Part 33

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Not even half way down my list am I dragged yet again, this time it's a little more violent making me almost smash into their body turning to them. "Dance with me."

His voice is demanding yet soft, needy yet cold. I'm pulled and I follow without word. People part for us like say we're royalty, a human and a wolf, they're definitely making way for Azriel.

The violin is playing a soft sound, I think there's bass to it and maybe other instruments. I'm taken by the waist and spun. My hair falls making my heart skip a beat. My dagger.

For some reason I don't hear it drop to the ground and when I'm face with Azriel again my hair is free. His eyes burn into mine and I can practically feel how much we've been avoiding each other.

His hand on my back makes my legs weak and it takes everything out of me to keep standing, my mind is too foggy to focus and I find myself drowning into his eyes. I feel it again, the tug. The string that only he ones how to pull.

The way he sways me, the way he twirls me, the way he controls me in this moment, I don't think I can handle it. This is exactly why I've been avoiding him, his simple touch puts me at bliss.

He's not allowed to make me feel like this, not when he was supposed to kill me, not when he stopped me from getting to my sister. He used me as a slave and now is using me as his personal huntress.

And yet I can't fight it. I move closer to him because I want to, like I wanted him to kiss me that one time. I want him so much he doesn't understand, I want him so much I don't understand.

He's a monster, I hunt wolves like him, why do I want him? This doesn't make any sense. I'm just an asset to him, I remind myself, I need to remember all the bad things he's done.

His doe eyes look down at me with immense meaning I can't make out, he tired to kill me, his lips are a rosy shade of pink I can't resist, he hurt me, he blinks down at me effortlessly, I'm getting used I'm getting used I'm getting used, I'm doing all I can to swallow down the truth.

He pulls me in closer and I catch a breath. I'm trying to hold myself back but he doesn't know what he's doing to me, I push away. Nope. I can't. He's distracting me.

I can't even mask my fury with my next few assignments, I end up taking them down mercilessly. Ripping their throats, stabbing their eyes, taking their tongues when they won't shut up. I can no longer think straight and I'm starting to work recklessly.

I have to send out Emma for the last two since I'm stained in too much blood and I can't go out again. I'm spotted by a few wolves but non of them stop me.

"Are you okay?" Emma asks besides me as I continue to accelerate.

"Why wouldn't I be?" I shift my gear wizzing past other cars.

"Just want to remind you that you are not the only one in this car...and I haven't lived yet." I hear her sigh "Like really live." I slow down. She's right, I'm not the only one in the car.

As soon as we reach the manor, we're escorted out and separated. I'm led back to Azriels room.

I take the heels off and move to the bathroom like it's my own, the scenery has changed and there are now different type of makeup wipes and towels placed out.

Looking at myself, I see blood splattered on my face like freckles but move to take the earrings off first. I'm slow to move but I start to wipe the makeup off, at least my face feels somewhat lighter now.

The door opens and I don't even dare assume it's Emma, the last time I did that Azriel and Luke was there with her. I'm right not to assume, when the steps grow louder I glance over to see Azriel.

I was kind of hoping he wouldn't come back so early, I wanted to clean up, clean the bathroom space I used then knock out. Now I look like I'm abusing my advantages. He takes his tux top off and I swallow down hard moving to the skin.

I turn the faucet on and start washing my stained hands "You have quite the list of enemies." I break the silence watching the water in front of me turn red, pink then finally clear. He doesn't comment, he just steps in.

"You reek of wolves." His steps get closer.

"I wasn't going to take them out form a far Azriel."

"I don't like their scent on you." Before I know what's happening he's reaching out and turns me, I freeze and he's unzipping my dress.

"What are you doing?" I hold my dress up with an arm, turn, then push him away. My eyes scan his.

"Red looks good on you." He takes another step forward and in an instant I watch his eyes go form blue to red "I can't decide whether I want to tear that dress apart, or you."

"Me?" I take a step back "What did I do?"

"You know red's my favourite colour?" His eyes are an example of his favourite colour. I don't know what to do when he takes another step forward.

"Azriel.." I reach out to him and my hand presses against his chest "..stop it." I try moving him back but he's working against me. Using my own arm against me he grabs my wrist twisting it and pull my close to him.

My back is to his chest and I stand staring at myself in the mirror in front of us, I can't even begin to fight him off, one wrong move and I'm flashing him completely nude.

Chasing my mateOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant