Part 19

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Maybe if I did, I wouldn't be here, maybe Addison would still be here. I remember that night, he held me back, we were so close. That's it, that's why I feel so drawn to him, to his body. "Would you like me to feed you?" His question catching me off guard.

I look back down at the bowl, "I'm not hungry." I push the dish away form me, I scan his side, he doesn't even have a dish in front of him. Did he call me just so I can eat?

We fall silent. I start to crack my knuckles filling out silence with each crack, why isn't he talking? I thought he loved the sound of his voice. A soft chuckle is let out and I glance over at him, he's got his childish grin on but I don't let it fool me, he's still cruel.

The door clicks open and I'm quick to see who it is, my bodyguard, Luke. Oh finally! "Alpha," he bows his head "your window is closed, you have a meeting with alpha Patrick's successor."

"Patrick's successor?" I repeat, does that mean he's dead? Luke steps forward and I notice a bottle in hand, it's yet again orange juice. He holds it in the air for me to take. "I'm not going to drink that."

"It's bottled," he rolls his eyes "what possibly could I slip in there?" I still don't buy it so he opens it taking a few gulps down. I wait for him to faint or start shaking but nothing happens, he offers it to me for the second time.

I'm still waiting for signs of symptoms but nothing happens, I take it. "You'll regret not eating you know?"

"Do you ever grow tired of talking?" I ask him annoyed, I glance over at Azriel who hasn't said anything since Luke walked in. "You try it." I put the bottle on the table then push it towards him. With no hesitation he leans forward taking it and drinks out of it.

His eyes go to Luke then back at me. The bottle is a little over half way and I wait for him too to faint or start shaking. Nothing happens. I take the risk bringing the bottle to my lips, I down the drink realizing it's just juice, but you never know.

Azriel stands and starts to leave with no word to me, he does however whisper something to Luke before heading out "Come on princess." He nods me over and I stand, I guess it's time for that tour I was never given.

To my luck he doesn't give me the tour, the blonde does. She shows me the entrance to the kitchen but doesn't enter, she shows me where the bathrooms are and where we shower. That's all I get before she's leading me down a narrow hallway.

She stops making me almost bump into her, "This is our room." She pushes a door open, the room is more so narrow then wide. There's a bunk bed made of wood and has two cotton bedding as a surface "Usually a room this big can occupy four girls but for some reason they gave this room to us."

"This is big?" I question looking around. There's a square mirror like the one of the doctors office, in another corner is a small draw that only has two wooden handles.

"Yes." She reply and I turn to her "The top bunk is already mine, so is the top draw, so you take everything bottom." It doesn't sound like she's giving me much choice so I don't argue. "Dinner is served at twelve, we do get tea in the morning but if you miss anything you don't eat or drink.

"You get a cloth, which is in your draw, each morning you're expected to wipe down and fix up. Look presentable. We get our shower every three days." The rules just pile out "Come with me." She moves yet against and I follow her.

We talk into a dim room where she picks up a basket full of white and black fabric, she tosses something else into it but I don't catch what. She turns to me then hands me the oversized basket, I almost drop it but get a steady grip just in time. Bitch.

She walks out and I follow her like the lost puppy I am, she takes us outside. I'm a little astonished to how fresh the air has become, I've missed running in this kind of breeze. I make sure to keep up but still get a few glances in. The vibrant grass, glowing flowers, soft scent.

"Here is where you'll be," she halts next to a humongous pond "don't move from here. Only I or a beta or even the alpha himself can dismiss you."

"What about you?" I take my chance to put in a question. "You're not staying?"

"I'm in the kitchen." She reply's "We all start here." she references to the pond and I drop my basket, I take a second glance around, there's a field full of colourful plants.

It's endless but has one stable on its ground, I don't see any horses but there's hay in sight. To my left there's a forest, I look back over at the blonde girl before going back to the forest "Where does that lead?"

"Everyone has been warned about you."

My face is enough of a reply but I ask anyways "What the fuck is that supposed to mean?"

"It means you're the only one being severally watched." Her words only confuse me even more until I take another glance and catch everything that I've missed. There are three wolves watching me form a far, one out of the three do I recognize. He was next to Luke when I woke up in the doctors room.

"I don't even get why I'm here and now I'm doing chores?"

"Complaining won't wash these clothes any faster. There's a bar of soap in that basket and you'll need to-"

"I'm washing these with my hands?!" I cut her off and her eyes squint.


"In this whole place there's no washing machines? That's ridiculous." It's clear she doesn't like my response, she looks around before settling her gaze on me.

"I'll come and get you before sundown." At this she leaves me there, stranded.

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