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a/n: The Italic part of this story will be the flashback.

MY MOUTH parted as I look directly to my reflection. My face... oh my God! What happened to my beautiful and perfect face? I almost forgot how to blink as I stare on my mirror and I slowly looked at the unacceptable 'thing' that growth in my face.

I grimace as I checked my pimples that located at between my eyebrow. Fuuuck! "Why you need to be in there?" I sob.

WHEN our lips parted "Don't make it complicated for me, Lucy" he plea

Umm... what?

It took me a little moment to finally understand what just happened between us. My mouth parted as I realize that he kissed me in my lips. "Did you just... did you" my eyes wide open as I look on his face.

"I won't apologize" he firmly said.

I bite my lower lips once again as I control my temper that trying to suppress inside me - it was unbelievable that I can capable of feeling this kind of feelings towards someone. "When did I say that you can kiss me in my lips?"

He closes his eyes as he inhales sharply like he was trying to control himself "And you did it again. You are asking me to kiss you right here, right now!"

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" I yell "This is a sexual assault!"

"No, its not," he says - he suddenly moves forward leaving no space between us, as he gently touched my cheeks

"I would love to kiss you again," his lips twisted into a small smile as he stares on my lips "But not now, I will make you beg for me to kiss you," he says as he gently kisses the corner of my lips.

IT'S been five days since the last time I'd encountered him. Five days after our kiss. Five days since the last time I'd had a proper sleep. I can't believe that I let that freaking happened in my life.

'But not now, I will make you beg for me to kiss you.'

I grimace "As if I will beg for you, just for you to kiss me. Urgh! That freaking pinky is driving me crazy."

I turned my head on my side where I can see my clock - I just let out a deep sigh when I've seen that it's about five o'clock in the morning. No more sleeping, I guess.

Even though I'm not in the mood come in the school - but as much as I want to stay in this house I wouldn't do it because it will surely bring back the memories I'd tried to forget.

"GOOD morning, Mama, Papa," I say the moment I saw them in the dining room. They both frown in me as they look from my head, down to my toe. I mentally roll my eyes - I am pretty sure that I look like a tried monkey because of my eye bags and pimples I tried too hard to conceal using my conceler. "Is there something wrong?" I ask them even though I am sure that there is a problem with me.

"Are you okay, Sweetie?" my mother asked me worriedly.

I sat at the dining table and immediately started eating my breakfast. I completely ignore those stares that my parents have given to me and just continued to eat. As I finished my food, I look to both of them "I keep going, Mama, Papa." I said.

Benefits With My Butler [NaLu:Fairytail Fanfiction]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz