The Great Herring Army

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Robin's POV

Robin watched a tiny goldfish dart around the corner ahead of him. He hadn't expected Frank to pick a goldfish, but apparently it was one of the animals the demigod resorted to in stressful situations. Robin followed cautiously. He constantly glanced behind him and to either side to make sure no one was sneaking up on them. Finding Black Manta's minions already taken care of really confused Robin and threw this whole mission into the unknown. There was something strange going on here. Some other force was involved and Robin didn't like the fact that he hadn't the slightest clue about what was truly going on.

It's just up ahead, Superboy said as Frank reappeared next to Hazel nodding his little fish head in agreement.

Well, let's see what all of this weirdness is about, Wally said as they swam into a larger chamber.

Robin's attention instantly went to the tornado of silver that engulfed the entire room. Thousands and thousands of little gray fish, herrings, he realized were swimming in a slow spiral. It was truly an amazing sight and something Robin wouldn't have ever expected. When Robin saw who was at the center of the fish tornado, a wave of relief washed over him.

Aqualad sat with his legs crisscrossed on the ground also staring at the enormous amount of herrings that circled him protectively. Although Robin saw broken chains dangling around his wrists and several more of Black Manta's men laying motionlessly, Aqualad had the most peaceful look in his eyes and a smile on his face.

The tranquil look faded slightly when the young Atlantean saw the newcomers and even flinched faintly when he felt Miss Martian adding him to the mind link.

Aqaulad Robin began not really knowing what to say. It didn't really look like he recognized them.

The Atlantean looked to a small herring flowing next to him and seemed to have a quick conversation with it before nodding and turning back to Robin.

Call me Kaldur'ahm and hello Young Justice, Aqualad's voice sounded so strange. It was softer, like all of he pain and hardships he'd endured over the years had been stripped away.

You remember us? Robin asked.

Not at all, but Neto here has been filling me in on many things I've seemed to have forgotten.

Robin glanced at the small herring next to Aqualad. What happened?

Umm... hard to say. It seems my memory has been wiped. All I remember is waking up surrounded by armed guards in a large throne room. I didn't know what was going on and panicked, Aqualad laughed recalling the memory.

I ran away and ended up completely lost. Eventually, I was caught and dragged here by these men, Aqualad gestured to the black clad bodies that littered the flow. I didn't know what was happening. They kept asking me all sorts of questioned I didn't have the answers to, especially ones related to my father. Luckily it wasn't long before Neto and his friends showed up to save me.

Robin was completely taken aback by the change in his friends personality since the last time he'd seen him. He was so much more vulnerable and innocent. He was a completely open book.

Will you let Miss Martian try to recover your memories?

Aqualad nodded, It seems I have a lot of responsibilities. I'll need to remember in order to help, but this was nice. He gestured to the beautiful and peaceful spiral of shining silvery fish.

The Young Justice stepped into the slow tornado with Miss Martian leading the way. She placed her hands on Aqualad's temples. I should be able to fix most of this, but somethings you'll probably never remembers, especially the newer memories you had just before they were wiped.

Aqualad swallowed, but nodded before his face contourted in discomfort. After several long minutes, he gasped and Miss Martian stepped back. That should be the basics. We'll work on the rest later, but I think we should get you back to Mount Justice first.

When Aqualad opened his eyes, Robin recognized the strong and confident gaze of their leader. Thank you Miss Martian.

Do you remember about what happened at Atlantis? Robin asked.

Only bits and pieces. There was a strange young man who was... He paused tying to grasp at memories that just weren't there. At the tournament I think.

What about these herring? Did you summon them to help you?

No, but now I'm curious as to who did. I've never seen something quite like this. Aqualad turned to the herring near him and seemed to be asking the fish several questioned.

He says his name is Neto, General of the Great Herring Army, Aqualad started to translate with a confused look. He says he was sent by his lord, The True Lord of the Seas and of The Herrings, to safeguard me back to the Young Justice as repayment for the damage caused.

Confused looks slipped across the faces of the team, but Robin could see what Neto said about The True Lord of the Seas was really getting to Aqualad.

He also apologizes for being late to find me, but is happy he could beat up Black Manta's men for the injury they caused his lord.

Neto moved, meaningless trying to nod his head, before darting away. The other herrings followed like an enormous dark cloud.

Just what is going on around here? A fish army? True Lord of the Sea? Wally asked.

Aqualad looked to be deep in thought as he muttered, I really wish I knew.

Robin shook his head. There seemed to be a lot of strange things going on recently, and he didn't like not knowing what those things were. With an quiet sign, he turned to the rest of the team. Let's return to the Bio-ship. We can discuss this there and see what Batman and the Justice League have found out about Aquaman, and what happened at Atlantis.

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