Part 27

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In his car I'm given an envelope with three photos, I don't get enough time to scan them since I'm being led up a never ending staircase. But at the top is a roof, it's deserted except for the quiet guy that's not a fan of me and a gun.

Oh shit! They're going to kill me! Right fucking here! I look up at Azriel but he doesn't meet my eyes, is he going to shoot me? Or is Luke going to do it? I look back at him. So this is it huh?

"Relax," Azriel says "I wouldn't kill you on a roof." That's confronting...ish.

"Then why am I here?" We move closer to the third party. "The three men you showed me."

"You're going to take them out." He talks over me "They're meeting in that building," he nods to the building in front of us "second floor, eight glass." We come to a stop, "Give it to her."

Third party eyes me before handing me the sniper rifle, it's heavyweight takes me by surprise. I haven't held a sniper in a while, usually Addison does this kind of thing. "What makes you so sure I won't shoot you?" I have to hold the gun steadily "Or myself."

"Their third party hasn't arrived yet, he'll be on the streets making his way to them." He ignores me yet again. "Shoot him down there, create a ruckus and then take the two others out."

"Your way goes and stays right?" I step forward looking over the edge, damn that's pretty high. I consider throwing Azriel off, yes he's a werewolf but what chance does he have of surviving this fall, especially with his weight. "Okay."

I position myself close to the edge then rises the gun up to my face, I shut an eye looking through the small circle. Everything is zoomed in, I watch small kids run and adults talk on the phone. I move to the second floor, eighth glass.

Two men are standing talking with their hands, yep that looks like the men form the photo. I go back down a hundred feet then reload, the click brings back both good and bad memories, either way I can't hide my smile.

Okay time to get serious. I focus on the entrance looking for a dark brown unusually muscular man. It's a long wait and through those painfully long minutes I can feel the eyes around me watch me intently. I should have cracked my fingers. I think to myself, now I'm going to be a little stiff.

When my target finally shows up I can finally start, he's around company, a young woman so I have to wait for her to get out my way so I can get a clear shot. Once that window opens I take it. The fire takes me back a little and I almost stab my eye out.

I look down a the crowd before going back to my previous position, second floor eighth window, they're both trying to see what's going on giving me a clear shot. I reload then take it taking the man on the left down with a headshot.

I'm quick to reload once again following the last man standing before I shoot, my shot isn't clean so I have to reload for a forth time "Shit." I watch him crawl and I take my shot right in the back. He goes limp. "The last one's paralyzed, doesn't mean he's dead."

I lower my gun, just as I'm about to hand it over quiet guy takes it form me. I let it go anyways. Azriel's eyes scan me form a second, I don't know what to do so I stare back. He starts to move, I guess I have to follow.

I get taken back to his room and sit and wait. Is this how it's going to be? He takes me out and I take a few people down then I'm just back where I started? If I want to escape I have to take advantage of my outings.

Emma is back and I get to change my tampon and I have to put my maid uniform back on, I do as I'm told. I also finally get to sit down, before I was pacing scared I might leak through something if I sit, but now that I've changed there's no issues.

I lie on my side and use an arm as a head rest and the other to clutch around my stomach, the brutal pangs radiating keep coming back worse and worse. I'm trying my hardest not to cry out in pain but I haven't had period cramps this bad in ages.

"Maddie?" I know it's Emma calling me but I doesn't open my eyes, I just found a position that doesn't hurt, I'm not moving. "Sir...what do I do? She's asleep but it's twelve and she has to eat."

"Let her be," it's Luke's voice "she reeks of pain." Of course he can smell my emotions, I don't know how that works but it does.

"Is she having another night terror?"

"No." They both fall silent. I don't move an inch yet my uterus starts to feel like it's tearing itself apart again. I want Addison. I miss her. She didn't even get a burial- wait...what the fuck happened to her body?!

The click of a doorknob opens rings "Alpha." It's weird hearing both Emma and Luke say it in unison. "Your food I ready." Emma continues.

"Get her up." Azriel instructs and I feel Emma's hands shake me up.

"Maddie get up." She shakes me some more.

"I can't." I try tell her.

"But you have to-"

"No, I literally can't." I know if I stand the worst pain will fly through me like a sword was driven in my uterus, that agony won't go away for a good ten minutes. I finally open my eyes, I watch Emma stand before moving out my view, her and another pair of shoes move towards the door leaving.

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