Ancient Monsters

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Percy's POV

Percy woke up screaming. Screaming for Nico to not jump into the pit, but it was too late. The young Hero then realized he was back to the world he now called his reality. Everything was so dark. He remembered something big appearing just outside of the colosseum, a mass panic, and... something hitting him. He had been buried under an entire section of the amphitheater as it crumpled due to the shockwave.

Shifting his position slightly, Percy could fell the stones above him move and further crush him. He gasped, but quickly willed the water to lift enough of the stone for him to crawl out.

"You think I cannot smell you, Hero?" A deep voice rumbled slowly. "As soon as I crossed over to this world, I sensed your power, and now you are here in my domain."

Percy could feel his body trembling as the ancient monster came into sight. He instantly knew what it was. It was Cetus or more commonly known by its Norths name, the Kraken. He'd heard Annabeth prattle on and on about how Cetus resembled a whale, but that was a huge understatement. While the back half looked slightly similar to a whale, having the same tail, the front half looked like a hideous dragon. The beast's two front arms had shape claws he used to slash through nearby buildings. His entire body was a sickly dark green.

What should I do? Percy wondered as he pulled himself to his feet. The original Perseus defeated him, but I'm pretty sure he used Medusa's head to turn him to stone. How in Hade's name can I stop him? Even with his heightened abilities, Percy knew he still couldn't take down this monster alone.

"Where are you, godling. Playing hide and seek?"

Debris flew into the water as more buildings collapsed. Screams rang through the water and Percy could make out the Atlanteans soliders gathering to attempt an attack, but Percy knew how pointless it was. Their steel couldn't even harm the monster.

Percy willed the water to carry him upwards in the direction the monster's head would be. He didn't really have a plan, but he couldn't let Atlantis be wiped out. The monster wanted him, fine. Then it was time for a little game of tag.

Percy was terrified, but that was nothing new. He mustered all the courage he could managed and launched himself right in front of Cetus.

"Hey!" Percy yelled waving his hands. "I'm right here, you big ugly fish."

"I shall feast on your flesh, Son of the Sea." The surrounding water vibrated with Cetus' voice.

"You'll have to catch me first." And with that, Percy willed the currents to pull him as far away from the underwater city as they could.

Rocketing through the water, Percy glanced back to the sickening sight of the giant monster following him, but then again, that was his plan. What worried him; however, was he fact that Cetus was gaining on him. Before he could glance back again, one of the ancient monster's clawed hands swat at him. The demigod was pretty sure he heard some of his bones snapping as he was sent hurling into the side of an underwater mountain.

Cetus stretched to his full height, towering far above the demigod. "I wonder, Hero. if you die in this world, will your soul still be able to reach Elysium?"

Through the pain, Percy wondered why Cetus would even be bothering to try to eat him. He couldn't even be considered a light snack, more like a single peanut from a bag of trail mix and nobody wants just one peanut.

Groaning, Percy pulled himself out of the hole he created in the mountain. He was far enough away from Atlantis now, and he finally had a better idea than just playing bait. The water began to swirl around Percy, turning into an underwater hurricane that reached all the way to the surface of the sea.

"I forgot to correct you earlier," Percy said through clenched teeth. "The ocean is my domain as well."

The waves whirled around Percy like he was a turbine. They picked up anything free-floating and detached from the seafloor. This included Cetus himself. The monster was smashed through several underwater mountains, completely disintegrating them. Once Percy had him locked in his hurricane, he condensed the currents into razor-sharp sheets and sent them slicing though Cetus.

"AAAAAARRRRRHHHHGGGGG!" The monster yelled.

Percy kept sending everything he had at the monster, even causing earthquakes to keep him from finding a foothold on the seafloor, but his strength was being zapped away far quicker than the water could replenish it. The storm Percy caused was so great, that it could be felt several hundred miles away.

It wasn't long later that Percy fell to his hands and knees absolutely exhausted. The hurricane fell apart leaving a gravely injured sea monster. The water was stained with its blood, but it was still very much alive.

Digging through the compartments on his belt, Percy pulled out the last two squares of ambrosia he had and stuffed them in his mouth.

"Hahahahhaha. You cannot defeat me, demigod."

Percy struggled to keep himself conscious. "I've got some help." He remembered something Neto had mentioned a year ago, the elder fish will follow you.

Sending his thought as far as he could throughout the ocean, Percy called upon the aid of this worlds ancient monsters. They came from the depths in droves: giant fish, megalodons, squid and octopi twice the size of planes, whales, as well as some huge crab and dinosaur like creatures that Percy was pretty sure didn't exits on his birth world anymore. They were all descendants of Greek monsters that had once lived in this world.

"What is this?" Cetus managed to say before being swarmed. The creatures tore into Cetus like he was cotton candy. Summoning the last of his strength, Percy uncapped riptide and transformed it into his Chakrams. He threw them, and watched them arch towards Cetus' throat. Percy fell face first into the sandy seafloor. He'd only ever felt this drained the time he'd accidently blown up Mount St. Helens. The ambrosia was helping, but he didn't have the strength to stay awake. Golden dust settled on the ocean floor and all over Percy, telling him that Cetus had been slain.

A lazy and slightly drunken smile appeared on his face as his eyes slid shut. Before blacking out, Percy felt several presences approaching him through the water, but he couldn't do anything about that right now. All he wanted at that moment was sleep.

Hey Everyone. I hope your enjoying the story so far. I've gotten several questions about my uploading schedule, so I thought I should address that.

I upload at least once a month. I used to have more of a schedule, but now that college classes are back in full swing, I really just upload whenever I can. I will make sure to publish a chapter at least once a month. Maybe in the summer I can upload a bit more.

Sorry guys and thanks for sticking with me!

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