Part 37

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I scan the room seeing the empty room go on meaning if I turn, there must be a door behind me which is where they came form.

I know who I'm looking for and when I see he's not in here my heart skins a little, I kinda wish he'd be the first person I see since he did drug me to sleep. This time though, it's was reasonable.

"And she'a up." I turn watching Luke walk in. "You really weren't kidding when you said you could leave here without a scratch."

"Seeing I almost took you out on multiple occasions are you really that surprised?" I can feel a smile linger on my lips and he returns one. I see that he walked back in with the doctor and she just sits in a chair with no word to me.

"Talking about your escape." Emma says "Why'd you go without me?!"

"It wasn't planned or we'll thought. I kinda just ran." I reply, "I didn't even think it through, everything was happening so fast and I was so confused."

"What's everything?" Luke interrupts.

"Everything." I shrug, how am I supposed to explain that I have unresolved feeling for Azriel and that I also had my legs spread open for him to fuck me raw?

"Okay.." Emma drags us along, "where did you go?"

"I don't know." She looks up at my with skeptical eyes "I don't, I can't remember the past hours."

"Hours?" She chuckles a little surprised "Maddie, you've been gone for four days."

"I what?"

"You don't remember where you went? Or who you was with? Or how you even got to your location?" She looks at me for answer but I don't have any "What's the last thing you remember?"

"Well I opened my eyes and then there were bodies everywhere, I thought I was in another nightmare. Next thing you know Azriel's there and I remember trying to get to him but he wouldn't get any closer, and that's when I realized I had a sword.

"I don't ever remember using one so I don't know why or how it got so bloody. Everything is fuzzy but he stabbed in my neck and now I'm here." That's all I remember. Their silence is almost deafening.

"Your night terror," the doctor finally speaks up "they're so realistic you couldn't make out reality?" I nod. "Interesting." She takes a second writing something down "And how do you feel? Nauseous, cold, dizzy?"

"Where's Az-" the second I turn the second I get my answer, he's by the door. Has he always been there? I turn back to Emma and my eyes drop to my lap. He's here. "Never mind."

"Do you think the 'everything' that happened before hand might be the reason you can't remember much?" I look up at Emma's words, I shrug.

The last thing I remember is feeling safe in Azriel's arms, I want to go back. "Here." Emma hands me a cup.

"What is it?" I take it.

"Orange juice."

"Just orange juice?"

She nods "You like orange juice right?"

I down it. I don't know how but I wake up back on the couch, at least this time I don't scream awake. I lift myself up and flip my hair out the way before being faced with a sitting Azriel. His eyes are on me. He probably watched me sleep. Creep.

Did he carry me here too? That I don't know. I scan him from head to toe and he downs a gulp from a huge bottle of brown liquid, I know I recognize that bottle. I meet his eyes and they burn through the dark to get to me.

I remember our phone call and how he desperately wanted me to come back, is he still angry with me? Or will he pick up where he left me before I escaped? I can't tell by the way he's looking at me.

I look towards the outside to see we're not alone, Luke is by the window as always and Carter, I think it is, is standing near by to him. Their eyes are outside. I try sitting up straight sticking my eyes to the ground.

I hear Azriel stand and I glance in his direction to see him move to me, he stops then hold a hand out for me to take. It feels wrong not to so I take it. His touch feels superior and my body goes into a small panic when he rises my hand and placed it around his neck.

He does this thing where he moves a little closer and warps an arm around my waist, I take in a shaky breath feeling his grip tighten and then he lifts me. So I don't fall I cling onto him.

I know we're being watched so I don't look over at the windows where the watching eyes would be, instead I bury my head in the nook of his neck. He has that faint smell of trees on him and for some reason doesn't smell anything like the alcohol he was just drinking.

Azriel starts to move us and I can only guess where we're going...back into the bathroom. I hear two doors shut and then I open my eyes, I guess I was right.

I'm placed on a cold surface and I take it upon myself to scoot back a little, I lean onto my hand for support as he leans down into me. His breathing is soft masking whatever he feels or has been feeling.

I pick my head feeling our lips hover over each other, my eyes are sealed shut out of fear. I've yet to kiss him. I was about to let him fuck me but I haven't kissed him yet, how does that fucking work?

"Look at me." It's a sloppy command and not very demanding but I obey anyways. That's strange...I obey...willingly.

His eyes are filled with a deeper meaning then he lets on, they're also red and burning with a different type of anticipation. I feel his warm hand cup a side of my face and he pulls me in "I told you the distance would drive you insane." His lips graze mine making me crave them. "And it did."

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