fast to grip her wound to stop the bleeding.

I kick the same knee in and she stumbles to the ground, I grab her head and smash it to the stone wall. The wall stains fast with her red blood but I cry out when I feel claws grip into my lower legs. I glue my lips shut.

I dive my blades in through the top of her head, I drum it in deeper and the claws go limp. Her head leans forward on my stomach, is she dead? It takes twice the effort to pull the blades out then I push her back. She drops.

I bend pulling her limp nails out of me "Bitch," I whine, her nails are razor-sharp too. She was never part of the equation, she just got in the way and now I have to drag her body back to my room so no one discovers it here.

This sets me back but once I cover her it looks like it's me under the covers sleeping. No more distractions, I need to find the girls who jumped me. One problem, I'm bleeding through my stockings and I can feel me blood grow stickier. Great, and it's filling my shoes.

I'm back to going in and out of rooms checking each girl, I make it as far as my second room before an alarm is sounded off. "What the fuck?" I look up as the flashing red light "Shit!" I start to move back in the direction of my room.

"Move! It's not her!" My eyes widen at the commanding voices, did they find the maid? But how? It doesn't matter, I'm already running back down the same direction I just came form, I need to distance myself.

I pick up speed racing down unfamiliar halls, I haven't been shown around here, I don't know where I'm going. My knowledge doesn't matter, I'm gabbed from behind. I fight back instantly and start slashing wildly.

"When the fuck did you get scissors?!" I don't grant myself the satisfaction to see who's there, I set off running. I can hear his footstep working up to me so I have to pick up the pace. I have to push myself. Harder! Faster!

I'm working toward some doors and push them open and they lead to stairs, fuck! I climb taking them two at a time but stop at the top. I try catching me breath but I'm still struggling. His steps grow closer and closer until they're close enough.

I step out and stab him right in the chest, my eyes lift to see familiar eyes, Luke. I move faster pulling the scissors out while shoving him down the stairs he just climbed. He flies in the air before hitting steps on his way down.

I watch and wait, he's not moving. I need to go, I need to escape before Azriel find him, before Azriel finds me. I stumble back then set off running, I need to go.

Chasing my mateΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα