Part 48

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"I saw something," it comes out as a whisper and I collect myself "I saw something." This time it's clear and confident. My eyes scan the room and I do a quick spin before going back to Luke.

"Someone was talking to me, they were asking me a question," I take a scan of the room one more time "they were asking me-" I drop my gaze to my hands "they were asking me what was I supposed to do if I lose my weapon.

"I was with someone. Someone was training me but-I don't know-I couldn't see who it was-it happened so fast." It takes me a second to grab my words then I meet Luke's gaze once again. "Let go again."

I'm moving to pass him so I can grab my sword laying far behind me, he catches me arm stopping me. We look at each other and he shakes his head "You're tired. I can't risk over working you."

"No I'm fine." I lie, I can feel a faint coming on anytime now. "Just once more. I could remember something." I'm trying to compromise with him, maybe if I remember something Azriel would be glad to hear it.

He'll see I'm making some progress and I'm not just sitting around, he'll see that I can actually remember things when or if I try hard enough, I can do this. Luke shake his head not letting go of me. "Let's get you back up." I hear his stick drop and he's pulling me.

I walk backwards until I turn and face the right way. I'm taken back and dressed then fed. I manage to fall asleep form all the fatigue and what wakes me up isn't the morning sun but the memory of Azriel's offer.

"Come to me tonight," his words were so softly spoken "Just a few hours." I sit myself up feeling my stiff shoulder support me. I can't believe I let his words wake me up. My eyes shift to his bedroom door and I see it's shut.

It's never shut. Light beans form the bottom of the door, so he's up? What could possibly be keeping him up so late? Is he tucking that wolf? I rub my eyes with the question in mind, then redo my low ponytail with my ribbon I was given.

I'm taking small steps towards his door before I freeze in front of it, what am I doing? I shouldn't be up, I shouldn't be here! What am I doing?! What am I even going to say to him? Is this me or the bond?

I can't control myself when I reach for the doorknob and twist it open, "Azriel..." it's weak enough to be lower then a whisper but it's out there, he has wolf hearing, he should have heard me. I walk in.

His room is empty and I take a slow scan of the surrounding, nothing has been touched yet. I look over to the bathroom to see him leaning over a skin, the faucet opens and he bends taking in some water. When he spits it out, it's colour red.

That grabs my attention and then I take a scan of him. His shirt is soak with both blood and sweat, where did he go? I don't get to ask because he glances in my direction sensing me and we lock eyes "Weren't you sleeping?" His voice is low with no energy.

I take a few steps standing in the bathroom frame. "I needed to pee." I lie watching him tug his shirt over his head. It's an effortless motion making me want to rewatch it like an edit.

I gasp. His eyes turn to me then he looks down at himself. Three gaping claw scars stretch across his stomach, blood trickles down and I'm rushing to him "What happened to you?" I touch his stomach and he winces, I've never seen him wince before.

"This is bad." I brush my fingers over the bare wound and watch his abs tense, he's really hurt. "I should called someone, maybe Lidia can help." I turn but he catches my arm.

"No." He shakes his head "I'll heal in no time." His grip around my wrist softens. "He barely touched me." I look up at this man standing in front of me. I don't know him.

I've never know him to begin with. I've know he was a popular hunter of his own kind but that's all I know. I don't know what he had to sacrifice to keep his pack standing, I don't know how much he's lost or if he's even lost anyone.

I don't know his soft spot, I don't know how he keeps himself up. I've never seen him like this, I've never seen him so far form his normal emotionless self. He lets me run my hands over the so called graze and my hands are shaking.

"What happened to you?" I keep my head bowed. "Who did this to you?" It's not like knowing would change a thing but I'm so very curious, who wants to hurt him so bad? I'm not surprised when I don't get an answer but a distraction of a response.

"I need to shower." He says to me and I drop my hands, of course he's not going to tell me. I watch blood ooze a little out his wound making me want to rush to his aide, I want to help. "If you need the toilet use it now."

"I can- I can hold it." I swallow and step back, he move to the showers starting it and I'm stepping back in a slow pace. I reach the doorframe and shut the door. It doesn't make sense to why he's so injured.

Why didn't he bring me along? Was he out fighting while I was here sparring with Luke? That doesn't seem fair, why put himself in danger?

And then it hits me. I remember the times I sent him home like this, maybe not with claws in his stomach, but I sent him home injured. Did he have to pick himself up? Did he neglect medical help? How much times does he do that? How many times does he refuse help?

This can't be right. I look over at the door. I guess it's true. I don't know him.

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