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a/n: I personally changed the song on this chapter since I think the previous song is not suited on them. 



IT'S BEEN two weeks since I remember my past. When I was on my teenage years, I always wondered why some people on their adult years keeps on telling those people around them that they are okay even though they're not. But not that I'm in my adult years and experiencing those things that they've experience – I finally understand why they keep on lying.

It is much better to say that 'we are okay' to save us from explaining why we are not okay.

Life is sucks as you grew older.

For the past two weeks all I did was busied myself with my work. I don't want to have a spare time to think about what happened on me. I don't want to keep on thinking those what ifs because it won't bring any good in me. It will just break my heart and I'm done with that. I'm done hurting myself.

As of him, I don't know... I haven't seen him ever since we had a coffee. And honestly speaking, I'm afraid on seeing him.

"Lucy, let me help you with your gown" I heard Aries voice behind me. I look at her over the mirror and I just gave her a small nod.

Today, was the last day of the mini – film. And today, we are going to shoot me wearing a wedding gown as I walk down the aisle. It's tiring. Yes. But I don't have a choice but to continue. I took a deep breath and began to look at myself on the mirror.

I look beautiful, of course.

My eyes went to the gown that Aries was holding. It was beautiful... it was the most beautiful wedding gown that I've ever see. It's heart-shape jube, and has a crystal on it. My body figure is really notice. The wedding dress is made of Solstices French lace with French palette, minute Swarovski pearls, and chalk white Swarovski crystals and studded with full transparent Swarovski crystals. The flower motifs are made if laser-cut velvet and organza.

THE MOMENT I arrived on that Magnolia Church, the photographer and the videographer did their job. I inhale sharply, before I lick my lower lip as I hopped out on the bridal car. I saw some people who I don't know who stared at me. I instantly look away and my eyes went to my boss whose currently looking at me with pure awe.

"You are one of the most beautiful bride I've ever seen, Lucy" he says sincerely.

I blush, "Thank you, Sir" I muttered "Are we going to starts filming?"

"Yes, but before that," he pause "I still haven't pick a song for you" I frowned "I mean, we need a song as you walked down the aisle"

"Can you just pick a trend song, nowadays?" I says.

He shrugged "That was the planned but I think it's better for you to pick the song."

"Why me?" I frowned.

He almost roll his eyes on me "You are the one who will walk down the aisle, Miss Heartfilia. You have to choose a song that will represent your feelings"

"If ever you're my arms again"

He frowned "What?" confused on what I've said. 

"That's the song I want to hear as I walk down the aisle but I want a girl version of it"

"You sure are demanding" he says playfully.

I tried my best not to roll my eyes with him but I can't. My boss is a little bit weird, "You asked me what song. I just gave you the answer, Sir"

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