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I DREAM getting married to the man I love, everyone is there, my friends, his friends, and his family. In my dreams everything seems perfect. In my dreams I had everything I wish for. In my dreams I don't feel empty. And just like those beautiful dreams that we had... we need to wake up on our reality.

I slowly open my eyes, my gaze instantly went to my ceiling. I groan before forcing myself to sit. My eyes went instantly on the window when I saw the snow started to fall – it was beautiful but it makes me feel lonely. So I hate it.

I gathered all the strength I have inside my body and force myself to stumbled my feet. I inhale sharply and I curse under my breath when I almost fall down. Fortunately I immediately grabbed the bedside table. Otherwise my face would surely crashed on the floor. I'm thirsty.

In spite of the fact that the kitchen in my room was just nearby, I felt like I was exhausted from walking there. I try to quench my thirst by gulping down the contents of the bottled water I'm holding but it feels like it wasn't enough. I'm not hungry either but I'm fucking thirsty. Aside from that, I'm freaking cold but I sweat a lot.

"What the hell," I mumble before I look around to find the remote of the control of the centralized system of my room. After I'm contented with the temperature – I went to the kitchen to drunk a water.

After that, I went back to my room and of course, with too much effort. I grab my phone and dialed Aries number. After a couple of ring she finally answer "Good morning, Lucy? Are you okay?"

"What's my scheduled today?"

"Huh?" Aries said which instantly makes me frowned. What the hell is wrong with her?

"The schedule of shooting for the musical video," I say reminding her

"Lucy are you alright?"

No, I'm not. My whole body feels so heavy. My head is aching like my skull is being battered by Thorn's hummer. Aside from that, I have my heart broken. I clear my throat when my sobs escaped from my lips, "Lucy?"

"I – I'm fine" I clear my throat and wipe my tears that suddenly fall from my cheeks "My schedule please"

"Lucy you are not okay," I heard Aries sigh "Do you even remember what happened to you two days ago?"

I frowned "I – I don't..."

"See?" she pauses "Take a break. You've been working too hard and it's not you. You should take care of yourself and your health."

"I just need to be busy, Aries"

"No" she said emphasizing it "You need to take a break. I'll call him for you," she said which makes me frowned. I was about to asks a question when she suddenly ended our call.

I sigh. I couldn't understand what she was saying. What does she mean about this past two days ago? What should I remember?

As I was trying to remember what I had forgotten, I heard a knock on my door. I let out a deep sigh, wondering if I should ignore it since it will cause too much trouble on my part to walk in the foyer. In the end, I found myself walking towards the door. When I opened it, Natsu's fresh face greeted me. He looks like what a gifted and blessed person should look like in the morning. A kind of face that looks like ready for any commercial. While here I am, probably looking like a cast for kingdom.

"You look like shit-" I narrowed my eyes with his which instantly makes him smile "You look beautiful"

I scowl and lean against the wall – my eyes landed on the plastic that he was holding and a frowned embedded into my face – I open my mouth to say something but eventually close it when Natsu entered my apartment and went directly towards the kitchen.

He carefully put everything in the kitchen aisle before he went back to me to help me from walking, "What are you doing here?"

:Is there a problem being here?" he asked me innocently as he carefully help me to sit on the nearest sofa. I pressed my lips together "I got call from Aries, she told me that you woke up and you are asking for a schedule"

I frowned and crossed my arms below my breast "Since when you become close with her? I don't remember introducing her to you"

"I know her six years ago"

"What?" wait does that mean they have a relationship? My heart clench in pain when I remembered Natsu talking to someone over his phone six years ago. Thinking about that now, if I didn't run that day, our baby is probably on the kinder garden now. I'm sure our baby will be the cutest

I was pulled out of my own thoughts when Natsu suddenly pressed his forehead into mine – I know, I blushing like a tomato but I feel like I freeze on my place, "You still had a fever"

"W-What?" fever?

"You don't remember it, don't you" he said which makes me frowned even more – He brush the lock of my hair and tucked it behind my ear and continued looking at me as if he's studying me "We got married two days ago. But before we even went to our reception – you passed out and it turns out that you are having a high fever. You were out for two days"

"You've got to be kidding me" I said with my eyes widen in shock.

He chuckle before his hand went to my hand – I can feel him gently touching the ring on it which I never notice when I woke up "Is this enough proof to you, Vanilla? If not then I'll asks my parents to bring our wedding photo and video—"

He couldn't finish his own words when I suddenly throw myself to him – burying my face on his neck. I felt his hand gently caressed my back as I broke into sob, "Why are you crying?" he ask softly.

"I have a wonderful dream before I woke up. I dreamed being married to you. I was so happy on that moment. I feel so complete but then when I woke up. I feel the emptiness," I said while crying.

"I'm sorry that you need to woke up without me on your side, Vanilla" he murmur and I felt him kissing my temple "I just need to buy some grocery and your medicine"

We stayed in that position for I don't know how long before I push him a little so I could look at his face. I gave him an innocent smile "So... umm... Natsu"


"Are we going to consume our marriage?"

He blink his eyes for a second before he laughs "We can't do it that now, Vanilla?"

I frowned "Why?"

"You are sick" he said "You need to regain your strength before we did it"

"You won't change your mind?" I gasp escaped my lips when he suddenly carried me until he gently laid me on my bed "I'm practically throwing myself to you"



He pulled me towards him and I immediately burrow my body on his "Your body is pressed on mine, I can feel the warmth of your skin mainly because you're sick but nonetheless I can still feel you. And I still want you. So to answer your question, I am affected, but I'm still gonna count thousands of grandmothers with an outrageous purple hat so I can stop thinking of stripping you naked just so you can rest and get better"

I can feel my eyes getting heavy as I listen to him talk. When I speak again, it was barely a whisper "This is not the kind of honeymoon I was thinking"

His quiet laughter was the last thing I heard before I finally succumb to the pull of sleep and let my mind rest for a bit. Just for a bit. Then later, I'll get what I want. 


A/N: the next two chapter will be a recommendation. 

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