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When Sakura woke up it was well into the afternoon, but due to the constant snowing the sun was only showing.

Her first thoughts as she snuggled her pillow was that it was very comfortable and very warm.
It took her half a minute to realize that it wasn't exactly a pillow as it let out the soft chuckle that sent the rumbling vibrations underneath her.

Immediately she snapped her eyes open and almost shrieked when she saw her Uncle's amused expression.


She asked groggily and Akinori answered dryly.

"Sleep well?"

Then it hit her like one of Kaguya's ash bones.

Oji-Sama was her pillow.

Sakura almost passed out from the embarrassment as she groaned and pulled the blanket over her head.


Akinori smiled and pried the blanket from her hands, smirking at her red face.

"No need to apologize"

He said as he pulled her in his arms like she weighted nothing, his smirk widening at her startled squeak and took her to the bathroom where he proceed to brush her teeth.

Sakura felt like she was going to explode from embarrassment.

"Oji-sama! I can do this things myself!"

Akinori just rolled his eyes and adjusted her so he had her clinging to him like a koala, her braid dangling down on the floor.

"Nonsense. Now open up"

He ordered and pulled the toothbrush up to her lips.
Sakura puffed her flushed checks for a while before begrudgingly opening her mouth to let her uncle gently brush her teeth.

It felt nice she supposed.

No one treated her so nice, but then there was a little voice in her head that it gave someone who would do anything  for her, but she ignored it.

But then she remembered the Uchiha's , their fights for her attention were annoying and she more often tried to keep herself away from them.
Oh, and now Kaguya did too.
Thought, it might be because of their master servant relationship and the fact that the women was Bat shit Crazy about having a daughter, but oh well.

All in all it felt good to be spoiled.

But, not by her Oji-sama, it was embarrassing.

While she took a sip of the warm water from the cup her Uncle gave her she wondered if this was how it felt like having a loving father.

She flushed at the thought as she spat the water out and waited for Akinori to wash his own teeth.

She also wondered, just how the hell did he manage to do this all by only one hand.
She wasn't that light at all.

Finally they left the bathroom and re-entered Akinori's bedroom.

There were some maids in the room, already having done the bed and laying her out a beautiful Kimono that probably costed more than Sakura's whole six months payment combined.

Yeah, not many people knew, but Akinori was spender with the capital 'S'.
Give him a opportunity and he could waste all the Money he had.

He could make even the most proficient Gambler cry with the river of tears without even trying and the fun fact?

His money never got any less even thought it was constantly wasted.

Akinori sat her down on the bed and let the maids doll her up as he got dressed himself in his usual clothes.

For now and ForeverKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat