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The next morning when Sakura woke up and ate breakfast with Kaguya she began to make herself ready. She knows that she needs to go to trainings ground 10, and she had about three hours until she needs to be there. She made her way to the living room where Kaguya was.

''what is bothering you Sakura-chan?'' Kaguya asked Sakura. Sakura let a sigh out and sat next to Kaguya.

''why do you think something is bothering me?'' Sakura asked, a little nervous. Kaguya gave her an amused look.

''I am your mother, I know everything.'' Kaguya said with a smile. Sakura had a pout on her face now.

''It's just... Shisui. I mean, I know it is his duty to protect the village and all that, but still. The one time when I want to confess my feelings to him, he is far away. I just cannot believe it and I have this bad feeling, you know. I mean, it is like he is in trouble or something like that. What do you think Kaa-san?'' Sakura asked Kaguya with a scared face. Kaguya let a small chuckle out.

''my my it seems like you forgot something. He is strong, Sakura-chan, and I am sure he can protect himself.'' Kaguya said with a big smile on her face.

'' still this feeling it is like....'' Sakura said with a worried face. Kaguya gave her a confused look.

''Like what?'' Kaguya asked.

''Like dead.'' Sakura answered with a sob. Kaguya looked a little shocked and hugged Sakura.

'' Don't worry, Sakura-chan. He is going to come back to you and when that happens I will have a little talk with him. I mean, when he really wants to marry you, he needs to have my blessing.'' Kaguya said playfully. Sakura let a groan out.

''Kaa-san.'' Sakura said annoyed. Kaguya just chuckled.

''Sakura-chan don't you think you should make yourself ready for your fight with Tsunade?'' Kaguya asked.

''are you saying I am weak?'' Sakura asked back. Kaguya let a chuckle out and looked at her nails.

''No, I am saying you shouldn't understatement your enemy.'' Kaguya said.

''She is not my enemy, she is my ex-teacher.'' Sakura said with a raised eyebrow as when to ask 'why-so-serious'.

''still, maybe she trained more over the years. I just don't want you to get hurt, and a little part wants you to win.'' Kaguya said honest. Sakura gave a small kiss on the cheek.

''don't worry, I am going to win! I need to go, I have only a little left.'' Sakura said and hugged Kaguya and ran out fast. Kaguya's smile was now gone, and a worried look was now there instead.
' I am sorry that I lied Sakura-chan, but I cannot let you be worried. However, why do I have too the feeling of dead every time I think about this Boy Shisui. I hope it doesn't mean anything. Even when you are not my master anymore Sakura-chan I will always protect you.' Kaguya thought with a worried face and looked at the door where Sakura left.

*with Itachi *

Itachi was now in front of his front door and let a 'I am home' out. He heard his mother coming to him and let a sigh.

''Itachi where were you all night?'' Mikoto asked worried. Itachi gave a sad smile.

''yesterday I was informant that few Suna Shinobi found a body. They told me the person was badly hurt, could have died. When I heard the name I ran to the hospital, I didn't want to believe that it was true but when I saw the body.'' Itachi shook his and clenched his hands. Mikoto looked worried.

''Itachi don't tell me it was...'' Mikoto said shocked.

''it was Shisui.'' Itachi said and looked at Mikoto who had now tears in her eyes. She hugged Itachi. What both of them didn't knew was that a person wanted to go out but heard the conversation and was too completely shocked. The person ran away.

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