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''I can't get your memories back. You need to do it yourself. The only thing I can do is give your mind a little help.'' Kaguya said with a smile. Sakura looked at Kaguya and nodded.

''when we both left, you got every year a letter. In total, there are 3 letters. You read all of them. '' Kaguya said. Sakura looked a little shocked at the new information.

''do you have the letters?'' Sakura asked. Kaguya gave Sakura a short nod. Kaguya pulled three letters from her sleeve and gave them to Sakura.

''read them, and maybe you will remember.''with that being said, Kaguya made her way to her room. 'You too are growing up, my little blossom. I just hope this boy is worth your love. You are going to always love him, even if you can't remember. I just hope you will still care about me.' Kaguya thought with tears running down her face.

Sakura hesitated. She didn't know what she would find. However, what she knew was that she needs to remember.

*Shisui's first letter *

Dear Sakura-hime,
it's now a year since you left and I am still searching for you. I know that I am going to find you and then I am going to bring you back. You know both Naruto and Sasuke left the village, but that is not important. There was a rumor going around that Itachi-chan has an affair. Yeah, I know, shocking but he doesn't have one, sadly! I mean, he is now nine-teen, and he never had a girlfriend.

One day he is going to become clan head and needs to make mini Itachi's, if he doesn't does it the clan elders will have his ass. Last week I had a mission and it was so boring! I was forced to bring a little boy to suna, and it took so long! Every five minutes there was a break because he couldn't walk. I was so close to stab myself.

Alright, I can't do that! The only reason why I write this letters is to tell you that I will find you and never going to give up. You are the kindest person I know and the strongest. When you come back or rather when I bring you back I will try everything. I even will watch you love someone else who isn't me. I just want you back because I can't breathe without you around. When is see how everyone is happy, I just want to punch them in the face. I never understand it. How do they get the right to be happy but you not. I just hope you are safe. I love you.

Your Future husband


*end of Shisui's letter *

Sakura had tears in her eyes, but still couldn't remember. She decided to read the next letter.

*Shisui's second letter *

Dear Sakura-hime,
another horrible year is over without you. Itachi still doesn't has a girlfriend and I am getting worried. I mean, there are so many village girls who would love to have a piece from him. This year I had many missions, but there were easy.

You know, I just remembered something. A few summers ago on your birthday, you didn't wanted to celebrate your birthday and stayed home. I, however, got you outside, and we were on a small flower field. It was so beautiful, but my eyes were only on you. Your pink hair was getting carried away with the wind.

Your beautiful eyes looking at everything so that you don't forget it. When there is an afterlife, I want to spend it with you because I can't think about a life and afterlife without you. You are the only person who I ever loved like that. There was a time when I tried to deny my feelings for you. Always getting annoyed when I couldn't stop thinking about you. You had this perfect smile, but I saw it. It was fake.

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