New Friends: Part 1

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Superboy's POV

Connor was pretty angry. Not about the giant hole he just made in their front lawn, he couldn't care less about that. He was angry because no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't overpower Black Adam. Looking up, Connor saw the other man floating down towards him with a smug smile on his face.

Pulling himself to his feet, Connor prepared to leap and try to tackle the villain out of the sky. Before he could; however, lightning lit up the sky. Connor glanced around for cover, but it was too late, the bolt flashed down from the darkening clouds. Astonishingly though, the bolt didn't seem aimed at him. Instead, it slammed right into a very surprised Black Adam and sent him hurtling to the ground. More lightning crackled through the darkening clouds as if begging to be summoned and the wind started to pick up.

"Connor," A voice said behind the mystified superhero. When Connor turned around, he saw a blond guy a few years older than him with a black mask. His eyes were an electric blue and seemed to glow with power. "My name's Jason. My friends and I came with Wonder Woman to help your team," The guy continued as the wind swirled around his body. It was beginning to form into a tornado.

The superhero wasn't quite sure if he trusted this newcomer, but just then, Black Adam stood back up. "How dare you! Lightning is under my control."

"I don't mean to burst your bubble, but lightning and the sky are pretty much my domain. I'd suggest you stay away from trying to use those powers." Jason said as he floated into the air. The fully formed tornado rushed at the ancient and enraged being. The strong winds tore him from the ground and whirled him around like he was nothing more than a plastic bag before smashing him through several trees and back into earth.

Connor stepped back slightly. He'd heard of very few people who could stand toe to toe with Black Adam.

"Sorry for stealing all the fun, would you like a go at him?" Jason asked.

Connor nodded. He was still seething with anger. This villain had attacked and partially destroyed the only place he'd even called home. Black Adam was just standing up again when Connor grabbed a hold of his collar. He slammed his fist into his opponent's face repeatedly before sending him flying with an extra hard punch. Connor charged at him again with his arm drawn back for another strike, but Black Adam caught his wrist and twisted.

The superhero let out a loud grunt and tried to free himself. However, Black Adam didn't let him go, he stuck out at Connor's knee. With a pain filled cry, Conner's knee buckled and he fall. Ozone filled the air and lightning flashed overhead.

"Step away from him," Jason's voice was dangerously low as he hovered above them. Black Adam only smiled before launching himself into the sky. Connor tried to stand but found that his knee wouldn't support his weight. He could only watch the two of them tangle in the air. He didn't see where Jason got a sword from, but the stranger suddenly had a golden sword in his hands that he wielded with deadly expertise.

Black Atom received several deep gashed on his arms as he tried to block the sword. "This can't be," the villain hissed. "I've been blessed by the ancient Egyptian gods. No normal weapon should hurt me like this."

"That's probably why its hurting you. This blade cannot harm ordinary mortals." Jason said.

Black Adam managed to strike Jason across the face which sent him twirling through the air. Connor thought he'd smash into the ground and add to the collection of holes in the Young Justice's front lawn, but he caught control of himself and landed gently on the ground. He spat something gold from his mouth which really confused Connor, but Black Adam's eyes shot up when he saw it.

"Y...yo... your a Greek god?" The villain stuttered backing away slightly.

Jason laughed. "Of course not. I'm a Roman Demigod."

"I... Impossible!" Black Adam said before turning and disappearing into the forest.

What is going on? Connor thought as Jason casually walked over to him and helped him up.

Miss Martian's POV

Megan was tired. She was having trouble concentrating, let alone fighting off dozens of Vandal Savage's minions. "Hello, Megan! your probably weak because the entire forest around you is on fire!" She muttered sarcastically while telekinetically bashing two of her enemies' heads together. They slumped over unconscious but more appeared. She didn't know what to do. When the team had realized they were under attack, all of their communications were already down, and now she didn't even have the strength to retain a mental link with the rest of the team.

I hope your okay, Connor, She thought. Pulling her hood over her head, she managed to turn invisible, but she didn't know how long she could hold it.

"Stop right there." A female voice said in a funny and slightly old-sounding accent that Megan had never heard before. She turned to her right and was startled to find a young girl had snuck up on her. The girl had chocolate-colored skin and frizzy hair the same color. She didn't look like an enemy, but her face was obscured by a mask.

Surely, she can't know I'm here... but then, who is she talking too?

"I can feel you moving across the ground. One of my friends has a similar ability. Now, are you a member of the Young Justice or not?"

Megan paused, she felt her strength fading and knew she couldn't get much farther. Worst of all, she could hear more of Vandal Savage's men coming their way. But could she trust this girl?

Finally making up her mind, Megan lowered her hood and became visible. The other girl looked at her for a moment.

"Well you don't look like one of the bad guys, so I'm guessing we're on the same side. I'm Hazel." The girl stretched out her hand.

Megan looked at it for a second before mentally kicking herself, Hello Megan. It's a handshake!

"Megan." They shock hands.

"You don't look very good. You feeling okay?" Hazel asked grabbing hold of the Martian's elbow to steady her.

"Fine," Megan panted. "The fire weakens me."

"I can take care of that," Hazel said before the mountain side exploded. Soil rose up and coated the trees extinguishing the flames.

Megan instantly felt her strength returning.

"Just sit tight for a second," the other girl said as the soldiers appeared between the trees. They raised their guns, but the ground beneath their feet disappeared, along with the soldiers themselves. It then sealed back up like nothing happened and Hazel turned to Megan.

"Let's get you out of here."

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