Part 15

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The stitches are redone more neatly but that's about to change, I take the knife she stabbed me with and pluck a stitch out making her scream vibrate around the room "I call this game 'let's see how many stitches it take for you to see I'm not the one you want to mess with'." I rip out another.

"That's two." I take out another, her next scream is silent and I watch the same pain I saw wave over her face wash over again, she's in tremendous pain and her body isn't reacting well to it.

"Alpha." I feel a hand on my shoulder separating me form her body. I watch her shaking body choke on her blood and she hiccups on her tears, what have I done?

I watch her get picked up into Carter's arms. That's my queen-fuck what have I done?! I step back away form the flood of red staining the wood table. The blur of maids start to pour in, what the fuck have I done?!

POV- Maddison.

My body shakes as I try get air to my lungs but it just seems to me a painful process. Everything hurts, my necks my legs, my heart, my mind, everything. All I can see is an unfamiliar face as I blink back tears, I'm getting carried.

I need to breath, I'm trying to but I just can't seem to get enough air in my lungs. The breaths I can get in are weak and not enough to fill my lungs. My lungs, which are burning. Pain.

"She's losing a lot of blood!" I'm placed down onto a cold surface "She was stitched up but we had an accident." An accident?! I want to scream, who in their right mind would think this is an accident.

"Tie her down!" Another voice is instructed and I feel my arms being retained, I can't fight back, not when I'm trying to breath.

"What is that?" The voice that carried me in asks.

"It'll calm her down," I feel a jab at my neck cause me to cry out, my voice breaks and I hate the fact I can't fight back right now. Stop! I mouth but no one seems to see, no one seems to care, then I feel it. My hands stop shaking and my violent hiccups start to slow. I am calming down.

I can't escape it in my dreams. My eyes open in the dream and I'm still tied up, my first instinct is to struggle as I try free myself but get nowhere. Two shadows tower over me but I can't identify them. One reaches out to touch me.

There hands are ice cold and they rub their thumb across my cheek "Get up!" The voice says and in a blink I see myself, no my sister.

"Addison?" I look up dazed.

"GeT uP!" Her voice has gone dull and then the second shadow comes to view. Patrick. He stands with a cruel smile and then he too lifts a hand but in his hand is the dagger i stabbed him with. His figure grows as he slices in me with it.

I scream trying harder to escape but he doesn't stop stabbing me, why am I not dying? Why am I not-

I shoot up taking in a gasp for air. My hands, they're free. I rub my wrist then remember the countless stabbings and lift my shirt, nothing.

"Maddie?" I turn to my name, that's when it all comes back to me, where I am, how I got here, why I'm here. Swallowing feels like lava but I do it out of nerves, my eyes scan the four eyes looking deep at me.

The one closest to me wears glasses and has eyes as dark as mine, the two a little further back both have their arms crossed and look easily disturbed. The last pair of eyes are ice cold, their owner stands by the door like he's ready to bolt at any given time.

"Maddie?" My name is called again and I turn to the girl in glasses. "I'm going to ask gosh a few questions if that's okay with you." I don't respond "Are you dizzy, cold or nauseous?" I look up at the lights, I don't feel dizzy or cold for that matter.

"Maddie." I look back over at the calling doctor, well she looks like a doctor, she had the coat, the glasses, the clipboard. "Can you hear me?" I roll my eyes but even the simple gestures makes my head spin a little. "I'll take that as a yes." She writes.

"Can you stand for me?" My eyes divert to Azriel at her question, he doesn't respond so I take it upon myself to jump off. The doctor stands and moves to me, "Lift your arms." She instructs and I do but in a slow pace, she starts to pat me down and I follow her.

"I don't think I have room to hide anything." I tell her and she shoots up, her eyes scan me for a second and she moves back to her clipboard writing.

"She tends to reply when it's convenient to her." I look up at my bodyguard, or at least that's what I call him.

"Is that so?" The doctor turns form him to me "This," she taps her pen on my bandaged neck as I drop my arms "why is it there?"

"I'll be sure to ask next time I get kidnapped." I watch her disappear behind me.

"Built up trauma?" She says behind me before coming to view again "Can I ask how you got it?"

I pick my eyes up meeting Azriel's gaze, he hasn't taken his eyes off of me since I woke up "I was told I have an angelic scream, so he wanted to hear me scream. In multiple ways." I meet the doctors eyes.

I start to feel my stomach ache form all the food I've been refusing, now the symptoms she mentioned earlier start to kick in, I'm cold nauseous and dizzy. But still I keep my eyes on her. "Who's Addi?" Her question catches me completely off guard.

"You said her name then started screaming." The explanation isn't enough and all it does is make the room spin a little faster "Maddie?" She steps forward and I take one back.

"I'm going to punch you if you get any closer." I warn her.

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