First Mission: Part 1

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Percy's POV

It had been pouring rain all night, and Percy was getting tired of it. He willed himself dry and enjoyed the feeling of not being completely soaked.

"How are ya doing that?" Harley asked wiping away the water cascading down her forehead.

Leaning over, Percy quickly willed the rest of his team dry. "It's part of my water powers. I can control most liquids, even use them to heal myself, although saltwater is the best."

"Huh, your whole water thingamajig seemed kinda different from your other abilities." Harley said.

Percy laughed nervously.

"Quiet!" Slade whispered while pointing to a small building where the lights just flicked on. They had been waiting by the docks for their targets to show up for the last hour, and now it seemed like things were about to go down. "Ivy, Harley, and I will go check over there. Tri, since your still learning to control your abilities, you'll keep watch here. If you see anything radio us."

Percy sighed, "Fine, but are you guys really going to keep calling me Tri?"

"It's... ya... name," Harley sang.

"I don't like it!"

"Too bad." And with that Harley followed the rest of the Hero Syndicate leaving Percy alone. He was a bit bummed about being left out, but he was smart enough to realize how dangerous his powers were right now. After all, it was only two days ago that he'd figured out a way to control them. Percy was a bit revealed however, that he wouldn't have to deal with their current targets.

A few hours ago...

The Hero Syndicate sat around a large table covered with some of the best blue food provided by yours truly. As they ate, Slade handed each of them a folder. Percy reluctantly set his blue pizza down and opened the folder. Inside were two files.

"Our targets are Dollmaker, Barton Mathis, and Scarecrow also known as Dr. Jonathan Crane," Slade began, "My informants say they should at the docks around midnight tonight."

Percy looked closer at the information given for each man and wrinkled his nose. Both targets were labeled as serial killers. Scarecrow primarily used a gas called fear toxin to cause his victims to hallucinate and see their worst fears, while Dollmaker was known to surgically remove organs from his victims before dressing them up like dolls.

"I wanted to make one thing clear to you, Percy." Slade said seriously turning to look the young man directly in the eye. "We differ from the Justice League in one major way, and that is we are willing to take life..."

Before Slade could say any more, Percy cut in, "That's fine with me. Where I'm from its kill or be killed. These 'men' are obviously monster, and I kill monsters."

The others stared at him for a moment as Slade slowly nodded. "That's good to hear."

Back to the Present...

Percy was mainly watching the building the rest of the team headed towards when something caught his attention. Among the shipping containers right near the ocean, Percy saw the dull beam of a flashlight. He leaped off of his vantage point and began sprinting after the light.

"Hey guys," Percy tried saying into the communication device in his helmet, but all he heard was a strange crackling sound. Now Percy was no expert on electronics, he'd barely even touched them in fact, but he was pretty sure that that was not suppose to happen.

Slowing as he neared the shipping containers, Percy began to cautiously check the area. He tried radioing his team again as he peaked around one the big metal boxes, but it didn't seem to work. The new superhero was so absorbed with trying to get his communication device to work, that he almost didn't notice his assailant right behind him. He turned just in time to get a blast of gas in his face. Gagging and chokings, Percy leaped backwards dodging a strike aimed for head.

The world started to shift, the dull grays of that dimension changing into a red tinted landscape. The air suddenly felt like fire and the ground turned into broken glass.

Its a hallucination! your not really back there. Percy tired to convince himself as he stubbled around in a confused daze.

"Amazing!" A cheerful voice said somewhere to his right. "That was a strong enough dose to put even Batman out of action."

Percy saw himself drownings in the Cocytus and wondering around in the endless abyss that is Tartarus. The earth began to shake violently. Percy didn't know if it was real or not but fissures opened on the ground gushing out water. He heard rumbling as everything seemed to be falling over.

The red faded slightly as Percy's body began to filter the fear toxin out of his system. He reached for Riptide.

"Earthquake!" The voice said again this time panicked. "He must be cause this. Get rid of him, Dollmaker!" A second later Percy felt a razor sharp blade slice across his throat. He gasped at the intense stinging and fell over backwards. He knew he wouldn't die. Nothing from this world could kill him, but he could still get injured. And sometimes pain is worse than death.

Percy's hands clasped around his throat out of reflex trying to stop the golden ichor pumping out.

"Look at his blood..." A lower voice said as a shadow leaned over him. Struggling to focus, Percy made out dead eyes hiding behind a grotesque mask. "He's not dying." The masked man said in surprise.

Percy moved one of his gold stained hands down towards his pocket. Darkness danced at the corner of his vision, but Percy wasn't planning on going down without a fight. However, as it so often happens with Percy, his plan didn't quite work out.

"Interesting, then lets take him with us." Was the last thing Percy heard before he felt a sharp pain in his temples and everything went black.


Percy really wished demigod dreams would come at a better time. They always seemed to just pop up either during the most peaceful of times or when your most likely being kidnaped by two psychopathic murderers.

Two figures stood in front of him talking in hushed voices. One was the same woman from his previous dream. Percy tried to remember her name, Wonder Woman. The other was a blond dude who would have looked a little like Apollo if he didn't have such obvious ties to another Olympian. He smelled slightly of the ocean and held a large trident in his hands.

"You can feel something too, right Arthur?" Wonder Woman asked.

"I don't know about feel something, but strange things have been happening. The day you said the presence entered this world, a shock wave was sent throughout the oceans causing several tsunami to form. Ever since, the water seems different. It is harder to control and has come alive with some kind of ancient magic. Old sea monsters that have not awoken in millennia have begun to stir. Maybe strangest of all, the herrings have refused to cooperate with the Atlanteans anymore. They say they must stay loyal to their 'Old Master' whatever that means."

Wonder Woman's eyes widened. "You don't think they mean the gods..."

"The gods have faded away long ago. There is no way it could be them," Aquaman said confidently.

Wonder Woman didn't looked so convinced. Then she suddenly stiffened and turned in Percy's direction. "I feel like someone is watching again."

Aquaman froze and followed her gaze. Raising his trident, the superhero shot some kind of blue light at Percy. Demigod dreams really were the worst. Percy wanted to dodge the blast, but his dreamed seemed to think otherwise, because his feet stayed glued to the ground. Percy mentally groaned and prepared to receive the blast. When it got closer; however, the new hero felt what it was. He willed it to dissipate and the essence of the sea dissolved into the air. Aquaman gasped.

The dream must have decided that it had enough of toying with Percy Jackson for one day because the vision disappeared, and all Percy felt was pain.

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