Part 2

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After a beat she raises her hand on top of his in a surrendering manner "I miss your screams," I watch blood trickle down her collarbone "come back to me." his offer isn't pleasing.

"It's in my nature to hunt you." Her voice is soft, "Do you know how hard that is with this on?"

"Must be difficult." He mocks her, "Come closer." She does with no hesitation, his arm warps around her waist lifting her on top of him in a straddle. The position makes me uncomfortable and I look away, why is he grabbing her like that? My wolf asks, I don't know. I tell him.

The music is still drowned out but concentrating on their silence is getting harder to ignore, finally my boss speaks again "You were always so obedient when you wanted something." He lets out a cold laugh "Who's the bitch again?"

"Careful, your ego might get too big for that massive head of yours." That gets me, she's got humour too. I look back at them, their position, his hands placement, her back view, all of it.

I take a closer look at the back of the collar. It has rusty burgundy flakes which must be dry blood, there's a key whole at the back and that's probably why she's even here, probably why she's on his lap, for the key.

"Give me what I want and I'll give you the antidote."

"I don't want the antidote right now," I watch the huntress' head tilt cracking gravity in two, she must be a little confused from my boss's words, "right now, I want to taste your lips."

"You've already tasted me lips." She sounds a little take back, "By force." then adds tone of hostility.

"Then kiss me willingly." I turn at his words, they've gone silent for a second and then she lifts herself leaning in, my boss chuckles "You must be desperate."

"Don't mock me Patrick, desperate people have nothing to lose." She silences him with a slow kiss that's painfully uncomfortable to hear, I don't watch, listening is enough for me. My mind goes back to her square picture, how her heart lips were a blossom pink and full.

I swallow the though down. She's an assignment, if that's not enough, she's a hunter. A trained assassin, trained to kill werewolves. What makes her a worse threat is I don't know what she's capable of yet.

So far I know she can definitely flatter and annoy a werewolf both at the same time, she doesn't use their title, she's not armed, and she moves as if she already knows her goal.

The smack of their lips pulling away brings me back to their conversation, "I'm going to kill you," those words with her voice, it almost sound ridiculous "for what you did to me. For what your still doing to those other girls. If the poison doesn't get to you first that is."

I shift my body in their direction so all I have to do is lift my head to watch, she moves off of him flashing me and whoever else that's watching with her silk dress that rises, I didn't even mean to look, she did it on purpose. She must have.

"And just where," he grabs her wrist "do you think your going?"

"I need to go wash the blood off, I don't want any vampires seeing me as a temptation. I'm already made of flesh." She waits for him to let her go then starts to step down off the stage.

"Follow her," my eyes shift back to my boss and he nods in her direction. I do as I'm told not even questioning how he knew I was listening.

She moves swiftly through the crowd blending in with the other women dressed exquisitely, I on the other hand have a path open for me. The people around me make way subconsciously making sure I don't bump into anyone, this makes it harder for me to blend.

I take my phone out and call on a three way call "The girl, she's here. Get into position." Our formation isn't that complicated, one's inside, one by the entrance and another outside. I'm on the inside for tonight, all I have to do is keep a close eye on her.

She disappears behind a corner and I catch her last minute swinging the doors open and stepping in. I listen. I listen in for heartbeats, there's two, I listen to the water run and heels clack on the marble. When the water stops the hand dryer blows blocking me form hearing much. "Watch the bathroom window," I say back into my phone.

We don't hang up, not until we're done. The dryer is still going and going and going until it stops, I wait for a beat to pass and then head the door open "Alpha someone is climbing out the window." I hear from my phone then step out the corner.

The hunter smashes into my chest then back up surprised "Mortal," I scan her and she lifts her head.

"My apologies alpha." She meets my eyes. It's not her. They switched places, I can definitely see the similarities but it's also not the huntress. I move past her going down a hall for the nearest exist "Luke put the tracker on her car." Luke's outside, all he had to do is pretend to be a lousy drunk and 'bump' into her car placing the tracker.

I leave the building through a near door and have to do a little jump over the fence "Someone in black dress is leaving sir." Carter tells me and I make my way to my car, I hear a distant door shut and wonder if it's her. I get in checking my phone for a location on the tracker, after a few beats it pops up.

"It's done." Luke tells me.

"You have the night off." I hang up starting my car, now I find her.

Making sure to stay clear I watch her black Mercedes drive right past me into a different lane. I don't look over, even if my wolf wants to, she's going to turn left and I have no choice but to keep heading straight. Great, a detour.

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