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When Kaguya came home and Sakura asked her the one question she waited to hear for three years, she said 'yes'. Kaguya knew that Sakura would always love Konoha and the people there. When they left she saw how sad Sakura looked but saw how she masked it and put a mask on. However, when Shisui came it changed.

She saw how they would joke around or flirt without knowing it. Kaguya was not blind, she knew her daughter was in love with this boy and Shisui was in love with Sakura. When she first figured it out, she was scared. She thought that Sakura would now not need her anymore and wanted her to go. Yet, she saw how Sakura or Shisui included her in every conversation, and that was what made her trust that Sakura would never leave her behind.

The three of them were now packing things they want to bring with them. Shisui didn't need to do much because his bag was still half-packed. He helped Sakura and Kaguya a little with packing and when they were finished they were gone. They traveled with one of Kaguya's Dimensional transport Jutsu.

*a few hours ago *

Sasuke found Orochimaru. The way he found him was too weird to think about, and he didn't want to think about it. The group now out five were traveling to get something. Orochimaru told Sasuke that he didn't know much from the Uchiha but knew a person who knew about it. Suigetsu and Karin were arguing half the time and Sasuke, Juugo and Orochimaru were just walking. Sasuke was getting annoyed. The only reason why he wanted to talk with Orochimaru to get answers and now here he was with four no three crazy idiots. Juugo was the only one who Sasuke didn't mind. When they got what Orochimaru wanted, he began to talk.

''Juugo. Suigetsu. I need the two of you to get three white Zetsu's. They need to be alive.'' Orochimaru said with his usual weird face and voice.

When they did that, they made their way to Konoha. When they arrived, Sasuke jumped on a building and looked at the village. He couldn't understand it, but he needed to understand it. However, he knew one thing. After he found out what was going on between the two, he would kill Naruto. He could never forgive Naruto for what he did. He wanted to hurt Naruto like he hurt Sakura. Sasuke didn't care when even Sakura told him to stop. No one, and he means no one, will hurt Sakura.

They arrived at the Naka Shrine, surprising no one was there. It seemed like the Uchiha that were still in Konoha didn't have time to stand guard. When they finally came through, all the seal's Orochimaru made everything ready. The Four teen's didn't exactly know what was going on, so they waited. After Orochimaru was over with his little show, three people rise from the ash from the with Zetsu's. Orochimaru still had his weird smirk on his face, and Sasuke looked angry. The other three didn't know what was going on.

''Orochimaru, I asked you for answers and not a tea party with your old friends.'' Sasuke said through gritted teeth.

''Sasuke-kun this people are not just any people. That are the former three Hokage.'' Orochimaru said. Sasuke however, just looked bored. The three Hokage didn't hear the conversation between Orochimaru and Sasuke because they were trying to figure out why they are back alive.

''Orochimaru?!'' Sarutobi said shocked. The other two Kage now too looked at him. They didn't even know there were other people in the room.

'' Why are we back alive? You used the Edo-tensei again, didn't you? You're using it against your own sensei...'' Sarutobi said with anger.

'' No, i don't. You can still move on your free will, but it will only be there when you answer him a question.'' Orochimaru said with his annoying smirk.

'' Who is he?'' Tobirama asked with a glare. After he asked that, a person came out of the shadows. Sasuke made his dramatic entry. The three Teens looked confused and asked themselves when he got there.

''Uchiha Sasuke.'' Orochimaru answered. After that there was a silent. No one dared to break it and everyone looked serious, expect Suigetsu who was melting and Hashirama who began to laugh.

''ahh an Uchiha? A long time ago, I knew an Uchiha.'' He said with a big smile. Suigetsu sweatdropped.

''Sasuke?'' Sarutobi let out surprised.

''Sasuke-kun needs a question answered and who would be better that Senju Tobirama or His brother Hashirama. However, there still is Sarutobi-sensei who too could answer it.'' Orochimaru said.

'' That is why we are back alive. To answer question's to an Uchiha.'' Tobirama said with an annoyed face.

''Tobirama I told you to not talk like that to Uchi-'' Hashirama was interrupted by Tobirama who glared at him and just said ''Shut up.'' The first Hokage was now looking depressed with dark sad clouds surrounding him. After that, they talked about the ongoing war, but that didn't help Sasuke with his situation. He was getting annoyed and glared at Orochimaru who chuckled.

''I think it's time to answer Sasuke-kun's question.'' Orochimaru said. The three Kage looked at Sasuke who just let a sigh out.

'' A few ago's an Uchiha boy named Uchiha Shisui meet a girl. Over the time they spent together, he fell in love with her. The love however was different, it was like it was always there, like he was made for her and he for her. The girl was never in love or never admin it. However, the girl had a lot of pressure on her and decided to leave. No one knew where she was, but they knew one thing, she left. Everyone searched for a while, but stopped over time. Shisui however, was still searching for her with his best friend. After a while, his best friend too gave up. He searched for her for three years and when he found a lead that could bring her back. He however told it no one and told everyone he too stopped searching. Shisui however didn't stop and still searched for her. He took many missions and would act like he didn't care about her. After a while, he finally found a way to find her, and he took it. The day he found a way, he left. That however is not my question... my question is what is going on with him. I know people who fall in love, and it was never like that with them.'' Sasuke said with no emotions.

Everyone looked surprised, never hearing an Uchiha who talked that much. Tobirama however knew what was going on and looked at the Uchiha boy in front of him. He knew the answer and would tell him it.

'' The curse of hatred.'' Tobirama said without saying another word.

''what does that mean?'' Sasuke asked.

''The Uchiha Clan is the clan that loves like no other.
The Uchiha's love with their whole heart. But when they lose someone they really love, all the love changes into pain and the pain then creates the intensity of their Eyes.
The Mangekyou Sharingan. After the loved died, they will seek revenge for them and go crazy.'' Tobirama explained. Sasuke looked at him with widen eyes.

'' That means when Sakura dies then...'' Sasuke didn't talk further. He knew he could never let Sakura die. Shisui would go crazy.

'' Your friend is already cursed. He is a time bomb and will explode when this girl dies.'' Tobirama said with closed eyes. Sasuke now wished to take back his memories where he didn't know about the curse. Yet he knew that they both are safe together somewhere.

'' Are all your question's now answered?'' Asked Hashirama. Sasuke just nodded.

''alright, then we need to make our way to the war.'' Hashirama said with a big smile that didn't fit the words he just spoke. After that they made their ways to the battlefield and when they arrived they were greeted. Konoha nine was surprised to see Sasuke, but didn't complain much. However, they suddenly feel a strong chakra approaching. Everyone put their guard's up, but then they saw a flash of pink, who was punching the ground and destroying the ground where the Ten-tails was standing.

''I am sorry we are a little late.'' Shisui said with a smirk.

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