The Syndicate

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Sorry Guys I just had to add the song. Anyone else a huge fan of the Dream SMP? Anyways on to the story!


Percy's POV

This world was really starting to confuse Percy. First there was the group in the water that had randomly tried to kill him, then a gang of thugs tried to rob him, now a brightly dressed woman a few years older than himself was looking at him with concerned eyes.

"They didn't hurt ya, did they?" She asked gesturing to his right arm which was still slowly healing itself.

"N...No," Percy stammered quickly hiding the injured arm behind his back. He didn't know for sure, but he was willing to guess that people in this dimension didn't bleed gold.

The woman seemed to sense his general uncertainty as she tilted her head and studied him.

"Kid, are ya lost?"

Percy said the first thing that popped into his head which was, "Ummmm Maybe?"

The lady smiled at that. "Don't worry," she said wrapping an arm around his shoulders, "Big Sister Harley will take ya to people who can help." She pulled him out of the alleyway and down the street.

Percy's clutched Riptide ready to move at a moments notice. This Harley girl may have helped him, but he obviously didn't trust her yet. She obviously noticed the tension in his shoulders because she patted his back a few times in reassurance. As they walked Harley rattled on about how dangerous this city is after dark. The two of them rounded another corner, and Percy saw he was being led to a police station.

"Wait!" Percy yelled pulling both of them to a stop.

Harley looked confused for a second before saying, "I know Puddin'. I don't really like the cop'ers either, but they can help ya find your way home." She tried guiding Percy towards the blue stripped building, but he didn't budge an inch.

"I can't," Percy said. He already knew they wouldn't be able to help him, and would think he was suspicious. He was, after all, bleeding golden ichor and carrying five jars of magical river water.

Harley seemed to finally notice the odd color of his blood as he pushed himself away from her.

"Hey it's okay. I got it, no cop'ers." She hesitated before continuing on, "I know som' people who aren't quite 'normal' too. I get a feeling you'll fit right in with 'em. How 'bout I take ya there for the night? We can get that arm of yours all fixed up and tomorrow we'll get ya home."

Although he didn't know anything about Harley, Percy's instincts were telling him she was a good person. And besides, Percy thought, No bad guy would try to take me to the police for help, right?

"Alright," Percy agreed warily. He was tired and hungry. Ever since the war with Gaia ended a month ago, Percy had been on quests trying to ride himself of his dam immortality pretty much nonstop. He'd rarely slept or eaten and now it was starting to catch up with him.

Harley smiled. "Come on, it ain't too far." She grabbed hold of Percy's uninjured arm and gently escorted him away from the police station before they could be seen and questioned.

As they walked, Percy got a better view of the city. It seemed quite old with most of the buildings rundown or damaged in some way. Most of the people who past them looked like they were up too no good. But they stayed clear of Percy, or more likely Harley. He didn't know when she had got it, but she had one of those big hammers used for carnival games in her hand. She hummed with a smile on her face as if daring any the lowlifes to try and jump them.

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