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A/N: this chapter contain half matured scene, lol. Read on your own risks.


I LOOKED at him frowning "Come again?" I say. I feel like I misheard what he just said to me. Natsu sigh, as he gently wipe something on the corner of my lips. I know, I freaking blush on what he did but then I maintain my eye contact on him.

"You heard it correct, Vanilla" he said "The anniversary of Heartfilia Empire you need to be there" he said softly.


"What do you mean, why?" he asked me innocently as he put his both arms on the table and lean over me "It's your family business—"

"Natsu, I love my job" I murmur. I avoided looking at him as I started to play the soup that he created for me "I love what I am doing right now. I love going to conventions. I love meeting new people. I love having simple life. If... if I went back to my old self. I don't think I'll be happy. It will surely suffocate me"

When I was a kid my parents always took me to some business parties. They said, I had to get used to that gathering because I'll be the next who will handle our family business. At an early age, I saw how chaotic their world was. I've seen how people cling to other people, who they think will help them to get what they what. I've seen how other people destroy each other just for money.

I think, that was the moment, I started to hate being a daughter of a billionaire. That was the moment, I hate being me – because I don't have my own will. I don't have the chance to choose a path for myself. Though back then, I was okay with the way my life is but I knew back then I'm not contented.

My sentiment was cut off short when I felt a soft lips brushes against mine. My eyes got widen when I realize that he just kissed me. When he finally pull away, all I did was to stare on his face, absentmindedly.

"Vanilla, listen," he said softly as he gently caressed my cheeks "I'm not forcing you to work in the place that you don't want too. I won't asks you to quit what you want to do. If you want to have a simple life, then I'll provide it to you. If that's what makes you happy. I will do it because I'm your husband."

Right. He's my husband. My eyes went to my ring that symbol of my commitment to him. That I'll be with him for rest of our life. For richer or for poorer. In sickness and in health. Till death do us part.

A smile formed into my life as I finally realize why I'm not contented with my life before. I'm okay with my life but I felt so alone. Which I never realize, until I met him. Until I met Natsu Dragneel.

"I love you, Natsu" I say truthfully which caught him off guard. His face blushes as he stares on me – I chuckle and continue eating my soup. I didn't hear a word from him until I finished eating.

I immediately put my plates on the sink and was about to wash it when I felt his arms carefully snaked on my waists. My mouth parted when I felt him buried his face on my neck – making my heart wild.

"You rummaged through my clothes, again?" he whispers.

It's been a week since the two of us got married. After our wedding, I got a flu so I was in my bed for almost five days – fortunately, my husband make sure that he can attained all my needs. In recent days - I prefer to wear his clothes because it's more comfortable than my clothes.

"It's comfortable," I said as I continue washing the plates, "Oh, thank you for taking care of me, Natsu" I said before I turned my head to see his face.

His chin is rested on my shoulder as his lips twisted into a smile – I beam at him "Are you sure that you are fine?"

I beam at him "Yeah, I love you" I murmur before giving him a peck kiss on his lips. When I pull away and smile again to him. He didn't say anything to me; he just stare on my face as if he was memorizing my face.

Benefits With My Butler [NaLu:Fairytail Fanfiction]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat