New Young Justice

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Robin's POV

Robin still didn't trust the demigods. They had explained many things over the last few days, but Robin still felt like he was missing an entire mythologies' worth of information, probably because he was, but that's beside the point.

He struggled to get a good reading on any of his new team members. Even though they were all demigods, they were so very different from one another. They came from their own unique backgrounds, with their own struggles, experiences, strengths, and distinctive personalities. The Boy Wonder was surprised to find that Hazel was actually born several decades before the others and that Annabeth, Frank, and Jason were all considered powerful leaders by their fellow demigods be them Greek or Roman. This of course, had caused some trouble with who exactly was the leader of the Young Justice. With Aqualad still missing, Robin was technically in charge. The demigods weren't too thrilled when they heard that, but so far they hadn't challenged it.

Robin sat in the Bio-ship with the rest of the team as they glided above the water. "As you all know, Aqualad has been missing for over two weeks. He returned to Atlantis to participate in their annual tournament, but hasn't been hear from since..." Robin was interrupted by the demigod's own version of Wally.

The curly haired elf of a boy straighten from his sloughed position, "Wait, Hang on. Atlantis is real?"

"Yeah," Artemis said in duh voice.

"Huh, you learn something new everyday."

"Anyways," Robin said getting back on topic. "Batman got a lead on his general whereabouts and gave us the mission of finding him."

Both Jason and Piper shifted slightly uncomfortably, but it was the blond who spoke. "He's in the water?"

"Yeah. Why?"

Piper shrugged, but her voice was a bit lower than usual. "We had a bad experience with water a little while back. Almost downed in a underground temple to some nymphs once."

Jason lased his fingers with Piper's and smiled at her. "Hey we'll be fine this time. There won't be a bunch of nymphs, or monster, or giants trying to kill us this time." He reassured his girlfriends quietly.

Robin had to admit, their relationship as well as Hazel and Frank's was sweet, even though he sensed they were forged in hard times.

"I wish we had our ocean expert," Leo sighed leaning back in his seat with a bored expression. The air in the Bio-ship was instantly thick with tension and all of the other demigods glanced at Annabeth. It was that same tension that Robin had first noticed between Annabeth and her fellow demigods, but this time it was fare more intense. Failing to read the mood, Leo continued, "I'd feel a lot safer with him watching my back. He could probably just sense where this Aqualad character is..."

"Enough!" Annabeth shot up from her chair. "That's enough talking about him," She said before composing herself, mumbling something about finding her yankees cap that was tucked under her arm, and exiting the main room.

After a second of silence, Wally leaned forward and asked, "Okay, what's going on?"

Artemis scoffed, "Boys!"

"Hey, but you like this boy, right?"

The archer just glared daggers at him.

"She doesn't like us talking about her boyfriend, Percy Jackson," Frank said in a hushed voice. "He was the son of Poseidon and a pretty strong demigod."

"Did you know him very well?" Zatanna asked.

The demigods all nodded solemnly. "Yeah, he was a good friend and the last member of our team."

Robin asked the question everyone was wondering, "What happened to him?"

The demigods shared another look. "We don't know," Jason said. "He vanished during our last big battle. Some, like Annabeth think he is dead. Others believe Hazel's brother, when he said he never felt Percy die." A slight smile slid on to Jason's face as he continued, "Percy was the type of guy who could survive anything."

The other demigods smiled as well in agreement.

The Bio-ship began to slow. "Ready up guys. Were almost there." Miss Martian said.

The demigods slipped their masks on. They apparently were not use to wearing masks because their world had something called The Mist that covered up their entire existence which Robin had trouble believing and he literally worked with an alien.

"This is so weird," Jason said awkwardly trying to buckle a sword around his waste. "My Imperial gold sword worked perfectly fine on that Black Atom dude. Why I need a mortal one?"

Piper smiled at her boyfriend's struggle. "Katoptris didn't work on the guy I fought..."

"Sportsmaster," Artemis supplied quietly.

"Yeah, Sportsmaster. It fazed right through him like any mortal. Unless you just want to be summoning lightning, I suggest you take that extra sword."

"Can I recommend you DON'T summon lightning while we're underwater?" The archer said.

"Wasn't planning on it." Jason laughed.

Artemis turned to Wally with expectant eyes, "And you?"

"Come on! You know I can't even create enough friction to generate any while underwater."

Artemis didn't look convinced at all and her next words supported that, "Knowing you, you'll somehow manage it."

Wally was aghast, "Artemis!"

Robin turned away from his too arguing teammates. He'd already had plenty of those too and had learned sometimes it was just best to ignore them. Instead he stood next to Frank and the other demigods as the Bio-ship descended to just above the water.

"Ready Mars?" Robin asked.

Frank wrinkled his nose slightly. "Can we possibly reconsider our superhero name idea. I understand our suits designed to represent our godly parents, but isn't our names too a bit much?"

Leo couldn't resist the chance to tease the Praetor. "What do you want to be called? The Amazing Shapeshifter? Animorphism Dude? No wait! What about The Animal Morpher?"

"Gods those are horrible, Leo. Mars is fine."

"Good cause if it was anymore complex then I think Wally would refer to all of you as just demigod." Robin said.

Apparently, Speedster Jr. and Archer stopped arguing just in time for Wally to hear. "Hey!"

Ignoring him, Robin became serious and beckoned the entire team towards him "Okay Team. Our rebreathers will only last a few hours. Lets do this fast. We don't know what we're walking into so keep an eye out."

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