Riddle Me This

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So, I might be a LotR fan... You'll see some proof of that in this chapter.


Nico POV

The night was dark and chilly, but that was the way the Son of Hades preferred them. The inky blackness was perfect for the two deadly warriors.

Cheshire, preferring to have a vantage point, traveled on the rooftops while Nico decided to remain on street level. He'd never been very fond of high places, like how he wasn't fond of the sea. They were his uncles domains and although the gods were no longer in this universe, he was still uncomfortable in either domain.

Unlike his partner, who moved along with the shadows to stay undetected, Nico had the shadows move to conceal him. They wrapped around him like a cloak of pure blackness, distorting his silhouette.

There had been several times when the son of Hades had seen Cheshire pause and search the streets below her for him. When this occurred, Nico would move a nearby shadow in an unnatural way, instantly drawing the assassin's keen eyes to his location. While Cheshire struggled to keep track of his location, Nico had no trouble finding her. He sensed her movements through the darkness as if they were ripples in a body of water.

They were on the hunt. Searching for monsters that had managed to slip away from both the Hero Syndicate and Justice League. The night was silent, too silent. There was a severe lack of thugs roaming around that he knew had his partner on edge. Something was going on. Nico reached over his shoulder to confirm his blades were still secured across his back. He was not used to having two swords, much less having them attached to the back of his suit.

In addition, The Son of Hades had Diocletian's scepter which he received from his father before plunging into Tartarus, and a handgun hooked onto his utility belt. The pistol had been a gift from Cheshire before they departed. She'd said something about wanting him to have a long-range weapon for mortals, which Nico didn't quite understand since his abilities should work on them just fine, but he hadn't argued with her and accepted the firearm.

The immortalized demigod was pondering if he would actually be able to hit anything with the gun since he'd never shot one before and wasn't the best at archery when a faint noise caught his attention. He felt the nearby assassin freeze on the rooftops, apparently having also heard the noise.

Nico expanded his senses further, reaching out to identify the source of the sound. Down one of the side alleyways, several humanoid figures were shuffling out of a building. They moved quickly, loading something into a vehicle.

The demigod allowed himself to melt into the darkness and focused on where he knew his partner was hiding. A second later, he felt himself materialize directly next to Cheshire. The assassin jerked away, alarmed by the figure suddenly appearing. Instinctually, her hand reached for her sai, but she relaxed when she recognized the Ghost King, or King as they had nicknamed him.

"Something is going on down there," Nico gestured down the alleyway.

Cheshire nodded and motioned for the demigod to follow her. They crept across several more rooftops before they could make out the figures in the dull fluorescent light. Nico didn't recognize any, but by how the assassin tensed up, she obviously did.

"That's Riddler, a supervillain that escaped the authorities recently," She spoke softly as she pointed out the smallest figure that was dressed in an unusually green suit.

"And the others? They look like more than your average thugs," Nico asked.

"Mercenaries," Cheshire agreed.

Nico couldn't help but raise an eyebrow. He was finding this world rather peculiar. But then again, he literally came from a world where his own father was an ancient deity so why should a supervillain with mercenaries running around town be so strange?

The assassin shifted beside him, "I have an idea... Riddler and my family used to work with each other quite often, so he's familiar with me. He'll likely think I was sent to help him. I can get close enough to figure out what they're transporting, where it's going, and then we can take care of them."

"Okay," Nico silently agreed before a thought struck him and he couldn't help the smirk from forming on his lips. "If you get into trouble, I'll be using the shadows to get closer, so don't freak out again."

Even though Nico couldn't see her face due to the grinning cat mask, he knew she was glaring at him, "I didn't 'freak out,'" She huffed in defense. Under her mask though, a small smile had formed on her lips as well. It was their third night of hunting monsters and these little banters had become a high point for both of them in the monotony of their nightly patrols. Turning, Cheshire silently inched to the edge of the rooftop and disappeared into the darkness below.

Nico watched as a minute later Cheshire stepped into the open. It didn't take long before she gained the attention of the supervillain. The Riddler spread his arms dramatically, "Well, well, look what the cat dragged in."

"Riddler," Cheshire greeted simply.

The supervillain waved for half of his men to continue their work while the remainder stood by passively.

Leaning causing against his cane, the Riddler smirked, "What are you doing here? Did your dear old Dad send you?"

Drawing closer, Cheshire nodded once.

"That's funny. I don't remember him mentioning anything about a bodyguard."

Nico watched as the assassin shrugged, her mask was facing the Riddler, but Nico had no doubt her eyes were focused on what was being loaded into the vehicles.

The Riddler smiled knowingly. "In fact, If I recall correctly, he said you'd gone off to join that new little band of traitors."

There was a seconds pause before the mercenaries struck. The assassin's sai appeared in her hands as she deftly cut down anyone who tried to encircle her.

The Riddler laughed as he watched on. "The Hero Syndicate. What a telling name. A group of ex-villains trying to be good? How laughable, it's almost like a joke, and I love jokes."

Nico moved through the shadows, remaining unnoticed as his mortal-killing blade flashed out, catching two of the mercenaries completely unaware. The darkness quickly swallowed their bodies as he continued towards the deranged supervillain.

"But you know what I like more than jokes? Riddles. So, kitty, answer my riddle and I just might just let you go." Riddler grinned as he focused on the assassin.

"It cannot be seen, cannot be felt,

Cannot be heard, cannot be smelt.

It lies behind stars and under hills,

And empty holes it fills.

It comes first and follows after,

Ends life, kills laughter... What am I?"

Nico materialized out of the shadows next to the Riddler, who turned eyes widening as he took in the looming figure in front of him.

The mercenaries tried to move to protect their boss from the dark figure that suddenly appeared, but Cheshire wasn't going to let them. She switched from defensive to offensive, forcing them to continue their engagement with her lest they lose their life.

The Riddler stumbled back, his flight instincts taking over. However, he caught his foot on the curb of the road, sending him crashing into the pavement.

"Wh... who are you?" The Riddler's voice shook. He tried to get back onto his feet, but his own shadow moved, wrapping around his hands before they could leave the pavement, effectively pinning him in place.

"The dark."


"The answer to both your riddle and your question," Nico said lazily twirling his sword. "Is the dark."

Confusion was the last thing that shone in the Riddler's eyes before that very same blade swung around, freeing the villain's head from the rest of his body.

"Not much of a 'Supervillin' if you ask me," Nico hummed flicking blood off his blade.

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